Chapter 81 Weekend Live Training_1

Back home, Fang Yuan didn't dwell too long on the issue with Little Magnetic Monster. He wasn't an Elf Doctor, so he definitely couldn't treat it.

However, if there was a chance, he could inquire with Teacher Li or Doctor He. They might know something.

"8:00 AM sharp, meet at the main entrance of Pingcheng Building..."

Within the five-person group chat for the New Star Plan, Fang Yuan received a message about the arrangements for additional training tomorrow.

"At 8 o'clock, I can sleep in a bit..."

Fang Yuan was moved, reminiscing about the holidays when sleeping till noon was possible, but after entering senior year, even sleeping till seven was a luxury. Senior year students really are easily satisfied...

At the same time.

In the group chat, Liu Le began to gather intelligence.

Liu Le: Umm... may I ask, do we need to prepare anything for tomorrow?

Lin Jing: Pokemon are definitely essential...

Fang Yuan: Same question.

Yang Han: Just bring your Pokemon and Poké Balls, and if the plan doesn't change, tomorrow I will take you for field training in the wild. Inform your families that the training will not end until Sunday and you'll be spending the entire day outside on Saturday.

Field... live combat training?

"Basic qualities training at the school, and then real combat in the wild on the weekend? I like." Fang Yuan said.

What is a man's romance?

For a Trainer, it's certainly adventures.

This time, Fang Yuan hadn't expected to have the opportunity to accompany a Professional Trainer for live combat training in the wild.

And in order to figure out where tomorrow's destination was, Fang Yuan privately chatted with Yang Han to dig deeper, and then he got an even more unexpected result.

South Service Town Back Mountain.

Yang Han: The elves from the Secret location near Nanwu Town have been tamed or dispersed based on their threat level, and the dispersed ones have all been sent to the Back Mountain far from the town. A Ranger Defense Line has been established there, and it has become the main gathering area for Wild elves.

So that's how it is, it seems we're going to face the group of elves from the Secret location.

Finally, I can get my revenge!

But let's forget about the Pidgeot for now, Eevee certainly still wouldn't stand a chance...

"South Service Town Back Mountain..."

Fang Yuan recalled that when he was little, he often went to South Service Town Back Mountain, just not in this world.

He actually had some nostalgia for the times he went up the mountain with his grandpa to catch grasshoppers.

As for now... there's no catching grasshoppers anymore. If you run into a Caterpie, that's still okay, at worst you get wrapped up like a rice dumpling. But if you meet an Unown... it's not a good experience to accidentally get touched by a Poison Pin.


Saturday morning.

After getting up and washing up, Fang Yuan took out the outfit akin to Red Grandpa's, which had been collecting dust for a week.

There was no choice... even though this set of clothes was cool, Fang Yuan still had to wear the school uniform at school honestly.

But not now. Wearing a school uniform on Saturday and Sunday would simply be an affront to all reason.

After putting on this outfit, Fang Yuan felt full of energy, as if he were back at the Little Phoenix King Cup, brimming with spirit.

By contrast, Eevee seemed to be lacking energy. This little one... had a nightmare last night and let out a scream in the middle of the night, leaving Fang Yuan completely baffled...

According to Eevee's description, it had dreamed that it endured several rounds of Thunderbolt, ultimately meeting a very tragic end.

"You've definitely been watching too much nonsense..."

"Right, I mean, what if... if your internet addiction gets worse, you might really need electrotherapy," Fang Yuan said with a grin.

"Let me think, if Dad manages to bring Little Magnetic Monster home, your dream might just come true very soon..."

Hearing this, Eevee pursed its lips.

It already had immunity against Fang Yuan's way of cajoling kids.

That being said...

But as soon as it remembered last night's "Dreamland," Eevee couldn't help but shudder subconsciously. Electric shock was too terrifying.


After a quick tidy-up, Fang Yuan and Eevee started eating breakfast.

The breakfast was simple, just milk and bread.

After eating, they immediately set off... heading for the Trainer Association located in Pingcheng Building.

At 7:45 a.m., Fang Yuan was the second to arrive, Lin Jing had arrived even earlier, leaving only Liu Le yet to come.

After greeting each other, Fang Yuan and Lin Jing waited together, and about ten minutes later, Liu Le arrived, just in time.

"Is it just you guys?" Liu Le asked.

"For now, it is," Fang Yuan said.

"Uh, so it's for now, look, someone's coming."

As it neared eight o'clock, with the three waiting, a very capable-looking middle-aged woman walked out of Pingcheng Building.

Fang Yuan recognized her, it was the Professional Trainer, Zhuang Xin.

She waved at the three of them, signaling Fang Yuan and the others to follow her inside.

Fang Yuan had been to Pingcheng Building before, but only to the first few floors.

The first few floors of Pingcheng Building were public areas, including the Spirit Center, Friendly Store, and others. The top floors housed the Disaster Warning Center that monitored waves from secret locations, while the middle floors were office and living spaces for internal members of the Trainer Association.

Zhuang Xin led the three onto the elevator and pressed the button for the 13th floor, meanwhile saying,

"Before heading out to the wilderness, I'll explain a few things and allocate some equipment to you."

The three nodded.

Then, reaching the 13th floor, under Zhuang Xin's lead, they came to a room decorated like a classroom.

"Just sit wherever for now," Zhuang Xin said.

Fang Yuan, Lin Jing, and Liu Le obediently sat in the first row, and only then did Zhuang Xin begin to talk about important matters.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Zhuang Xin, and I am the principal person in charge of the Pingcheng New Star Project. You can also call me Sister Zhuang."

"Frankly speaking, the New Star Project isn't very innovative. In Magic City, in the Imperial Capital, in those developed cities, similar schemes are commonplace. The Trainer Association allocates a certain amount of resources to cultivate potential new Trainers, which can be considered an unspoken rule."

Zhuang Xin spoke unhurriedly. However, upon hearing this, Fang Yuan sighed inwardly; do all the Professional Trainers in Pingcheng like to act young?

Suddenly, Zhuang Xin pointed at Liu Le and asked, "What do you think is the main purpose of the New Star Project?"

Liu Le was startled and said, "To train our abilities so we can get into those prestigious universities?"

"That's not the main purpose," Zhuang Xin huffed.

"To the Trainer Association, even if they cultivate university graduates from prestigious schools, it's of no use if they don't become Professional Trainers. Prestigious university graduates who can't become Professional Trainers are no different from ordinary graduates in the eyes of the Trainer Association."

"Remember, the sole purpose of your training is to adapt early to the standards of a Professional Trainer, use this to demand more from yourselves, and then strive to pass the Professional Trainer assessment before the age of thirty."

Liu Le swallowed hard; this woman was quite intimidating.

And becoming a Professional Trainer before thirty... that felt like a lot of pressure.