Agree to help

Katherine sat there perplexed for a few seconds before looking at the doctor resolutely.

"I am not doing it," She stood from her place.

The doctor, who had really thought that the girl would say yes because who in the world wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of special treatment from the most powerful wolf in the world, looked at her with raised brows.

"You won't do it? But why? Didn't you hear me? So far, you are the only woman he can touch. We can see if you can cure his curse for once and all. This will help him in the treatment," The doctor repeated his words, and Katherine hummed.

"I heard you. You heard me. I am not doing it. What do you take me as? Did you really think you guys could mooch off me by using my kindness against me? Why should I be bothered whether he stays cursed or not?