Dead for life

"So, did it work?" The woman rushed to the person, who walked inside the hall where everyone was waiting for him, and the man rolled his eyes.

"It was me performing. Did you really think it wouldn't work?" The man said, and the female who followed him looked at his arrogant smile before rolling her eyes.

"Don't be so cocky, Peter. You merely got lucky that the girl was interested in those rocks from the very beginning," Patricia said.

Peter smirked at his sister. He could see the jealousy brewing in her heart, and he was petty enough to call her on that.

"I can smell your jealousy here," Peter commented.

Meanwhile, Genevieve, who had had enough of the brother-sister banter, pressed her fingers on her forehead.

As soon as she did that, Peter and Patricia felt excruciating tingling in their body, making them almost fall on their knees.