He found her

Adolphus stumbled in his place. 

How could this be possible? No. It was impossible. 

Dennis gave him his word that he would care for his daughter like his own. How could he treat her worse than a maid?

Delilah scoffed at her father before shaking her head. 

"You said you did everything for me but did not your heart ache or yearn for your daughter even once? Not once did you think you should go and check how things were going, " she asked. 

Adolphus froze. 

There was no explanation for his words anymore. There wasn't a day when he hadn't thought about what his daughter was doing. 

However, he didn't check up on her because his real daughter was actually somewhere far away. 

When the witches did the soul swap, they never told him with whom her soul was being switched. They said that this way, he wouldn't yearn and end up looking for her, thus ruining the process.