"What news have you brought?" King Cimerus asked as he sat in his office, looking over things.
Since he was busy establishing and strengthening relations with other species, he didn't have time to check on Delilah personally. Thus, he asked one of his demon subordinates to do the work for him.
He kept reading the file, stopping when he didn't get a reply from his subordinate.
After closing the file, he looked at his subordinate, who appeared nervous, which indicated that he had nothing good to say.
"Sir, I have gotten three pieces of news, and all of them are bad," The demon said.
King Cimerus nodded. He gazed at the door of his office, where he could feel the presence of Lord Coyote, who was probably trying to eavesdrop on their conversation and ask someone to remove him from there.
Once he was sure no one was there, he nodded at his subordinate and told him it was okay to share what he had learned.