Chapter 1553: The Pursuer of the Sun (14)_1

Near Pluto, within the former Kree guard ship, Star-Lord Quill, dressed in a NASA uniform, was squatting under a piece of equipment, repairing its internal parts with a wrench.

Rocket Raccoon sat beside him, munching on popcorn. Quill glanced over at him and said, "If you're just going to sit there, go to the storeroom next door and fetch me the directional detonator. These Kree spacecraft are tough nuts to crack without the right tools."

Rocket threw a kernel of popcorn into his mouth and huffed, "So, you're planning on being a mechanic for the rest of your life, huh? What about your dreams of space exploration? Your spirit of adventure?"

"Are you kidding me? I was originally an employee of NASA. I'm just going back to what I used to do," Quill stood upright, toyed with the part he had just removed, and said, "You really thought I enjoyed risking my life as a mercenary in the cosmos. Do you know how much money repair work can make?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's all for your long-lost love." Rocket jumped down from his post, snatched the part from his hands, repaired the damaged part of the ship quickly, and then sighed. He threw the wrench aside, sat on the ground and added.

"Fine, I'm a raccoon. I didn't feel quite what you did when you visited that horrific Cancer Universe. But you've had a long rest, haven't you gotten over the psychological shadow yet?"

Quill's hand paused on the table. He walked over to Rocket, sat down and said, "It's not all because of that terrible universe. Don't you feel that given the terrifying entities lurking in the depths of the cosmos, what we should do now is help humanity grow? What if they attack us one day?"

"Boring, boring, boring!" Rocket began to rant. He jumped up from where he was sitting, flicked his fuzzy tail and said, "If you want to live a peaceful life here, that's fine. But I'm about to start my own grand interstellar adventure. I'm leaving tomorrow, no need to see me off."

With that, he walked towards another compartment in the starship. Quill followed him and said, "Don't be like that, my good buddy. Weren't we just talking about visiting Half-World together?"

"You were the one who abandoned me first." Rocket kept walking, waving his hands behind him, "I thought we were brothers after we returned from that hellish universe."

"Of course we are, but...oh, hold on, Yondu just messaged me. I need to take this call."

Quill stopped in his tracks and looked at the communicator on his wrist. With a soft tap, Yondu's hologram appeared above the watch face. Yondu's expression was stern.

"Damn it, where have you been? Hurry back to Distant Star Port. We're under attack from those damn bugs and we've lost a lot of manpower. Get back here quick!!!"

"Wait, how did you guys get attacked?" Quill asked, puzzled. "Aren't the Ravagers on vacation right now? How could they be attacked while docked at the star port of one of the Three Great Empires?"

"The Three Great Empires got attacked! Damn Kree Empire can't even beat bugs! They want us to take their place as cannon fodder. We can't go, but we can't escape either. Where are you? Get back, nowhere in the cosmos is safe now!"

"I'm on Earth. Didn't I tell you? I planned on staying on Earth for a while, at least until I earn enough money to renovate my mom's old house."

Yondu stuttered for a moment, his facial expression changing rapidly. He said to Quill, "Oh, so you're in the Nine Major Kingdoms? Then forget about it, stay where you are, and don't go anywhere. Odin can surely beat those bugs."

Quill furrowed his brows as he heard a sense of wrongness in Yondu's tone. Suddenly, two explosion sounds came from the communicator, followed by the first mate's screams.

"The Star Port has been breached! The Kree Empire's escort ships have been shattered by those laser-shooting giant worms! Boss! We need to retreat immediately!"

"Bang! Boom! Zrrrr---- Zrrrr-------"

Yondu's hologram on Quill's wrist watch flickered a few times, then disappeared completely. Quill yelled at the watch, "Hello? Hello?!! Yondu? Ravagers? Anyone there? What the hell happened? Damn it..."

Quill hung up the communication device harshly, turned around and picked up his backpack. He said to Rocket, "Weren't you looking for fun? Does the demise of the star port of the Three Great Empires thrill you enough? Hurry up, we need to go to Distant Star Port and rescue the Ravagers!"

Rocket jumped onto his shoulder. Quill was going to reenact his old stunt of flying directly to the destination in this ship, but Rocket smacked him on the back of his head and said, "What are you thinking? Go to the Holy Sanctuary and teleport to Asgard, then take the Rainbow Bridge. Could the spaceship be faster than teleportation?!"

Quill suddenly understood. He arrived at the Holy Sanctuary according to Rocket's instructions, but the Holy Sanctuary said that the Supreme Magician was not around and they had no authority to teleport anyone to Asgard. The manager who was attending to Quill said that he could try and ask Asgard, perhaps Asgard could teleport him over.

Back then, Quill had met Thor at Thor's wedding, so he didn't think it would be a problem for him to be teleported over. However, Asgard responded saying the Divine King was not around and the Rainbow Bridge was temporarily closed to visitors.