Zephyr and his team reached the place that they had traced.
After parking the car right before the hotel's entrance, they didn't waste a second surrounding the hotel while Zephyr walked to the reception.
After learning his identity, the receptionist immediately gave him the floor and room number where the man stayed. Roy was the first to move to ensure they wouldn't harm their prince.
The leader of the Northern groups was sitting on the couch and reading the background of the girl they kidnapped.
As soon as he read the lines about her living in the hidden palace and personally trained by the Elder Prince, he knew something was wrong and got up.
It was clear he needed to stop Iftekar from hurting the girl. Everything started to make sense to him. That phone call, the man threatening him…his eyes widened at the mere thought. He was about to call Iftekar to stop his actions when he heard some commotion outside.