Chapter 79 Formal Submission_1


After arranging training tasks for Eevee, Fang Yuan began to shop online for weighted equipment and sandbags.

Not until Friday did the two items he purchased arrive.

The first week of school was very fulfilling for Fang Yuan.

For a high school student to be attending school while rushing to finish a paper is truly without parallel.

At school, the greatest gain for Fang Yuan was a series of teaching contents about the basic skills of a Trainer.

Although these skills are something every Trainer can do, Fang Yuan only realized after systematic study that there is indeed a significant gap between scientific learning and complete self-study.

Just one week had passed, and Fang Yuan had already gained deep insight.

Friday, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Pingcheng No.1 Middle School finishes classes very early, even for seniors.

Boarding students go home, and day students also go home, awaiting either a two-day holiday or two days of extra classes.

Anyway, Fang Yuan is definitely not going to escape extra classes on Saturday and Sunday...

Fang Yuan, Lin Jing, and Liu Le, who have joined the New Star Program, attend normal classes from Monday to Friday, following the school's schedule, whereas on Saturday and Sunday, they must receive additional training at the Trainer Association.

As for this type of supplementary class, Fang Yuan doesn't really mind it.

It's not that he likes extra classes, it mainly depends on what they consist of.

If it was a math tutoring class, Fang Yuan would be overwhelmingly dismayed, but if it was a combat-relevant tutorial, Fang Yuan would have no reason to refuse.



As usual, after returning home, the first thing Fang Yuan did was to turn on his computer.

If nothing unexpected happened, today his paper could be formally submitted.

This paper on the discovery of a new characteristic, Fang Yuan planned to submit to the Home of Elves journal.

The Home of Elves is a publication with a fairly comprehensive content, issued weekly.

Although it's not the journal in the Spirit Academic World that best reflects the academic standing of the field, it definitely has the widest audience, the lowest threshold, and highly inclusive content, making it very suitable for newcomers like Fang Yuan.

After spending some more time, Fang Yuan stretched slightly and then stared intently at the screen.

He entered the official website of the Home of Elves, logged into his author account, and went to the submission system.

After Fang Yuan once again checked the formatting and layout of the paper according to the journal's requirements, he clicked agree on the page of the copyright transfer agreement.

He uploaded the paper and filled in the manuscript and author information, leaving only the payment of the review fee.

Whether the paper passed the review or not, Fang Yuan's review fee was non-refundable. Since the Home of Elves journal has the lowest threshold, its review fee is extraordinarily high to prevent malicious spam submissions.

After paying, Fang Yuan finally submitted his paper, and the submission status showed "New Manuscript".

However, it was clear that his submission as a newcomer would probably only be processed by the editorial office in a few days.

In the next two months, Fang Yuan's submission would undergo multiple reviews... all he needed to do was to keep an eye on the process.


After taking care of the paper,

Fang Yuan planned to relax for a little on his rare half-day off.

Eevee was watching a drama series, and he, of course, also wanted to unwind a bit. Since arriving in this world, Fang Yuan had given up many leisurely pastimes, such as anime, games, novels... and had devoted himself entirely to the career of a Trainer.

However, just as Fang Yuan was about to take a break, a phone call interrupted him...

The caller was his dad.

"Hello, son, are you home yet?"

"I'm home."

"Go check my room's drawer, see if my ID card is in there."


Fang Yuan went to have a look and replied, "It's here."

"Ah, indeed, I need it now, could you help me deliver it?"

Deliver the identity card?


My wonderful half day... wait, not even half a day off.

Covering his chest, Fang Yuan replied helplessly, "Alright, send me your location, and I'll take a cab over."

After hanging up the phone, he soon received the location. The place was an abandoned power plant in the suburbs, a fifteen-minute taxi ride away.

This power plant was originally built to supply power for the maglev trains, but plans failed to keep up with changes, and due to some external factors, it was abandoned and became the place where Father Fang's company raised Electric Elves.

The Electric Elves here were mainly Magnemites and Thunderballs, feeding on electricity and growing to a certain point before being transported to other positions within the company to participate in work.

Fang Yuan had also heard that some electricians performing special tasks were allocated Electric Elves, with their companies helping to register for Trainer identities.

Besides, if there were children of company employees who were university Trainers and in need of Electric Elves, there had been many instances where such power plants gifted Elves.

However, nowadays, Trainers are accustomed to purchasing the Elves and Spirit eggs carefully cultivated by Breeders from breeding houses, and they are not very interested in the Elves raised on a large scale by enterprises, not even for free. They think these are no different from Wild Elves, having low potential, poor talent, and stunted development.

In the Wild Elves, probably only the leaders of Elf Clan Groups in Secret Locations, the dominants of Elf communities, or some Different Colored Sprites could attract the attention of these Trainers.

This is similar to ordinary people pursuing "brand names"; the bottom-tier Wild Elves and massively-raised Elves are hardly valued.

The Elves cultivated by the Breeders from breeding houses are the hot commodities for the Trainers.

After securing the identity card, Fang Yuan called for a taxi and then came to his bedroom door, deliberately knocking.

At this time, Eevee was still lying on the bed watching a show.





Fang Yuan called out four times before Eevee reluctantly lifted its head.

"Bwoo..." Eevee pressed the pause button reluctantly and looked towards Fang Yuan.

It had a bad feeling, so now it didn't really want to talk to Fang Yuan.

"I'm going out for a bit, do you want to come along and have some fun?" Fang Yuan asked.


Eevee shook its head vigorously and wrapped its silk scarf a little tighter.

Not tempted in the slightest.

Facing Eevee's response, Fang Yuan's feelings were complicated, to say the least.


Fang Yuan continued to gaze at Eevee.

About half a minute later, Eevee finally came over helplessly.

"That's more like it."

Catching Eevee in one swoop and placing it on his shoulder, Fang Yuan laughed softly.


Eevee rolled its eyes and stuck out its tongue at Fang Yuan, finding Fang Yuan to be quite a pain, yet it had to accompany him even for just going out.


Soon, the taxi arrived, and after a short ride, Fang Yuan and Eevee arrived near the power plant.

After another call to Father Fang, Fang Yuan and Eevee walked towards the inside...