Chapter 28 Starshine Battle Club_1


Before Fang Yuan could speak, Eevee already had a bad premonition and nervously glanced at the two.

Could it be... that these days of lounging on the sofa watching TV shows were about to end before they even began?!

"Calm down."

Fang Yuan firmly rubbed Eevee's head, signaling it not to interrupt.

Children should listen when adults are talking.

"Let me explain. The Starshine Battle Club is a place dedicated to Trainers to test and nurture their achievements. They provide battle arenas, training equipment, and also offer battle companions, personal coaching, and a variety of functionalities. What you need to do is complete the battle tasks assigned to you by the club. As for following the personal coach's advice, that's optional."

"Can I, a New Trainer like me, also act as a battle companion?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

"Under normal circumstances, you certainly cannot. But I know the owner there, and arranging some simple tasks for you wouldn't be a problem, such as... battling with customers who are also New Trainers."

"During this period, your salary will be calculated by the day. You only need to go there at fixed times; it won't take up too much of your time."

"Also, I can tell you that their fees are not cheap. The place is frequented by wealthy individuals and even simple tasks will pay well. Gaining practical experience is secondary; by virtue of your identity as an employee of the Starshine Battle Club, you can enjoy more benefits from the Spirit Center as well. I remember their club has established a comprehensive partnership with the Spirit Center," Yang Han said.

Fang Yuan was already intrigued.

The Starshine Battle Club was considered a high-end establishment for him, and if he could access such a place sooner, he wouldn't have to suffer through groping his way forward on his own.

To specially train Eevee, he had killed plenty of brain cells, which was even more exhausting than studying. Over time, he might even lose all his hair.

"Then I won't play coy, thanks a lot, Brother Yang." Fang Yuan chuckled. This kind of opportunity was too good to pass up; another word of politeness would make him uncomfortable.

"I like your spirit. However, I must remind you that the personal coach I mentioned can only help you so much. How much you progress still depends on your and Eevee's efforts."

"Of course, I understand that."

"Good. Go to the address and contact details on the card tomorrow, and I wish you good luck at that cup competition in advance."

Yang Han had come in a hurry and left just as quickly, only leaving Fang Yuan with a card.

After exchanging glances for a while, Eevee resignedly started rolling around on the sofa.

"Look, Eevee, this is a great opportunity we shouldn't miss. Getting guidance from a professional coach is definitely better than our blind hard practice. I was just worried about how to make you learn the 'Bite' Dark Type Move," Fang Yuan said.

"Bwoo." Eevee stuck out its tongue and went back to watching TV.

Seizing the last bits of these carefree moments was the priority.


Although Eevee outwardly seemed reluctant, it woke up even more eagerly than Fang Yuan the next day.


Pulling the silk scarf off his face, Fang Yuan gave Eevee a resentful look.

He was almost suffocated.

You're trying to murder a Trainer!

"Bwoo!" Eevee shook its head, signaling Fang Yuan to hurry up and get out of bed. It did not want to repeat the experience they had in that secret location. Becoming stronger than that Pidgeot was another goal Eevee had set for itself.

As for the first goal... it was what Fang Yuan had mentioned a few days ago: to win the Little Phoenix King Cup, so that Eevee could have its own smartphone.

Even just for that, it couldn't give up halfway. Thinking of the smartphone, Eevee's eyes immediately lit up with excitement.

"Alright, let's have breakfast first, then head out," Fang Yuan said, scratching his messy hair.

The Starshine Battle Club was very famous, with its headquarters in Kyoto, deeply beloved by the upper class.

After breakfast, Fang Yuan and Eevee followed the address given on Yang Han's card to the Pingcheng Branch.

The distance was quite far from home, but fortunately, transportation was well developed.

"Starshine Battle Club…"

It took some time, but Fang Yuan finally arrived at the place.

After reading the seven characters on the building, he walked directly into the lobby. The Starshine Battle Club's area was vast, and even one of its branches was very imposing. The lobby was very bright, with several large pillars standing erect. On closer inspection, Fang Yuan noticed that each pillar was engraved with star patterns, making the whole layout feel very special.

Looking around, he saw many Trainers conversing with each other with their Pokemon in tow. Fang Yuan glanced around and approached the reception desk, where he found a very delicate-looking receptionist and inquired:

"Excuse me, could you tell me where Mr. Shan Mi is..."

"Oh, right, we made an appointment before coming here. My last name is Fang."


The receptionist smiled slightly and said, "Please wait a moment, I'll contact him for you."



Starshine Battle Club's reception room.

The person in charge of this branch, Mr. Shan Mi, was entertaining two rather portly guests.

Mr. Shan Mi was close to forty years old, well-dressed, looking every bit the successful businessman. Across from him, a middle-aged man of similar age laughed heartily after gulping down a beverage, "Old friend, there's no need to praise him. I know my kid better than anyone else."

After speaking, the portly middle-aged man glanced at a drowsy chubby boy sitting beside him and slapped the boy's head firmly.

The chubby boy, about fifteen or sixteen years old with a ruddy face, had small eyes nested within his puffy cheeks. Woken by the slap, the boy's eyes immediately started darting around.

"Just like when you were young," Mr. Shan Mi said with a chuckle, shaking his head.

"If only he were half as determined as I was back then."

The portly middle-aged man spoke with a tone of helplessness. His only son, sixteen this year, was a New Trainer who showed little interest in Pokemon-related matters. Although they were well-off and didn't worry about food and drink, the portly man still hoped his child could become a Professional Trainer. With a Professional Trainer license in hand, it was as convenient as having a diploma, serving as a stepping stone to many opportunities.

"Ah!" the chubby boy protested, raising his voice, "Nineteen battles, nineteen victories."

"Shut up. I brought you here to see what a real Trainer looks like," the portly man slapped him again, pushing the boy down into the couch until it caved in before letting go.

"Interesting. If you had come earlier, there might not have been a suitable practice partner here in the club, but now... there actually is a good candidate," Mr. Shan Mi said with a smile. "A while ago, a partner of mine asked me to find a battle practice and part-time mentoring job for another New Trainer's junior. According to my partner, this New Trainer is also quite outstanding. I think we could try having the two New Trainers battle each other to see. Such an outcome could be more convincing."

"Excellent," the portly man's eyes narrowed as he smiled, "nothing could be better."

As they were speaking, someone knocked on the door, and Mr. Shan Mi's secretary relayed the news from the reception desk.

After the secretary left, Mr. Shan Mi's smile grew wider, "Well, isn't this a coincidence? The person I mentioned has also arrived. Are you available now?"

"Let's do it now," the portly middle-aged man stood up and said.