Chapter 13 Building Sand Castle_1

"We're here!"

After getting off the maglev train, the group took two buses and finally arrived at their destination.

Upon entering the resort, they checked out the room they had reserved, and, quite satisfied, decided to go eat together.

It wasn't until the afternoon that they officially began to relax.

Fang Yuan and Eevee stepped onto the sand, the soft and comfortable sensation instantly spread through their every limb and heart.

"How is it, Eevee?"

Barefoot on the sand, which was just the right temperature, Fang Yuan took a deep breath and instantly felt refreshed...

The sea was azure, the sky was azure, and with the gentle sea breeze blowing, Fang Yuan felt instantly relaxed, most importantly, there was also a group of swimsuit-clad big sisters.

"Bwoo Bwoo~~"

Eevee rolled around in the sand nonstop, as this was its first time on the beach, everything seemed particularly exciting.

Not only Fang Yuan and his friends were there, but the beach was also crowded with many Trainers and Pokemon.

Staryu, Seel, Slowpoke, Walking Grass, Psyduck, Dratini... all sorts of Pokemon were present.

Wait a minute...


Rich, rich.

Besides that, there were many adults and children on the beach. Some kids were digging for stones with little buckets, some rolled up their sleeves and splashed each other in water fights, some held swimming rings, ready to swim, and some were building sand castles with sand!

Seeing another Eevee building a sand castle, Little Eevee immediately began to learn, starting to stir the sand around it with its small paws. Interestingly, Eevee learned quickly; despite this being its first time, it built quite a stylish castle.

"Not bad."

Fang Yuan sat down next to Eevee and focused on watching it work. Indeed, Eevee's sand castle was really impressive and in Fang Yuan's eyes, it was much more beautiful than the one the other Eevee had made.

After a while, Fang Yuan realized that the prototype of the castle Eevee built was from a movie they saw yesterday... Looks like the little guy remembered it.

After finishing, Eevee compared its castle with others and became quite pleased with itself, looking around proudly, then looked down at its work, and raised its chin high, seemingly very satisfied with its masterpiece.

However, when Eevee glanced around again, it inadvertently caught sight of a Pokemon and a girl also playing with sand, and couldn't help but show a hesitant expression.

That was a Sandshrew. The palace it built was clearly more majestic and spectacular, which made Eevee look doubtfully at its own castle. Fang Yuan also followed Eevee's gaze, and saw that the other was a Ground type Pokemon. It was understandable that Eevee was no match in sand play. But to Fang Yuan's surprise, after a moment of thought, Eevee simply swatted the castle down and started building again, seemingly determined to make something even more spectacular than its rival.

"Bwoo Bwoo!!"

As it built, Eevee asked Fang Yuan to wait for a bit. Watching Eevee's serious expression, Fang Yuan's mouth curled into a smile. He hadn't realized before how competitive the little guy was.

Building structures with sand, this simple game made Eevee show a serious expression for the first time, and Fang Yuan was happy to see it. He didn't rush to do anything else and just quietly stayed by Eevee's side, watching it push the sand around and then perfecting it...

Elsewhere, after taking a walk around, the members of the psychology club regrouped and found Fang Yuan, "We checked, and there aren't many people at the 'Surf Pool' right now, let's go play there first."

"Huh... What are you doing, building sand castles?"

"Yeah... Eevee seems quite interested. Sorry, why don't you guys go ahead? I'll stay here and keep it company," Fang Yuan said, with his hands pressed together apologetically.

Lu Jie said, "No problem, building sand castles is pretty fun too. Why don't we do it together? How about a competition to see whose Pokemon can build the best one?"

Tang Ying said, "Sure."

After Meng Zicheng and Du Ai also agreed to the suggestion, their Pokemon immediately looked towards Eevee, eager to try it themselves.

Once they received permission, everyone's Pokemon sprang into action. Persian, Golem, Vileplume, and Golbat all pounced towards the beach…

After the competition, Golem and Meng Zicheng's creation was the most exquisite, followed by Persian and Tang Ying's. Little Eevee only came in third, which made it even harder for Xiao Yi to bear.

Eevee: Σ(°△°|||)︴, as if it had been hit.

"Bwoo…" Little Eevee looked dejectedly at its competitors and then once again at the Sandshrew's Palace of Sand. Even now, it was still the most spectacular.

It seemed like it should actually be fourth place…

"Hahaha…" Fang Yuan rubbed Eevee's head and said, "It's okay, when we have free time tomorrow, I'll bring you back here, and we'll aim to keep doing better."

"Bwoo…" Little Eevee nodded its head at last.

Fang Yuan let out a sigh of relief; fortunately, Eevee was sensible.

After the sandcastle event, everyone began to head to the water park to play.

However, Fang Yuan had already decided to come back with Eevee the next day. It was rare for Little Eevee to want to seriously do something well, and Fang Yuan felt that as its Trainer, there was no reason not to support it, just like how parents support their children's choices. He too wanted to support Little Eevee.

Even if it was just simple sand building, he wanted Eevee to be happy and to gain a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, it was perfect that everyone had already planned to split up and do their own activities tomorrow, which gave Fang Yuan and Eevee a chance to be alone.

Once at the water park, everyone began to play frantically, and the thrills of the amusement rides temporarily distracted Eevee from its thoughts.

But the wild fun didn't make Eevee forget about building sandcastles. The next morning, Little Eevee woke up earlier than Fang Yuan.

The little guy hastily tapped on Fang Yuan's cheek, making a confident face, and called out "Bwoo Bwoo," as if reminding Fang Yuan to keep his promise.

"I know, I know."

Lying in bed, Fang Yuan picked up Eevee from his face and yawned sleepily.

"Don't worry, I can spend the whole day with you today," Fang Yuan said.

A delightful free day to look forward to, though his senior had invited him to play at a different place, for the sake of Eevee, Fang Yuan kindly declined.

Sisters are precious, but freedom is priceless; If it's for Eevee's sake, both can be cast aside!

As it was still early, the temperature outside was not as hot as the day before. The sand felt somewhat cool underfoot, but this did not affect Little Eevee's enthusiasm. It ran to the same spot as the day before and started building without a second word.

Building the spectacular structures it had seen in movies out of sand.

Fang Yuan also realized that Eevee's memory was really quite impressive. It remembered the details of those structures very clearly; he felt quite inferior by comparison.

"Bwoo Bwoo!" Before long, Eevee finished building, but recalling the Palace of Sand built by Sandshrew the day before, it immediately shook its head dissatisfied and with a swipe of its paw, knocked it down again.

"Keep it up, take it slow," Fang Yuan encouraged.

Eevee then showed a determined expression.

Time slowly passed.

An hour… two hours… three hours…

Fang Yuan was amazed at how time had flown by, and throughout this long span, Eevee had been working hard.

Its sandcastles had greatly improved, but compared to Sandshrew's creation from yesterday, there was still a gap, which made Fang Yuan feel a bit of regret.

By now more people had started to arrive, and the temperature began to rise. While Fang Yuan stretched lazily, he suddenly looked surprised because he spotted yesterday's pair of girls and the Sandshrew again.