Chapter 72 Analysis of Strength_1

"It's quite simple," Fang Yuan said with a smile. "It's from analyzing the Pokemon's basic qualities and the extent to which they've mastered their moves."

Liu Le and Lin Jing both put down their chopsticks and looked towards Fang Yuan, waiting for his explanation.

"Well... this is a set of assessment standards I've summarized myself; it might not suit you, but I can still share it with you."

"Firstly, I categorized the Pokemon's basic qualities into several levels, currently represented here as unqualified, average, and outstanding."

"Take your Little Kabigon, for example."

"Its reaction speed, mobility speed, and coordination ability are definitely unqualified without a doubt; only its physical strength and body toughness are passable."

"Beyond that, the use of its moves is very average. In situations where it can't compensate for these shortcomings through moves, Little Kabigon is very easily targeted by opponents."

"However, Little Kabigon isn't without advantages; as I mentioned before, its physical strength and body toughness are relatively outstanding among most of the competitors."

"So, overall, Little Kabigon can handle inexperienced opponents with no problem, but when it comes to battling those top-seeded participants, its weak points are just too obvious."

Liu Le scratched his head helplessly and looked towards Little Kabigon; these were innate weaknesses that couldn't be perfectly overcome in just two months.

"In the end, it's still about mastering too few moves... Kabigon isn't a Pokemon that relies on speed to battle. Once it learns more moves, it will be able to compensate for its shortcomings through different moves, and only then can its real strength be fully utilized," said Fang Yuan.

"And my Growlithe...?" asked Lin Jing.

"It's been trained quite comprehensively; however, to put it another way, it can also be described as quite average. While it has no apparent weaknesses, besides its explosive power, Growlithe doesn't have any advantages that can determine the outcome of a match."

The Growlithe that underwent training in the police dog training camp took the same approach as Eevee, focusing on balanced development.

However, besides these, Eevee also underwent training in special characteristics and techniques, something Growlithe didn't do.

After some time in training, Eevee's physical strength, body toughness, and explosive power have become qualified, preventing them from being weaknesses.

The mobility speed brought about by its well-mastered Quick Attack, in coordination with its body, is where it excels.

But this isn't the main reason Eevee could win the championship.

Because looking at these stats, Eevee was only on par with Growlithe. Eevee's real advantage lies in two other aspects.

Its reaction speed, after rigorous training and the boost from its characteristics, has surpassed the 'outstanding' category, becoming extremely excellent. Among all the new Trainers participating, no one's Pokemon has a reaction speed that exceeds that of Eevee.

This excellent reaction speed endows it with strong combat awareness, and that's the main reason why Eevee can easily overpower its opponents in battles.

Furthermore, Eevee's mastery of the Splash Technique has advanced beyond mere proficiency due to the training for its Counter Shield.

It could be said that Eevee has become highly sophisticated with the Sand Splash move, developing its own style.

However, as a Normal type Pokemon, if there aren't any other extraordinary encounters, it's likely that Eevee's expertise with Sand Splash would remain limited to this.

Therefore, for basic qualities, Fang Yuan's categorization was unqualified, average, outstanding, and excellent...

And for level of move mastery, Fang Yuan's categories were mastery, skilled, and proficient...

Mastery means that the Pokemon has just learned the move and can use it according to the rules, like Eevee's Bite and Shadow Clone.

Skilled indicates that the Pokemon has undergone a significant amount of training and combat experience with the move.

At this level, the Pokemon can slightly modify the move and use it very comfortably, such as Eevee's Quick Attack.

As for mastery, it requires the accumulation of long-term experience accompanied by certain talent, or having special training methods.

At this level of mastery, Pokémon can freely use moves, easily control the power of the moves and change the form of moves, such as Eevee's Sand-spouting Counter-shield.

Of course, this classification wasn't over yet, but for Fang Yuan, these levels were not something he could reach in a short period of time.

Therefore, if Fang Yuan wanted to further enhance Eevee's strength, besides teaching it new moves, it was extremely important to improve its proficiency with existing moves.

Of course, training in basic qualities should not be neglected, but this required long-term accumulation, the further down the line, the more time it would take, which was not as magical as moves that could quickly enhance a Pokémon's strength.

After Fang Yuan had briefly described it, Liu Le and Lin Jing were already dizzy.

The information was too much, and the delivery was somewhat disordered, they might not have understood very well.

"Let's eat!"

Fang Yuan shrugged.

By then, Little Kabigon had already swept through a table of dishes, and Eevee was not to be outdone, competing with Little Kabigon in how much it could eat, but the outcome should not be hard to predict—it would lose miserably.

After eating, it was almost time for school.

The afternoon classes were not much different from the morning ones.

For Fang Yuan, such a day was rather inefficient.

Because for most of the time, Eevee would be in its Poké Ball, which meant that for Eevee, all that time was completely wasted.

Fang Yuan felt this was unacceptable.

This precious time shouldn't be wasted so carelessly.

Even letting Eevee play with a smartphone on the side would be more meaningful than staying inside the Poké Ball, purely because his Eevee was different from others' Pokémon as it could learn moves on its own.

As long as it was properly persuaded, Eevee's self-motivation was incredibly strong.

So, throughout the afternoon, Fang Yuan pondered whether there was a foolproof solution.

Leaving Eevee at home during school hours was definitely not an option because, at the latest in one week, outdoor classes would include Pokémon training and battling segments.

A way must be found that could both bring Eevee to school and allow it sufficient space to be active.

Eventually, Fang Yuan did indeed find one.

The activity classroom of the psychology club was almost never visited by anyone other than the members of the club, and only he and Teacher Li had keys. If he could leave Eevee alone in that classroom during indoor classes and assign it some tasks, wouldn't that perfectly solve the problem?

When it came time for outdoor classes that needed Pokémon training, he could just take Eevee away during the break, so nothing would be neglected.

"As long as Eevee behaves, it shouldn't be discovered."

"This idea is brilliant."

"Just don't know if the indoor class time in a semester would be enough for Eevee to figure out how to use Substitute..."

Fang Yuan fell into thought.