Chapter 52 Interview_1

Group D concluded, and the battles for Group E began.

Following that, the remaining groups also successively decided their victors.

What Fang Yuan didn't expect was that the only non-seeded player to advance was himself.

The other fifteen were all contestants initially set as seeded players...

"Somehow, I feel a bit sorry for Lin Sen."

Fang Yuan scratched his head; poor guy, he had to face the invincible and handsome him.

After the day's competition ended, the organizers immediately contacted Fang Yuan.

He guessed the reason; they wanted to interview him.

No contestant would probably refuse such an opportunity; ambitious young people—who wouldn't want to be famous?

Tomorrow's battles will be even more grandiose, mainly reflected in the guest lineup. Perhaps some big shots will show up, and local TV stations might come over to film. If lucky, the contestants might even get a few seconds of airtime on local television.

Therefore, before the battle of the top sixteen started, the organizers certainly needed to step up their promotional efforts.

The first step was to conduct interviews with each contestant and then post them on the official website, forums, and streaming platforms to attract attention.

"This interview can't follow the usual path!"

"I must differentiate myself from the other contestants; that's how I'll create a buzz."

Fang Yuan silently considered; he decided... when the time came, he would mainly talk about his views on being a Trainer. As for the style? Play it by ear.

Being conventional isn't always a good thing; the audience prefers something different from the norm.

For the interview, Fang Yuan was taken to a separate room by a staff member.

The reporter in charge of him was a young woman who looked like she had just graduated from college—very energetic and exuding a sense of approachability.

Seated opposite Fang Yuan, the female reporter smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, just answer whatever I ask. It's okay if you don't answer well; we can edit it out later…"

"Alright," Fang Yuan nodded.


The Eevee perched on Fang Yuan's shoulder showed a well-behaved expression. A video? When had it ever seen such a setup...

Better to behave for now.

"OK, then let's start," she said.

The young female reporter signaled to the cameraman and then turned her head to look at Fang Yuan and Eevee.

First, the two playfully introduced themselves, and then the reporter, Xiao Shuang, began with the first question.

"Student Fang Yuan, what do you think is the reason you and Eevee have made it this far?"

"I believe that new Trainers nowadays are too impetuous and lack the qualities a true Trainer should possess," Fang Yuan said.


The female reporter's eyes lit up. What an unmodest answer—she smelled a scoop.

This newcomer is interesting.

"So that's the reason. Student Fang Yuan, in your previous battles, you used words to disturb your opponents. It seems you took advantage of their unstable state of mind. But, I have a question, doesn't this reduce the number of commands you give to your Pokemon?" she asked.

"It's all part of the strategy. While it's not yet perfect, victory has proven the value of this tactic. In my view, this is what a real Trainer should do."

"Can you talk more about what you think a Trainer should be like in your mind?"

"Trainers are like coaches who train professional athletes. They plan before a match, make good BAN picks and then they should let loose, allowing their Pokemon to play freely. Don't you agree, Eevee?"

"Bwoo (Nonsense)!"

"It seems that Student Fang Yuan's Eevee also highly agrees with this view. Student Fang Yuan's tactics of letting Pokemon play freely, to the greatest extent allow Pokemon to display their own style, and really stands out among the many New Trainers!"

Fang Yuan and Eevee were taken aback as they had met their match - this young female reporter who called herself Xiao Shuang was also quite the drama queen.

Fang Yuan would not show weakness.

"Naturally, those Trainers who call out Moves have not realized that they could never understand their own Pokemon better than themselves. That's merely an approach that reveals their strategy. I just need my exceptional gaze to shout decisive commands ('Dodge quickly!'), and offer encouragement to the Pokemon ('Stand up!'). That's enough."

"I trust my Eevee. One minute of battle is worth ten years of training, and it has been working exceptionally hard."

"It is precisely the tacit understanding and bond between us that allowed us to make it into the top sixteen, and even go further."

Eevee flashed a look of sudden realization.

Reporter Xiao Shuang also showed a look of admiration.

"Student Fang Yuan's comments are truly original and thought-provoking! Are you saying that all the excellent performance you show in battle is pre-arranged?"

"Exactly, it's all tactical movements. Every change in the situation on the field is under my control in an instant."

"Thank you, Trainer Fang Yuan, for accepting our interview. Viewers in front of the video, have you learned something?"


The interview was over, and the video of the interview would probably be edited and released tonight to promote the upcoming match.

In fact, the staff responsible for this segment also knew what kind of videos were more sensational...

As expected, the video of Fang Yuan's interview was placed in the most conspicuous position.

Fang Yuan himself wasn't the first to know. By the time he received the news, the video had already rapidly accumulated over 100k views and was still increasing.

Liu Le: Shocking, Boss, your interview video is on fire, its play count is miles ahead of the others, and it's only been a few minutes.

Fang Yuan: Really?

Without saying another word, Fang Yuan refused Eevee's request for the phone and found the video about his interview.

The interview video had indeed gone viral.

The insane rolling comments were enough to startle Fang Yuan.

Especially after Reporter Xiao Shuang said, "Viewers in front of the video, have you learned something?"...

"Can't learn this, rbqrbq."

"We all had the same compulsory education, why are you so outstanding!"

"Why does this sound so reasonable?"

"666, I'm impressed."

"Live and learn."

Besides the comments, there were also some lengthy reviews below.

The lackluster Dragon Arrogant: I never expected to hear such profound insights from a New Trainer. In fact, what he said makes a lot of sense, but the highly exposed battles we can access are not up to this level. I've heard that Professional Trainers exploring Secret locations face dangers that change in an instant, leaving no time for the Trainer to command the Pokemon. A Pokemon's reaction and judgment can sometimes decide the survival of a team.

Mushroom Kangaroo: As a team member who has participated in the college league several times, I have something to say. Although I don't know what a Professional Trainer is like, during my current competitions, the command phase is becoming increasingly overwhelming for me. My Pokemon's reaction speed is faster than my own. Sometimes, it can respond to attacks that I as the Trainer can't even keep up with, so the use of command terminology is becoming rarer. Indeed, it is a form of growth for a Trainer, of course, that's assuming the commands are correct.

Fang Yuan read with interest and was surprised to see that people had written lengthy discourses on the interview. Satisfied, he nodded approvingly, then took the time to reply to Liu Le: I kept my promise, whether you can get the girl or not is up to you now, remember to buy me a meal when we get back.