The Abyssal Eclipse

There is an abyssal void ; a hole in our society that devours everything and everybody, devoid of human emotion nor righteous conscience that is the result of the very society that suffers from this disaster. A true monster exists within us, a truly bad person does not. We ourselves can never become what the devil is, because the devil could not exist. We tell us ourselves this every day to soothe our emotions, and comfort our inner weaknesses, even though we don't realise that everyone single human on this Earth has the potential to become a nihilistic monster. 

The true nature of nihilism doesn't rest in its absence of value in important human emotions, but more so how it develops into its own character, a personality that doesn't concern itself with others of society , yet no one truly understands the depth of the iceberg that is nihilism. There is no limit to the nihilistic personality within each of us, neither is there a limit to the actions we commit as a representative of this personality. My point is that, no matter how much we try to deny it, there exists a monster within all of us. It's a childish concept to grasp, the idea of a monster hasn't truly been conceptualized. We all see meaninglessness in some things in life, whether it is in an epistemological manner or it is based on loose existentialism. 

Nihilism's nature is constantly criticized by philosophical experts due to its disengagement with life, and turn to providence. Nihilism establishes a type of superior complex onto the one who adopts it, and this "superior complex" or what I prefer to call a god complex, can bring great amusement to a person, as actions that harm others are absolutely meaningless and have no value in the mind of a nihilist.

It's also important to mention the notion of equality. Humanitarians and nihilists are complete and absolute truths of society ; they conflict and contrast, and it always brings up the same question. "Are human lives truly equal?" A massive philosophical tension is created , an impertinent answer from the nihilist and the light-headed response from the humanitarian. Now, a true nihilist would never even consider anything of this argument in the first. To them, arguments about a simple question have absolutely no meaning and are not concerned with the true nature of a nihilist. 

Nihilism as we previously stated has no moral limits to its philosophy. In fact, even morals are completely meaningless to a true nihilist. You might have noticed by now that I constantly mention the idea of a "true" nihilist. Am I hinting that the majority of nihilists are only partially nihilistic? Absolutely.

You can't justify a true nihilist's actions if your understanding of nihilism is narrow. A true nihilist's actions would appear to ,say, a humanitarian as inconceivably unjustifiable. If you stare deep into a true nihilist's face, you will find a barrier that completely seals away any thoughts from the outside. This is what I refer to as an abyssal eclipse, something that acts as a firewall from helping those who have a less nihilistic approach to life to delve into a true nihilist's mind.

Another way to understand a nihilist's thoughts is to do the following. Take your hand, and count to five. Then, reflect upon your actions. What was the meaning behind it? Did your actions truly have any impact on your future actions? Think like this, but apply this analogy for the entire concept of life.

There are many types of nihilism that exist within society. But true nihilism doesn't even contemplate on the need for such terminology, because it simply doesn't matter.

True nihilism in itself is a different philosophical branch altogether, due to it's hypothetical existence. By default, everyone to a minimal extent is a true nihilist because it is a compulsory part of our nature. 

The Abyssal Eclipse is what separates our human understanding of nihilism and the unconscious nihilism that makes up a part of our personality. It's a senseless, emotionless and disappointed part of ourselves that looks down on humanity and reflects on the complete worthlessness in human endeavours that amuse that very same humanity. A true nihilist is sick of humanity's compulsive orders and elaborate expectations, because society itself should never be something that everybody is a part of. A true nihilist would have constant visions of a red gleaming sun shining over a barren wasteland. A true nihilist does try their best to fit into society, even though it is completely against their beliefs on life. Their charisma is often exceptionally noticeable and they often resemble a perfect human being. Many interpret this as a perfectionist, but it that could be no further from the truth. The truth is that nihilism only strives for perfection to

1. Blend into society

2.Remind themselves of the absolute worthlessness and meaninglessness in real perfectionists.

Perfection should be universally accepted as an absolutely worthless and endless journey that has no real purpose to it. The only notion that is absolutely and irrefutably perfection is God itself.

The expanse that is nihilism can only be described with a single word - incomplete.

A personality that is intergrated into society so flawlessly is a common aspect among true nihilists. A fake personality is very viable for a true nihilist due to their charismatic nature and seamingly flawless expertise. But there are a few meagre signs that can help you spot a true nihilist that has intergrated himself so deeply into society.

1. A character who seems almost too perfect in every attribute that you know of.

This can be education, beauty, success in life, reputation , finances, etc.. My point is that at least one of these attributes is a base of a true nihilist's seemingly perfect nature. Their true nature of which they have embedded deep within themselves is buried like coarse sand under a thick refined crater occupied by a massive rock.

This is another point in which the abyssal eclipse is an important aspect of this topic. It covers up most (if not all) of a true nihilist's inner personality. It's a universal truth that irregularity in this world is characterized by a different viewpoint, a different outlook on life and the values it presents. Nihilism is similar, but that viewpoint is buried deep within a true nihilist's inner self. Regardless of the impact or magnitude of your efforts, if you aren't able to intergrate absolute fear and only absolute fear into a true nihilist, you cannot bring out their second personality, the monster entangled and engulfed in magnitudes of chains forced to restrain itself to the expectations of society. To truly create an atmosphere of the ultimate fear , you must go about living your life in misery or suffering. 

The irrefutable conjecture is that all the history, the data and psychological awareness that surrounds a nihilist is full of negativity. It's like trying to describe the Titanic movie to an optimist who lives under a rock. Unless you truly have something that links yourself to this nihilist, of which has aspects that can be challenged legally, then it is always best to keep a true nihilist at a distance from yourself. To describe what goes on in a true nihilist's mind is this: pure evil brought about by a torrent of emotionless phenomena that is hard to understand. It is like trying to interpret a video recording from a drugged man - completely and utterly unintelligible. It's true form is a wandering entangled piece of data, never to be seen or heard or ever truly recognised as existent. Excuse my digression.

A true nihilist always doubts the existential value in absolutely everything, including their own selves. Deprivation of the name leads to a loss of identity ; deprivation of the emotion leads to a loss of sympathy ; deprivation of the mind leads to mindless tyranny ; deprivation of all leads to an absolutely false idea of existence. 

The time at which these aspects of the human soul are deprived are key to the mystery of a true nihilist. If this is a childhood event, then it is very likely that their emotional wound has mutated and rotted over time, into something that the human conscience cannot fully grasp. It is like trying to reach for an apple at the tip of a tree, but a large bird pecks at your arm malevolently, mercilessly, meticulously. This large bird is the anecdote of human terror, the absolute fear that is inexplicably the blackest black, the darkest dark, the most paralysing fear anyone can ever witness. You yourself could become that very nihilistic monster your trying to understand. This small bird is the embodiment of absolute fear, so no matter what you do, do not ever try to get too close to a true nihilist too quickly, or the wounds that the "bird" pecks on you will start to rot, and it will start to manifest its own monster, worse than hell itself. The blood that accumulates will kill your very being.

The product of human sin exists equally shared in all of us, but only some bring it out. Human sin - what is it? Human sin is the jeopardising of mankind's frailties.

This is the main difference that marks the border between true nihilism and simple nihilism. Simple nihilism is only a less expressive form of human misunderstanding, and has little depth to it ; an iceberg that doesn't reach very far below. People can still partly understand a simple nihilist, even if their philosophical and existential intelligence is limited. However, true nihilism is an iceberg that has no finite depth to it : a broken and hideous world that stretches over the horizon, over the misery of others who are tainted to its encompassing madness. True nihilism can never be described in any manner, but the one word that is most close to a true nihilist's nature is : meaningless. 

The cosmos is vast and has no end to it. This is commonly referred to as an infinite universe. Our world is inconceivably insignificant compared to it. It is as good as non-existent. Humans continue to live and thrive despite this irrefutable principle, and this constructs a major problem in society. It means that the people who are absolutely aware of this principle cannot ever hope to understand the thoughts of regular humans, and vice versa. This barrier that separates these two groups of people is called the abyssal eclipse.

Nihilism is absolute and utter evidence that too much knowledge is never good. However, the same people that embrace true nihilism also abide by this one principle.

"The pursuit of strength has a limit, but the pursuit of knowledge is limitless."

The pursuit of strength, has a limited number of consequences to it. However the pursuit of knowledge can rid one of their humanity. This would be the epistemological manner that represents one way in which nihilism is present. Epistemological nihilism and cosmic nihilism are very similar concepts. One points out the meaninglessness of humanity and embracing goals, while the other points out the meaninglessness of the cosmos itself, however one who embraces cosmic nihilism can still, by default, have some goals in life. The retaining of humanity is nothing but a delusional phrase spread by humanitarians that offers no perspective on viewpoint of a nihilist. 

When one embraces the idea of there being no meaning in life, it is brought about by the very same humanity one tries to retain. So the phrase of retaining one's humanity brings about horrifying agony upon a nihilist, because it is so distant from the real truth.

The word "truth" - a truth is a principle that is absolutely undeniable and holds value over other false axioms. However, humanity has always strayed from the truth because it does not match what they desire most to occur. However, the truth is often cold and withers one away. Despair is the one word that can be used to describe such an idea. This manner of thinking is what provokes many of those who abstain from nihilism.

You would have noticed by now that the image that I describe regular humans as is often limited, especially in philosophical intelligence and ignorant. The word "ignorant" is most appropriate to describe this, as some regular humans who have witnessed all the despairs of the world and have been exposed to the cosmic ideology that humanity's existence is absolutely and utterly irrelevant. But they try to hide away from the truth, and try to cover it up, saying that there is meaning in humanity's existence. It is because they do not want to accept the truth. The truth that means that their existence does not matter. The truth that their existence is veiled in insignificance. 

Our negligence to nihilism's existence for so long is a massive limiting factor in the progression and stability of the human race, because we do not embrace what lurks within each of us ; instead we try to forget it. But we find no matter how hard we try to erase its existence, it will still remain a prominent part, embedded eloquently into our personalities and social understanding of others. Epistemology and the circulation of knowledge is a concept that each nihilist grapples carefully under their philosophical boundaries. A world where knowledge does not exist means that very same world cannot exist. Knowledge is the foundation for life, the providence of mankind, and our own flaws. Knowledge and beliefs are incoherently a bumble of philosophical data, that never should have been mixed together. Mankind's biggest flaw is that we overvalue beliefs too much, to the extent that it corrupts our own knowledge.

This statement :

"Mankind's biggest flaw is the nature of its consciousness, that disables one from reaching transcendental heights, limiting ourselves to the logic of this world. It is an intricately articulated doctrine, that mankind has knowledge but lacks the wisdom required to use this knowledge. It is unfortunately the case for this world, and this reason can justify every single possible misery, despair, sickening agony, misfortune, suffering and intellectual misunderstanding"

This statement alone sums up the entirety of the previous paragraph. The human persona can be utilised in a myriad of ways. The use of humans as simple pawns, can be somewhat resembled to that of a nihilist, but the word "pawn" isn't entirely accurate. Inputting information into the brain is one thing, but learning how to properly use this information is another matter. The radiance of the human persona is what attracts some nihilists, and a way to describe this manner in which human personas are used is cognitive operatives.

I digressed slightly into a psychological context, but nevertheless, all of this information can only point to a single thing. Those with more proficient human personas, that seem to be more "useable" to a nihilist. Nihilist's have no reason to care for the loss of human life, as the sacredness of life is as meaningless to them as the values and principles of the world, and the existence of the Earth compared to the entirety of the cosmos. Nihilists are absolutely unable to identify the meaning of certain ideologies such as the existence of happiness and sadness. The intertwining of such emotions simply cannot precipitate itself into a word of absolute and utter nihilism. In this type of world, only one thing can exist : nothingness. Nihilist's as I mentioned earlier have a certain god complex to their characteristics. They view all other human beings on a much lower and more simplistic level , as if they are measly ants crawling. 

Nihilist's imbue a sense of absolute nothingness within themselves. They appear as saints but see no value in being one. It is a direct contrast to their inner personalities. This passage of words best describes it:

"The stretching oasis of darkness that gapes beyond the horizon. A dark cluster of human conscience replacing emotion completely. A hole in the soul. A misplaced trust non-existent. Absolute nothingness. Thoughtless, pointless, emotionless. A visibly empty husk that doesn't have any real aspects to it. Too perfect to seem real. Impossible to empathise or understand. Completely intelligible. A seemingly empty existence which can do absolutely anything it is capable of doing. No actions or heartfelt words contain a value to it. Value doesn't exists in its world. It is itself just a mirror of darkness, a forged path lost on the trail to salvation, an anecdote of human emptiness. A hole in the human soul, the conscience that lacks any truths to live by. It is intangible to grasp : a darkness that stretches beyond what the mind can reach. Those who are unlucky can only grasp it for a brief moment. A period of absolute fear that can turn anyone into a true nihilist. It can completely erase the idea of the human conscience's freedom, limiting it to nothingness. Nullifying human thoughts to simply nothing. Nothing should ever come into contact with such darkness, that seems satanic. It appears to be a dragon with seven heads, ten horns and seven crowns"

This paragraph above is the definitive answer to many who ponder the existence of nihilism. The people who cannot witness the idea of nihilism in its truest state, who are bound by the abyssal eclipse which safeguards their existences. Despite this information, there is yet one thing that hasn't been covered in this paragraph. It is the idea that humans are never truly born as nihilists, but nihilism always lives inside absolutely every human, and it is only when this nihilism is brought out by certain events, actions or situations that they are placed in that they become true nihilists. The extent to which one is a nihilist depends on how much this inner malevolence is brought out. If it is brought out to the fullest and most absolute extent, coupled with absolutely exceptional charisma and reaching the level of perfection, that is a true nihilist. True nihilists have never existed, or their lives were cut short before their inner malevolence completely consumed them. The next chapter will cover a few interpretations of a true nihilist, to help you get a better idea of what type of being they are.
