Chapter 45 The Main Competition Begins_1

The main event of the Little Phoenix King Cup divided a total of 128 players into 16 groups.

The groups were denoted by the first 16 letters of the English alphabet, each group having 8 people. They would compete in 3 matches, with the winner advancing and the loser being eliminated.

Among them, each group had a seeded New Trainer, who had demonstrated strong abilities during the preliminaries. To prevent them from encountering each other too soon, the organizers intentionally arranged the groups this way.

Fang Yuan was D group number 3 and, according to the order, he was set to be in the 14th battle today. His opponent was D group number 4, another female New Trainer.

Walking through the Oriental Pearl Stadium, Fang Yuan was looking around for someone.

"I'm here, where are you?"

"I see you, just walk forward a bit more." Fang Yuan heard the voice from his phone.

Acting on those words, Fang Yuan walked forward a few steps and indeed found Lin Jing waving at him.



"I actually wanted to ask this yesterday... did you spend the entire summer training with Uncle Lin?" Fang Yuan said.

"How could I? He just dumped me and Growlithe at that police dog training camp, then left us to fend for ourselves," Lin Jing complained.

"There was little rest time and the instructors were always so stern. Did you see that I've gotten a tan?"

"Did you get darker? I don't see it." Fang Yuan was taken aback.

"At least you're good at sweet-talking," Lin Jing smiled.

No, I just never really paid much attention before...

Fang Yuan muttered to himself, deciding it was better not to voice that thought, or else he'd surely be frowned upon.

"Speaking of which, what's with your outfit today? It's pretty nice, but isn't it hot to wear a hat in the middle of summer?"

Lin Jing pointed at the red clothes Fang Yuan had just put on and asked curiously.

"It's okay..." Fang Yuan turned his hat around and said, "I'm afraid of getting nervous. Wearing a hat might help me relax."

"Really... Well then, shall we head to the players' room first?" Lin Jing checked the time and said, "The main event is about to start soon."

"Okay, let's go."

The main event was about to begin, and not only the players had already arrived inside the stadium, but spectators were also entering the stands through the spectator passages.

This included the special guests of the Little Phoenix King Cup, one after another making their way onto the stage.

The guests included representatives from the Magic City Trainer Association and sponsors from the Dawn Group. Among the dozen or so people, there were representatives from various industries.

"Student Lu, I didn't expect you to come as well."

Among the guests, a particularly young man was warmly chatting with everyone. Whenever someone saw him, they would politely come over to exchange a few words.

"Yeah, this time one of my junior apprentices from the dojo is competing, so I came to take a look."

"Oh? I've heard that Heavenly Heart Dojo has taken an apprentice with Superpower Talent. It turns out to be true."

"Please, do help us with the introduction later on."

"Certainly," the young man replied.

Heavenly Heart Dojo is one of the gathering places for Psychics in Hua Nation. It wasn't hard to tell from the young man's conversation that there were Superpower participants in this Little Phoenix King Cup.


Elsewhere, Fang Yuan and Lin Jing also arrived at the players' room.

There weren't many people here; most players had gone to the outdoor platforms to enjoy the buzz. Those who remained either preferred quiet or were indifferent to the outside world.

Fang Yuan wasn't either, but yesterday he had promised Lin Jing that today he would let her hug Eevee...

That was the real reason the two were here.

In the players' room, Fang Yuan took out his Poké Ball and released Eevee. Eevee was initially confused, but the next moment, it was joyfully scooped up into Lin Jing's arms.

"It's really adorable..."

Lin Jing kept stroking Eevee's fur and said, "How come Eevee doesn't look like it has any fighting ability? How did you guys make it into the main match?"


As Lin Jing held it and doubted its strength, Eevee quickly turned its head to look at Fang Yuan, asking what was going on.

"By sheer strength," Fang Yuan smiled and told Eevee to calm down a bit.

"By the way, why don't you let Growlithe out too? I want to see Growlithe as well."

"That's..." Lin Jing hesitated for a moment, then said awkwardly, "My Growlithe is a bit special, it doesn't like interacting with strangers. For your safety, maybe we should save it for another time."

"Cough, even my dad almost got knocked over when he tried to touch it. Now it only gets close to me."

"It's quite a character..." Fang Yuan scratched his cheek: "Actually, that's not necessarily a bad thing. If it was like Eevee, who knows when it might get lured away by someone."


Eevee put on a feigned ignorance expression but couldn't refute: (´◔₃◔`)

In Pingcheng, Eevee had nearly gotten lost from Fang Yuan more than once because of the tempting smells from the street food stalls.

It can be said that it really gives Fang Yuan a lot to worry about. Indeed, there are disadvantages to letting Pokemon roam outside.

"The main match is about to start, players in Group A please prepare in advance."

"I repeat, the main match is about to begin..."

It wasn't long before the announcement echoed in every player's room. Fang Yuan and Lin Jing checked the time; indeed, the match was about to start.

"Let's go out and have a look," Fang Yuan said.

"The seeded player in Group A is the trainer with the Scyther. I want to take a look at his fighting style and prepare in advance..."

Lin Jing's eyes widened as he looked at Fang Yuan.

"He's in Group A, and you're in Group D. Even if you meet, it wouldn't be until the quarterfinals..."

Fang Yuan nodded seriously.

The Little Phoenix King Cup New Trainer Battle Tournament's main match officially started at 8 o'clock in the morning!

The initial stage of the preliminary matches had eliminated many contestants, deciding the best amongst the 128 new trainers.

Most of these people came from key high schools in Magic City, and a few were from schools in cities nearby, but now, they were all about to compete on the same stage.

The first battle was between Player No. 1 and Player No. 2 in Group A.

Both fighters were new trainers with average skills. Fang Yuan estimated they were about on the same level as Liu Le and Little Kabigon.

If it were up to him, he could finish the battle in less than half a minute if Eevee gave it their all.

There was no need to pay too much attention.

In the end, the first battle concluded in less than two minutes.

"At this stage, the Pokemon's ability to sustain combat is not strong, which actually works in favor of me and Eevee," Fang Yuan thought to himself.

In the second match, Fang Yuan focused as a student with short hair entered the arena, and the commentator began to introduce:

"Player No. 4 in Group A, Xie Ming, had excellent results in the preliminaries—his Pokemon ended each of the four battles with just one or two moves. It's unknown how he will perform now in the main match."

"And his opponent is from..."

Confronted with a seeded player, Xie Ming's opponent didn't dare underestimate the challenge and was very cautious and careful with his Thunderclap Beast.

Every participant who made it to the main match had been seriously preparing for over a month, so Xie Ming couldn't win as easily as he did in the preliminaries.

"That Scyther is so fast... Even when disrupted by Thunderclap Beast's electromagnetic wave, it can still maintain such high speed. I really wonder how it was trained," Lin Jing said.

"Indeed it's fast, and those scissor-like blades look very dangerous too..." Fang Yuan said while aiming his phone at the field, ready to record the battle.

This Quick Attack speed is already faster than Eevee's, showing that inherent advantages are not easily made up for with effort. And this is still with the advantage of having had Sand Scale Fruit, but when it comes to reaction speed, Eevee should still be much faster...