Chapter 68 Back to School!_1

If you ask a student what passes the quickest, they will surely say that vacation time flies by fastest.

Fang Yuan could relate deeply.

In the blink of an eye, it was September 1st, the opening day of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School.

Since returning from Magic City, Fang Yuan felt somewhat dazed as if time had slipped away in an instant; apart from rushing to finish his summer homework, it seemed he barely had time to do anything else.

That morning.

Fang Yuan organized his books and stationery, put on his school uniform, and with Eevee's Poké Ball in hand, he began heading to school.

He then found class 12, which was now the senior third year class.

He wasn't too early. By the time he got there, half the class was already present. Truth be told, since Teacher Li hadn't arrived, no one bothered to organize morning self-study. Everyone was gathered in small groups, each holding their own Poké Ball and chatting animatedly.

If it weren't for the school's rule against releasing Pokemon at will, these people would likely have been showing off their Beginner Elves already.

"Good morning everyone,"

At the doorway, Fang Yuan cleared his throat, and suddenly all eyes in the class were on him.


Everyone instantly returned to their seats, looking exceptionally well-behaved.


Fang Yuan was taken aback.

Haven't you all been wanting to see me? Now here I am in the flesh, and you react like you've seen a ghost...

Fang Yuan suddenly realized something, turned his head, and gave an awkward smile.

Behind him stood a middle-aged woman with a stern, long, rectangular face and a pair of black thick-framed glasses on her face.

"Teacher Zhang, good morning..." Fang Yuan scratched his head.

Teacher Zhang walks so silently... She's wasted being a teacher, she could have been an excellent assassin.

"Good morning, back to your seat," Teacher Zhang nodded.

Zhang Haiqin, the homeroom teacher of class 12, was feared for her strict methods but also deeply respected for her serious and responsible attitude.

Fang Yuan obediently returned to his seat and then yawned.

I'm really not used to this feeling. It's way more thrilling to be out there on the battlefield spreading my youthful energy.

About ten minutes later, the whole class had arrived, and Teacher Zhang began to quiet everyone's reading.

"A new semester has begun."

"Starting today, you all are third-year senior students. The relaxed mindset you might have had in the first and second years... I suggest you put it away as soon as possible. This year will be tougher, more tiring than you can imagine! If you don't change your mindset, you're the only ones who will suffer in the end!"

"Over the past two years, you have completed your academic studies, so in this third year, your subjects will mainly revolve around review. The intention is for you to identify and fill any gaps, and I hope you cherish this last opportunity."

"Physical education and training classes will become your main courses in the third year. Don't think they are easier than academic ones. Every week, your seniors cried on their way home. What you need to do is toughen up, understand?!"

"Understood!" everyone chorused.

Fang Yuan looked over the new class schedule, noticing a significant increase in outdoor activities compared to indoor classes.

Morning runs and afternoon drills, totaling 50 minutes, along with a one-hour physical education class, meant that students' weekly physical activity had increased considerably from the first and second years.

But this was all necessary.

If you want to make a living as a Trainer in the future, you can't fall behind in physical strength.

Besides that, there were the training classes.

The so-called training class is the segment for training Pokemon. The school provides various training environments and equipment tailored to different types of Pokemon.

This training primarily focuses on the basic qualities of the Pokemon, and occasionally includes mock battles, which is the main teaching content for the third year of high school.

If one were to calculate simply, it would be found that the time for academic courses and training each accounts for about fifty percent, with no particular emphasis on either side.

Teacher Zhang had not yet finished speaking.

After ladling out a bunch of Soul Chicken Soup to the students, she continued, "Alright, I'll stop here for now. I hope you can take these words to heart. As someone who has been through it all, I'm telling you this for your own good. Work hard in senior year, and university life will be easier; the one to enjoy the benefits later will be yourself."

"In a little while, I will introduce a new teacher to you. She will be mainly responsible for your outdoor classes during this third year of high school."

The minds of the students sitting below the podium surged with thoughts.

Outdoor classes should include physical education, right?

What about the previous PE teacher?!

No, wait, that's not the point. Outdoor classes definitely include the training class, and anyone qualified to teach that course must be a Trainer!

"A Senior Trainer," thought Fang Yuan to himself.

Novice, ordinary, elite, senior, professional.

He deduced that the new teacher Teacher Zhang was about to introduce must be an experienced Senior Trainer. Perhaps not as strong as Yang Han, Zhuang Xin, or Uncle Lin, but her teaching ability should not be much less than Uncle Shan's.

With this thought, Fang Yuan began to look forward to it.

After early self-study had ended.

Representatives of various subjects began to collect the summer homework.

Fang Yuan, filled with emotion, also brought his out.

These darned exercise books that killed off a bunch of his brain cells were finally about to bid farewell.

Fang Yuan did not have the task of collecting homework; he was not the class representative for any subject.

But he was a member of the class committee—

Although in principle, Fang Yuan did not want to be a class committee member, finding it troublesome, he could not resist the teacher's firm attitude, leaving no room for him to decline.

And so... Fang Yuan had been this so-called class psychology committee member for nearly two years now, and he even successfully joined the psychology club, which had a small number of members.

Speaking of which, the history of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School organizing club activities can probably be traced back to three years ago.

At that time, provincial leaders came to inspect the school, and in order to put up a "face project," including the psychology club, a host of student clubs were established then. This led to the fact that after the inspection was over, except for a few clubs that survived, most clubs had already cooled down.

The current psychology club... also showed signs of disbanding.

Because, as the senior students graduated, the psychology club now only had Fang Yuan as its sole commander.

"No, once the break comes, I'll go find Teacher Li and talk to him about recruitment," Fang Yuan decided, slapping the desk.

Having a club allowed him to legitimately skip some unimportant classes; the club must live on.


The class teacher, Teacher Zhang, returned from the office.

She entered the classroom and gently tapped the blackboard; the class immediately quieted down.

"Let me introduce you all. This is Teacher Bai Ning."

As she finished speaking, a young and beautiful female teacher with wine-red short hair and a warm and affable smile entered from outside. It seemed this teacher might only have been teaching for a few years.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Bai Ning. Since you might find me a bit unfamiliar, let me introduce myself in detail," said Teacher Bai Ning.

"I can be considered your senior as I also graduated from this school. After the college entrance exams, I went to the provincial Normal University, then returned to teach at Pingcheng No.1 Middle School. However, not long after, I followed the school's study group to Europe for an exchange program and only recently came back to the school. So, you could say you are the second batch of students I've taught. Please guide me in the year to come."

Following that, Teacher Bai Ning started scanning the classroom, eventually resting her gaze on Lin Jing and Fang Yuan.