
Part 13 - Meeting someone new 1

I sat in my flat and looked around in boredom. I didn't think it would be smart to snoop around to find Peacemaker. I wondered how he would get the new Nr 1. Waspsage. It wasn't unknown that he dated Timhi, with the two even owning similar costumes. Disgusting. Timhi just had a T and Waspsage a W on the back. Heroes dating. The worst thing one could do. If one hero dies the other gets worse due to feelings being in the way. A dumb thing. I never would date a hero. But Timhi and Wasp were a great match. Both hated working, saving civilians and only got their asses up once told to by the ACS.

I went out onto my balcony and sat down. I took a cigarette and lit it. I started to smoke. Usually, things happen during or after my smoking breaks. Maybe something interesting would happen now. Then I saw a two teens go onto the playground under me. I glared at the two. They went onto a bench.

"Great. Now they start making out. Can't someone like I dunno... Striker appear? Oh wait. He only threatens adults... Shit."

As if my prayer was heard someone else went onto the scene. It seemed like an adult man. He had a mask on his face. It seemed metal and covered his eyes and nose. His eyes had mesh over them. A few red highlights were visible as well. They were around the eyes. and four lines went down on the left side of it. He wore a silver armor or what seemed like one at least. It was just a silver one-piece Kevlar suit with a few silver plates.

I grabbed my jacket and boots and put them on.

I was gone long enough for the masked man to have put a knife to the throat of the girl. The boy screamed and begged for the man to release her.

I watched a bit longer before letting out a sigh and jumping down. I had extinguished my finished cigarette before I got my suit. I landed on my feet behind some bushes. Pain and regret. These landings were not meant for people. I needed time to let my body recover.

'Fuck that was dumb. A six-story fall... Plus no keys... Not as cool as in movies everyone.'

I jumped out after a solid minute or three. "I really never have a good entry line so stop that or I'll almost kill you or whatever." I said to the guy before we both started laughing. I approached him and activated my power. Shitty figure of the day? Well. That's me ladies and gentlemen. "Look. I am bored and if you want a fight, we can go at it." I told the man who nodded and shoved the girl onto the guy, not without leaving a cut on her side. The two bolted off.

I let him attack, taking barely any hits, trying to get into his pattern of attacking. He was good and barely left opening. Barely. I jumped through one and cut his shoulder open. "Slashing Counter." I said after. Most heroes did it the other way. Dumbasses. The male fell over and I called an ambulance for him. "Daggerdale." A male medic said and started to cuff him. "Straight to prison. Thank you." The male was sent off in the ambulance.

I let out a sigh. "Going to the Hanging Cage." I mumbled and called for a lockpick to get me into my flat.

Once I was back in, I decided to get myself a chill day. I put on regular clothes, put on a bit of dark makeup under my eyes to make them look baggy and grabbed my purse with a smile. "Let's see where I go." I mumbled and pocketed everything. I connected my phone to my headphones and left the house, this time normally and with keys. I stretched and went to the tram station and drove into the city. Maybe pretend to be a student in one of Sky's rooms could be fun. It was a Friday after all. I decided not to have my fun that way. It only worked in movies. Yet I still drove to the building via tram and bus and sat outside on a weird yellow bench thing. I enjoyed the sun and warm air around me as I laid there. Someone tapped my shoulder. I paused my music, took my headphones off and opened my eyes. I have had my eyes closed just letting the sun hit my skin and enjoying it. I looked at who approached to me.

It was a female. She had a soft face, slightly darker skin, probably Latino, shining blue eyes, alongside brown hair, that went to her shoulder blades. The sun behind her head took most of the light and forced an almost angelic appearance onto her. I smiled, not simply to be nice and appear this way but genuinely smiled that I quickly forced to fade into a serious expression. "S-Sorry. What can I do for you?"

"Can I sit next to you on there? You seem like a nice person."

"Sure." I said and sat down upright and more to the other side of the weird bench so she could sit opposite of me, which she did.

"So?" I asked, trying to start a bit of small talk.


"Are you a student or do you work here? I am just trying some small talk, okay?" I eyed her up and down quickly. She was wearing a black crop top that was sleeveless. She wore black skinny jeans, rather similar to my blue ones and black sneakers. Her hair was open. She wouldn't be seen as very appealing to other males as she was rather flat and didn't really stand out much. I didn't mind. I even found it rather attractive.

"I am a student. I am currently working on a presentation... I was assigned to do one about the hero Ratel but... can't find many info's on him. I am just glad he allowed us to take as much time as we needed but I don't want to give it in last an-"

"Well today is your lucky day. You are talking to Ratel like he is another student." I cut her off. She gazed at me like I was a deity for a second.

"Proof it." She said and smiled. I turned my power on, on my hand and deactivated it. "Proof enough?"