
Part 11 - Secret meeting 2

Soon a tall and thin male entered. It was Ruler. His armor looked medieval with steampunk attributes and futuristic glowing. He had a crown on his head and sat down at the lower end. His superpower? Simple. Aura of Fear. It caused fear in whomever was in a 10-meter radius, if he really tried, he could easily do 30. But since mine was active it had no effect. "Ratel." He greeted me and sat down at the other end. His gloved hands rested on the table and the fingers were formed like claws, for fighting. He led the fellowship and was an extreme activist. His end goal was ruining the economy and letting communism rule, so Russia would have an ally. He admired Stalin and other political figures of the regime in Russia and held good opinions on the current Russian president.

Then a male with a gas mask entered. It was an M50 from the United Kingdom. Mustard, second in command to Fusion, the guy I fought in my first night out. Fusion led the Chinese-Austrian-Coalition, or CAC for short. Mustard was second in command and barely out on missions. "Ratel. Ruler." He said and bowed slightly. He sat down to my left on the table, sitting right in the middle of Ruler and me.

Then a female went up the stairs and placed small boxes in each corner of the room and turned them on before sitting down opposite of Mustard. She put her booted feet onto the table and snarled a greeting at everyone. She was an artificer that specialized in superpower suppressants or that's what we were supposed to believe. She was someone without powers but worked with those types of artificers. Her name? Elnyomni. It was Hungarian for suppress. A lazy name that had caused her a bit of a laughing kick until she killed a hero that was an extremely strong healer. She only used a gas she got from an ally of hers and a kitchen knife. She was a woman with a superiority complex, often put in place by Rulers ability as he always had it on subconsciously in these meetings and she couldn't activate her bombs, as they were only there to cause fear.

"So. Today's topic is obviously Peacebraker." I said and put my fingers into each other and stretched my arms out with the palms of my forcovered hands, finger still together, causing them all to crack at once, added with the slight rustle of my fur and the echo of the room it turned into a terrifying noise. As I looked around, I saw Elnyomni, or El as I mostly called her, or rather heard her, sigh.

The others just gave a blunt nod.

"He or rather it will hinder all of our activities and we can't let it roam free. I feel like I am the only one with useful intel, thus I hold the power here." I said and smirked, revealing my teeth, fangs.

"I doubt that. No one knows what he even is." Ruler said and his power pushed down on the others, El seemed very vary of her surroundings, a sign she was scared, as she looked for ways to escape.

"He is not human or a single creature. If he even is a creature." I said and chuckled. "I remind you of the Necronomicon? The forbidden book. I only dare to quote what is necessary here but you will understand what creatures I mean." Everyone at the table shivered and El swallowed, slowly going more panicky. Everyone had a copy of the book, illegally translated, in a secret cupboard or safe that when wrongly opened it would be destroyed. It was a horrific book, revealing creatures and truths about our world that would terrify anyone and cause them to go mad. But all of us had remained well.

"The nethermost caverns, are not for the fathoming of eyes that see; for their marvels are strange and terrific. Cursed the ground where dead thoughts live new and oddly bodied, and evil the mind that is held by no head. Wisely did Ibn Schacabao say, that happy is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and happy the town at night whose wizards are all ashes. For it is of old rumor that the soul of the devil-bought hastes not from his charnel clay, but fats and instructs the very worm that gnaws; till out of corruption horrid life springs, and the dull scavengers of earth wax crafty to vex it and swell monstrous to plague it. Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl." I quoted the mad Arab Abdul Al Hazred. El knew she couldn't do anything against anyone in the room, nor any of the creatures out of this unholy and godless book, as it was written before powers manifested for the first time. She was highly likely about to shit herself. Ruler looked at me through the slits of his mask where his brown eyes showed. "You think it's a crawling one?" He asked and looked at me. "No. I don't." I replied and laughed. "It is a theory that has already failed once he fought. But if I deliver information, I need Fusion at the table. I need a strong ally to beat him. Not someone with poisonous gas, someone who causes fear or a crazy bomb lady." I said and laughed. "I could kill all of you now and have all of your gangs destroyed and have the ACS and myself win. But I don't. Because I benefit from you in forms of allies when I need them." I said and stood up. "Next meeting in a week. Bring Fusion. I thought you had broken him out already." I said to mustard and went down the stairs. I caused the discussion of the three to fall into chaos. I left the building and locked the door and swung on my bike. I called Save with a smirk. "Ruler, Mustard and Elnyomni. All at once in the same place." I said and told her the location before driving off and hanging up. I knew how to stay in the good books of the ACS all the while having these meetings. I did it all for more or less my own benefit. I wanted to have people safe and needed the gangs gone to deal with Peacebreaker, or at least Rulers and Els. I knew what he was to a certain degree but what was a fact was that he was mechanical and not organic. Highly likely a drone for an Artificer, which would explain quite a few things, yet not all.