Chapter 58 Surprise or Not_1

Xu Lan's victory had been destined not long after the battle began.

Because Beedrill's wings were accidentally frozen, it did not completely dodge Snorunt's Icy Wind.

"Icy Wind that turns corners, huh..."

Fang Yuan stroked his chin, considering this within a tolerable range; Eevee, with its spinning Sand Splash, requested a battle!

That is...

Seeing Xu Jing's Casey win easily again in the third match, Fang Yuan felt a bit troubled. Teleport combined with Psyshock would definitely make the battle troublesome.

So, rather than Xu Jing, he would prefer to face Xiao Wen Yu and his Coal Turtle!

Fang Yuan, Xu Lan, Xu Jing, Xiao Wen Yu, the four of them became the semi-finalists of this Little Phoenix King Cup.

This fact served as a consolation for Fang Yuan.

Because regardless of whether he could win the final victory, Fang Yuan knew he already had a guaranteed prize of 30,000 yuan and an Elf Tool.

But it's a pity... The Elf Tool was just a small amount of Silver Powder, which could also be considered a special Scale Powder. Fang Yuan had no idea what use it could be for him; he didn't have any Bug Type Pokemon. He could sell it, but that wasn't his main objective...


That night, in order to rest well, Fang Yuan didn't contact anyone except his parents and spent time alone, quietly studying his opponents.

Meanwhile, Eevee continued its training.

In the hotel room, for fear of damaging the room, Eevee could only practice Shadow Clones and Sand Splash. However, after training for a while, Eevee turned its head to look at Fang Yuan, who was holding a phone, and called out.


Eevee dropped the bottle full of sand, indicating it wanted to watch as well.

"Finished with Sand Splash? Then go practice Shadow Clone," Fang Yuan said. "Tomorrow is the most important day, and then we'll be free."


Eevee huffed and turned its head back around, then created clones.

Looking at the clone that looked exactly like itself, Eevee sighed. It was a pity that it was just an afterimage. From the beginning it comprehended this move, Eevee had been thinking how great it would be if there was a real clone that could spare and battle for it.

Then, it could watch dramas contentedly.

Shaking its head vigorously, Eevee felt this thought was almost becoming an obsession.


The next day.

In the VIP seats, the audience stands, the contestant platforms, pairs of eyes were all staring at the two people walking onto the field.

Han Jia... Wang Jie... Xie Ming... The contenders Fang Yuan had eliminated had not left; they wanted to see how far the person who beat them could go.

Besides, the audience was also full of enthusiasm, looking forward to a major upset.

"I remember this Fang Yuan wasn't even a seeded contestant, and now he's in the semi-finals, this horse is truly dark!"

"That's right, if he keeps on winning it will be interesting, haha."

The VIPs were also eager to know the outcome of this battle; the Apprentice of the Winter Dojo and a silently unremarkable New Trainer—who was stronger, and who was weaker?

"Student Lu, would you like to share your thoughts?" Suddenly, a Professional Trainer asked Lu Hai with a smile.

Lu Hai frowned, "After having my face slapped several times, I'd rather not offer any thoughts. The newbies are all being cunning; let's just focus on the match."

On the field, Fang Yuan looked at the girl opposite him with a grin—was this the legendary Ice Queen?

Despite her young age, it's hard to fake one's temperament; this Xu Lan looked far too cold.

"Xu Lan, you must have watched my battle yesterday, right? Eevee is quite skilled at dodging; if Snorunt tries the same thing as with Beedrill, it definitely won't work on Eevee. Have you thought of any other strategies?"

"I have," Xu Lan said candidly. "So, your luck ends here."

A chill went through Fang Yuan's heart—he really had a plan?

He was curious to see what strategy it was.

Once the Referee gave the signal, Snorunt and Eevee released by Xu Lan and Fang Yuan began to move simultaneously.

Snorunt was a small, black Pokemon, very petite, with its body covered in a yellow conical cloak edged with orange. As soon as the match began, it twisted its mouth open and, eyeing Eevee with its blue eyes, created chunks of ice in front of itself and rapidly threw them over.

"Bwoo!" Seeing the not-very-dense chunks of ice, Eevee curled the corner of its mouth, planning to close the distance directly.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ice shards hit the ground, none striking Eevee, and Eevee drew increasingly closer to Snorunt.

"Icy Wind!" commanded Xu Lan.

"Sand Splash!" Fang Yuan quickly followed.

Sand Splash?

At that moment, the vendor in the stands holding a big box of cold drinks and shaved ice was stunned.


Everyone looked back only to see Eevee swing out a bunch of sand as a defense.

The Icy Wind hit the sand first, the cold air immediately spreading over it, freezing the granules before they hit the ground; indeed, what was created was none other than shaved ice.

"No matter how many times I watch, the freezing speed is really fast."

As Fang Yuan muttered to himself, Eevee had already dodged to a new position and used Quick Attack to charge at Snorunt.

Snorunt wasn't particularly fast, nowhere near as swift as Scyther, so the initiative was on Eevee's side this time, and defense wasn't Snorunt's forte. As long as Eevee found the right opportunity, victory was in sight!

However, the semi-finals were evidently not going to be so easy.


Eevee's sudden attack missed, as it turned out this Snorunt could also perform Shadow Clone; it just hadn't shown that ability before.

Without waiting for the Trainer's command, the evading Snorunt promptly hurled a large water orb at Eevee, which from its trembling speed was probably the Water Pulse move.

"Quick, dodge!"

Fang Yuan shouted, and Eevee brilliantly managed to avoid the hit.

To maintain distance, Snorunt retreated while attacking, seemingly recklessly spending energy like it was free, baffling the spectators.

This way, even without Eevee attacking, wouldn't Snorunt run out of energy first?

Snorunt kept retreating until it reached the edge of the arena, with nowhere else to go, Eevee dodged all the attacks and then looked back at its opponent.

Jerk, try retreating again.

But just as Eevee was about to advance, its foot suddenly slipped and its body almost lost balance.

Fang Yuan and Eevee looked at the ground and saw that, unbeknownst to them, a layer of smooth ice had formed on the floor.

"So that's it. By altering the terrain with water and ice to create a smooth icy surface, they're limiting Eevee's movements. Worthy of a Winter Dojo apprentice, already having learned to use the terrain to their advantage," remarked Student Lu, clapping her hands in realization: "This has completely restricted Eevee's movement."

At the same time, the Commentator also explained, making the audience finally understand.

"Good move."

This was Xu Lan's strategy, and the ice created by Snorunt looked like it wasn't going to melt anytime soon.

Fang Yuan's brow furrowed as he planned to have Eevee create distance and then cover the ice with Sand Splash to create some friction to facilitate Eevee's running.

However, to Fang Yuan's surprise, after just a little bit of getting used to it, Eevee found a comfortable way to move.

It actually started to glide easily on the icy surface by wrapping its feet with General Series energy, looking even more agile than before!

"What's going on? Isn't that a figure skating move from the Pokemon Ice Skating Championship?" a few spectators noticed the change in Eevee and exclaimed in confusion.


Fang Yuan quickly called out, only to see Eevee give him a confident nod.

In that moment, Fang Yuan had an epiphany.

His Eevee was also gifted!

Not only could it reconstruct buildings from movies perfectly with sand, creating perfect sand castles.

Now it had even mimicked the posture and techniques from the Pokemon Ice Skating Championships – Eevee, why are you so impressive?

Following this, with Eevee unaffected by the ice and using Quick Attack to rush across the surface again, Xu Lan was stunned, Snorunt was stunned, the guests were stunned, and the audience was stunned.

Let me ask you, a figure-skating Eevee, isn't that a surprise!

After dodging several hastily thrown ice chunks, Eevee managed to get close to Snorunt, knocking it away in one fell swoop and taking the opportunity to strike again.

The Referee hesitated for a moment, looking at the fallen Snorunt and the triumphant Eevee, and with some doubt he announced the result of the battle.

"Snorunt is unable to battle…"

For some reason, Fang Yuan felt that the farther he strayed from Red Grandpa, the more he resembled Xiaozhi...

He has Pikachu, I have Eevee!