Chapter 55: Falling into a Disadvantage?_1

Time flew by, and it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun blazed fiercely.

Yet the Oriental Pearl Stadium was packed, with the audience eagerly waiting for the afternoon's matches.

There were still four battles left today, each highly anticipated, such as the first battle...

"Xie Ming versus Fang Yuan!"

As the commentator announced the two names, a round of cheers instantly erupted from the stands.

Xie Ming and Fang Yuan, having both advanced through the rounds, had accumulated a group of supportive fans.

As the Bug Series powerhouse Scyther made its appearance and fought, it did so with stunning grace. Its offensive capabilities were exceptionally ferocious, and whether it was its moves or fighting spirit, it embodied the cool and ruthless approach.

The General Series' Eevee might seem delicate and frail, but its battle awareness was remarkably strong. Having taken down so many tough opponents, no one would underestimate it.

On either side of the field, after Fang Yuan and his opponent released their Pokemon, they waited for the referee's command to start.

"Eevee's reaction speed is not bad, but Scyther is no slouch either, especially when it comes to mobility. Being able to fly gives Scyther a significant advantage, along with its consecutive slashing offense, which is also tough to withstand. I'm curious how Fang Yuan plans to cope with this."

"This is interesting. So far in the tournament, Eevee has yet to face an opponent quicker than itself. Facing the flying Scyther, Eevee is somewhat restricted, but as to what the outcome will be, we'll have to wait until the battle begins to find out."

The guests in the VIP seats started discussing.


"Xie Ming, your Scyther may be fast, but do you believe it can't even touch my Eevee?" Fang Yuan suddenly said, taking advantage of the moment before the match had started.

On the other side, Xie Ming frowned, feeling unpleasant.

"I've seen your interview videos. If you think you can make me lose my composure like that, you're underestimating us."

"Not at all," Fang Yuan smiled, "I'm just stating a fact. Just to let you know, we have prepared a secret weapon for this battle, so be careful."

Xie Ming took a deep breath, telling himself not to be affected, but Fang Yuan's words had more or less touched a nerve.

This asshole...

"We'll see about that," said Xie Ming.

The next moment, the referee announced the start of the battle—

Xie Ming promptly issued a command.

Scyther relaxed its lower body as its blade-like wings began to vibrate. Slowly, its feet left the ground, and it took to the air.


In an instant, Scyther locked onto Eevee, its forearms and the sharp scythes they bore parting, ready to give Eevee a taste of its power.

"Scyther, consecutive slashes!" Xie Ming continued.

The consecutive slash attack, each successful strike on the opponent, made Scyther's next slash even more powerful— a move that allowed the Pokemon to become fiercer in battle.

Xie Ming had used this tactic for Scyther to take out another seed player in the tournament with a continuous offense.

"Indeed very fast..."

Following a Quick Attack dash, Scyther's silhouette blurred in Fang Yuan and Little Eevee's vision to only a vague contour.

Such speed sharpened the scythes on Scyther's arms even more.

Fang Yuan and Eevee concentrated their spirit...

Three meters... two meters... one meter...

As the distance between the two Pokemon shrank to one meter, Fang Yuan finally spoke out:


In a critical moment, Eevee used its shadow clone move, and Scyther's first slash scattered a mere afterimage.

The remaining three afterimages, along with the actual body, surrounded Scyther.

Fang Yuan and Eevee's hearts were pounding intensely—it was a close call.

Seeing the failed attack, Xie Ming and Scyther grew tense. After quickly assessing the situation, Xie Ming immediately instructed, "Watch your back, use Wing Attack!"

He quickly spotted which one was the real Eevee because right behind Scyther, Eevee had already started using the Splash Technique.

"Bwoo!" With a sly look in its eyes, Eevee flung its forelimb, scattering a cloud of dust.


Responding to the command, Scyther, quick on its feet, managed to use the airflow from its wingbeat to blow away the Sand Splash and shield itself from disturbance.

"Shadow clones again?" Xie Ming was surprised.

In the brief moment as the dust cleared, Eevee moved again and created more afterimages...

"Something's not right, I almost fell for it."

After a while, Xie Ming finally realized what was happening and had Scyther widen the gap with Eevee.

"Noticing it just in time. In close combat, Scyther's speed advantage cannot be fully utilized. Instead, the more reactive Eevee would be more nimble. Plus, during this time, Fang Yuan had been continually instructing Eevee to evade using Scyther's blind spots, cleverly using the timing difference to make Scyther's attacks even harder to land. As time passes, as soon as Eevee finds an opening, it could severely damage Scyther," said the Professional Trainer guest.

"This Fang Yuan must have studied Scyther's attack patterns for a long time. Eevee is very good at managing combat distance," the Professional Trainer continued.

"But now the tables have turned. Next, all Xie Ming needs to do is command Scyther to use its Flying advantage to control the positioning and limit Eevee's mobility, and the battle will soon be over," another Professional Trainer added.

"Moreover, reacting to attacks from the air and counterattacking is a completely different concept from reacting to attacks from all sides and counterattacking. You can evade once, but can you keep evading... This is getting interesting."


"Oh? Have you realized it so quickly?"

Seeing Scyther create distance from Eevee, Fang Yuan regretfully said, not being able to bait his opponent left him with no plan.

"Scyther, use High-speed Movement to fly in the air first," Xie Ming gave his next command.

At the same time, Eevee also stopped its actions and watched the green shadow in the sky, feeling discontent.

Taking advantage because Little Eevee cannot fly?

At this moment, unlike the explosive speed brought by Quick Attack, the High-speed Movement Technique let Scyther appear more relaxed, light, without losing any speed.

After both sides watched each other for a moment, with a command from Xie Ming, Scyther attacked once more, and Eevee cast Sand Splash, but the sand was immediately blown away by the airflow created by Scyther's wings.

Left with no other choice, Eevee dodged to the side, but Scyther was too fast. With just widening the distance again, it already had another good chance to attack.

Now the distance between them was dangerously close. Apart from using Quick Attack to counter, Eevee couldn't break the situation with Sand Splash or Shadow Clones, so it had to forcefully block, colliding with Scyther's flurry of slashes using a swift Quick Attack.

There was a loud "bang" as Eevee was pushed back by the force of Scyther's slashes, and Scyther also retreated a distance.

Judging from the power of their moves, it was a tie this time.


"Take Down attack landed. If this continues, the force of the Take Down will become stronger and stronger. Next strike, Eevee will definitely be the one injured!"