Chapter 115: Triple Iron Tail_1

Cheng Mingzhe's strength had taken the members of the Pingcheng No.1 High School Team by surprise.

Seeing Yue Chenfei and Zhou Xueyao, who usually ranked top in regular training, defeated one after another, the rest of the team members looked tense.

"There's no helping it, this is just the gap between schools."

Director Wu and Teacher Bai Ning, with their wide experience, had come with a mindset to learn, so they didn't react too much.

But Yang Han was quite displeased; although he too knew the result would likely turn out this way, it still irrationally irked him.

Especially after seeing his arch nemesis Zhao Yan's smile, Yang Han couldn't wait to slap back at him, and Fang Yuan was his secret weapon, his only hope.

"Are you going?"

Seeing Fang Yuan stand up, Yang Han pondered and said, "The other side just sent one person, and there are nine more after that. If you go up now…"

He hadn't expected to have to use Fang Yuan so soon.

"Lin Jing and Liu Le are even less suitable," Fang Yuan said.

Yang Han said, "That is true…"

"Then let me do it," Fang Yuan rubbed Eevee's head; he had already negotiated terms with Eevee, and today, Eevee might be able to perform at 120% of its ability.


Yang Han weighed the pros and cons, knowing what Fang Yuan said wasn't wrong, and could only nod reluctantly.

"Boss!!" But Liu Le, caught off guard by Fang Yuan's eagerness, was suddenly dumbfounded.

How could he not understand what Fang Yuan had in mind, he was about to show off.

Fang Yuan smiled. It couldn't be helped... Other than Eevee, Little Kabigon and Growlithe didn't stand much of a chance against the Iron Armored Rhinoceros.

If Pingcheng No.1 High continued to lose, it would be too embarrassing.

Then... Eevee jumped straight off Fang Yuan's shoulder and made its way to the stage with him.

"Leave the next match to me."

On his way to the stage, he passed by Zhou Xueyao walking back and casually spoke.

Zhou Xueyao was slightly taken aback and nodded her head.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuan had reached the spot Zhou Xueyao had been in and looked towards Cheng Mingzhe.

"Eevee??" Cheng Mingzhe, seeing his new opponent, showed a look of surprise.

"Cheng Mingzhe, Eevee is so cute, go easy or you'll lose manners!!"

"Yes, yes, yes, don't be too harsh!"

In the spectator seats of Wuzhou Number One High School, their team members laughed one after another.

"What's with Pingcheng No.1 High, at least give Eevee an Evolutionary Stone before letting it enter the battle."

"Does their team not have any Trainers left to send out, why let a Pokemon like Eevee fight?"


"How boisterous the wind is today…"

Noises and chatter surrounded him, Fang Yuan rubbed his head; being on the opponent's home ground was indeed one downside, as mood could easily get disturbed!

Especially Eevee's mood.

"Bwoo!!" Eevee was initially in high spirits.

Why were so many people praising its cuteness?

But then, what followed, all that "go easy" and "don't be too harsh," made Eevee's expression freeze. Did it really look that harmless?

"Bwoo Bwoo!!" Eevee cried out, and Fang Yuan understood its intent. Eevee wanted to show its opponent a thing or two, to make the audience realize it wasn't a creature to be trifled with and gossiped about!

"…" Cheng Mingzhe sighed.

He glanced at his Iron Armored Rhinoceros, then at Eevee... and felt they just weren't in the same league.

This was practically bullying a child, right?

As the match started, Fang Yuan, looking at Cheng Mingzhe's disdainful face, said,

"Hey, do you think your Iron Armored Rhinoceros's Heavy Stamp is faster, or Eevee's Quick Attack?"

Fang Yuan asked loudly, and as Cheng Mingzhe was still in shock, Eevee had already turned into a streak of white light and dashed forward!

This speed left not only the teachers and students of Wuzhou Number One High School astonished but also Professional Trainers Yang Han and Zhao Yan, whose eyes widened in disbelief.

"This speed... what's going on?"

"Didn't it just eat four Sand Scale Fruits?" Although Yang Han knew Eevee's speed talent was decent, just four Sand Scale Fruits couldn't account for this level. Did Fang Yuan and his team have some sort of amazing encounter after the Little Phoenix King Cup?

Even though the Quick Attack was beyond the Iron Armored Rhinoceros's understanding,

the Iron Armored Rhinoceros still instinctively used Heavy Stamp!

The size of the arena and the distance between the two Pokemon gave the Iron Armored Rhinoceros time to react, allowing it to stomp the ground twice in time. This stomping eased Cheng Mingzhe's worry as it was supposed to interrupt Eevee's movement.

However... what he hadn't expected was that Eevee, as if it had calculated the Iron Armored Rhinoceros's attack timing, reacted in a timely manner. After judging the distance, it powered up its four limbs and leaped into the air, and from the tip of its fluffy tail, a metallic sheen began to spread...

Under that explosive power, Eevee jumped incredibly high.

This jump, previously critiqued by Fang Yuan as 'Aqua Jet', had been practiced by Eevee countless times while training its leg strength, making it quite skilled.

This leap allowed Eevee to dodge the shockwaves from Heavy Stamp. Then, as it spun its body, much like a diver would tumble through the air, it accurately smashed its tail, coated in the Iron Tail attack, onto the Iron Armored Rhinoceros!

The incredible speed, skilled jumping, and the tumbling strike of the Iron Tail... all of it rendered the Iron Armored Rhinoceros's counterattack useless.


The heavy force of Iron Tail directly knocked the Iron Armored Rhinoceros down, raising dust from the ground and leaving the onlookers stunned.


Bang! Bang!!

With two consecutive Iron Tails, Eevee completely dashed the Iron Armored Rhinoceros's hopes of getting up.

The whole venue fell silent.

Seeing Eevee, extremely violent, standing on top of the Iron Armored Rhinoceros, those who initially underestimated it swallowed hard. The guide who led Fang Yuan at the beginning was gaping in shock.

"This Iron Tail is really…" Yang Han's eyelids twitched as he realized that Eevee had mastered such a skilled Iron Tail in less than half a month. This could only mean that Eevee had trained its tail to the limit even before it had mastered the Steel type energy.

"Cheng Mingzhe, one of the four alternate captains of the Wuzhou Number One High School Team... lost just like that?"

All the students from Wuzhou Number One High School felt this was surreal.


"Ah Ming, Ke Xin, Wang You, Bai Qi, which one of you will go?"

Zhao Yan's expression grew serious. After shifting his gaze from the triumphantly beaming Yang Han, he approached the Wuzhou Number One High School player bench.

With strength ranking in the top five of the team, Cheng Mingzhe was one of the four alternate captain candidates. He had three competitors, all equally strong.

Feng Ziming, Tang Kexin, and Wang You were also alternate captain candidates while Bai Qi was the ace of Wuzhou Number One High School, the captain chosen by himself.

The defeat of Cheng Mingzhe meant that, apart from these few, it would be difficult for others to pose a threat to Fang Yuan.

"Eevee is the trump card? That old fox Yang Han really can surprise people," Zhao Yan frowned, feeling displeased.