Chapter 38 Clothing Spokesperson_1

"Just listen to me slowly, the philosophy I've summarized makes a lot of sense, right? It has deeply influenced me too."

"But you know, people can't ultimately escape the 'True Fragrance' law."

Liu Le said with feeling.

"After all that blabber, you just want to date someone, right? Go ahead then, what's that got to do with me?" Fang Yuan said.

"But I'll remind you, puppy love isn't good. You should focus on your studies for now; it won't be too late to date in university."

"It hasn't reached that stage yet!" Liu Le said.

"Let me put it this way, I feel that my new desk-mate has some feelings for me... she's different from the other girls."

False, one of the three great illusions of life.

Fang Yuan and Eevee listened unflinchingly as Liu Le continued.

"It's a bit embarrassing... Anyway, I don't know when it started, but I suddenly realized that I care about her too... so I want to do something to make her happy."

"What's that got to do with me?"

"I need your help."

"Actually, it's like this, her mother is a renowned garment designer, and she wants to be a garment designer in the future too..."

"Before that, she has already designed a few outfits. When I chat with her, I can feel that she really wants these designs to be recognized."

"I was thinking, since you're going to participate in the Little Phoenix King Cup, I checked, and the popularity of that competition isn't bad. As long as it's a Trainer who gets into the top sixteen, their battles will be live-streamed on online platforms afterwards, and most importantly, there will be journalists specifically interviewing the contestants."

"You see... could you be the spokesperson for the clothes she designed? I absolutely believe in your ability. It's not about winning the championship; making it to the top eight shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"I know you've been undergoing devilish training in the club."

"Once the report comes out, I'll find some internet troops to hype it up a bit, and the clothes will gain popularity. She'll definitely be very happy."

Fang Yuan: "..."

Who said that people in love have zero IQ? This fatso is sharper than anyone.

"Cough, cough..."


Watching Fang Yuan and Eevee both become serious, Liu Le couldn't figure out what was going on.

"You may not believe it, but Eevee and I are aiming for the ultimate victory," Fang Yuan said.

Liu Le's eyes widened. Of course, being the champion would be better, but it sounded somewhat unrealistic. He thought making it into the top sixteen and getting some screen time on the live-stream platforms was already quite good.

"So, can you help your brother out?" Liu Le rubbed his hands together.

"Considering that me and Little Kabigon have been your sandbags for so many days..."

Fang Yuan said, "It's not really a big deal, just wearing her designed clothes on the day of the competition, right? That's simple."

"But why don't you do it yourself?"

"Look at my size... even if I'm willing to wear it, she might not be willing to accept it, plus, I don't really have any confidence..." Liu Le said with a wry smile.

"The most important thing is..."

"You're very handsome."

Upon hearing that, Fang Yuan immediately had a smile on his face.

He liked dealing with straightforward people.

"Haha... we don't need to stand on ceremony with each other; I'll definitely help you out with this favor," Fang Yuan said cheerfully.


Eevee gave Fang Yuan a shocked look. Where's your integrity!

"Ahem, but having said that, you should at least let me see what the clothes look like. Don't tell me she's designed dresses; I wouldn't wear those even if you paid me a million dollars," Fang Yuan said sternly.

"Of course not," Liu Le quickly pulled out his phone and handed it to Fang Yuan.

"This album has all the designs she's made. Take a look, I think they're all pretty good."

"Let me take a look."

Eevee hopped from the seat onto Fang Yuan's shoulder and started looking with him.

He opened the photo album, and from left to right, it was all various clothing designs. Fang Yuan took a closer look and found them quite attractive. This person had talent.

"Not bad, huh?"

"Not bad."

Fang Yuan continued browsing, but suddenly, his gaze stopped...

It was a four-piece set.

A short-sleeved jacket, an inner shirt, pants, and a hat made up the complete outfit.

The jacket and hat were mainly red and white, the inner shirt was black, and the pants were light blue.

This...wasn't this the signature attire of Red Grandpa from the first generation of PM games?!

"Add a pair of red and white sneakers, and it would be perfect..." Fang Yuan murmured.

"What?" Liu Le didn't hear clearly.

"I think this outfit is nice, really nice." Fang Yuan pointed at the clothes and said.

Who was Red Grandpa?

At eleven, he dismantled the Rocket Team, defeated the Four Heavenly Kings to become Alliance Champion, and at fourteen, he reached the summit of Silver Mountain. Later, he became a legend in Alola battling. He could be called a god-level Trainer in the PM series.

Also, as the prototype for the anime's protagonist Xiaozhi, Red was Fang Yuan's favorite character.

His signature outfit, Fang Yuan felt, was very fitting for him, whose goal was to become a Professional Trainer...

Originally, Fang Yuan had wanted to haggle a bit more with Liu Le, but now, there was no need.

If he cosplayed as Red Grandpa for competitions, he felt he would be doing a disservice to the outfit if he didn't win the championship.

"So, we're settled on this?" asked Liu Le.

Fang Yuan nodded.

"Hey... thanks a lot, let's eat first... darn it, Little Ka Bi, when did you come out? Save some for Eevee, will you!"



That night, Liu Le bombarded Fang Yuan with messages.

Liu Le: It's a deal! I told her you're an amazing Trainer and you'll definitely give the clothing great publicity at the Little Phoenix King Cup. Boss, you must keep winning all the way.

Fang Yuan: Don't pressure me... I want the championship more than you do.

Liu Le: Understood! I'm relieved to hear that. By the way, Boss, could you send me your height and weight? The more detailed the better, it's needed for the clothing.

Liu Le: Anyway... my happiness all depends on you now! Apart from that, from now on, whenever you and Eevee come over for meals, I'll waive the bill for you!

Fang Yuan: OK, just wait a moment.

After finding a tape measure at home and taking his measurements, Fang Yuan sent them to Liu Le.

Everything was settled, and Fang Yuan noticed that Little Eevee hadn't practiced Sand Splash that day, but was staring seriously at another version of itself, which he found quite strange.

"Shadow Clone training shouldn't be like this, should it..."

Eevee shook its head; it just found this new move a bit fun.

"Well, don't play too long. Remember to practice Sand Splash."


Now, Eevee could control the sand in a bottle and spin it around.

It had taken a whole week, but the spinning speed wasn't fast, and it had to concentrate, which was clearly still far from the final goal.

With only half a month left... Fang Yuan didn't know to what extent the Counter Shield special training could progress, but they could only take it one step at a time.