Chapter 118 Resources in Hand (Alliance Master "Red Tears No Trace" adds more)_1

Zhao Yan's hands continued to tremble and he was so angry he felt like his lungs would explode.

He glanced at Yang Han, his heart bleeding inside...

As Bai Qi walked back in a daze, Zhao Yan wanted to say something but hesitated, then patted him on the shoulder and didn't say much.

Eevee directly overpowered the Fire Vortex move head-on, with such exaggerated strength that it didn't look like Quick Attack at all, and even Tackle was nothing in comparison.

He didn't know how Fang Yuan managed to train it, but that wasn't what he should be considering right now...

"Ah Ming, you go."

Zhao Yan gritted his teeth and sent forth the last remaining candidate of the four deputy team members.

"Alright..." Feng Ziming's scalp numb, seeing Eevee's incredible power instantly defeating Magmar, he really didn't want to fight against Fang Yuan, but now he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

When Feng Ziming stepped onto the field, Zhao Yan quietly left the players' seats.


"Something the matter?"

Yang Han was secretly called to the stadium's corridor by Zhao Yan and asked with a chuckle.

"Old Yang, if this goes on, the friendly match can't continue," Zhao Yan said. "The so-called friendly match prioritizes friendship first, competition second."

"This Fang Yuan... his strength has already exceeded that of a new trainer, the match simply can't go on."

"Oh? Why can't it go on? I see Eevee is about to run out of energy..."

As Yang Han finished speaking, Zhao Yan, filled with anger, pointed at Eevee on the field, suddenly full of life again, and said, "Is this what you call running out of energy?"

"I'm saying... the purpose of the friendly match is to motivate and spur the students, and I think the goal has been somewhat achieved. Both sides have realized that there are always bigger fish in the sea, and they will definitely prepare more seriously for the provincial league. So, I think we should call it about now," Zhao Yan whispered:

"In a bit, I'll call for a halt, we'll take a five-minute halftime break, and you can talk to Fang Yuan. How about asking him to step down?"

"Otherwise, if we lose too badly, that group of school leaders will definitely come to me with complaints, and I just want some peace and quiet."

"This time, I'll take the loss."

"You're giving up? Hahaha." Yang Han couldn't help laughing. "But Fang Yuan still has energy to spare, and it's hard for me to speak up..."

"One Water Stone," Zhao Yan said.


"I can't offer more."

"Then I'll consider it," Yang Han said.


After Yang Han returned to his seat, he saw Eevee had already sent another opponent flying.

With that, Pingcheng No.1 Middle School had eight players left, while Wuzhou Number One High School had five left.

Fang Yuan single-handedly took on five opponents, bringing the score back in favor.

After five consecutive losses, Zhao Yan, with a "normal complexion," announced a five-minute halftime break, during which Fang Yuan was called down from the players' seats.

"How much energy does Eevee have left?" Yang Han asked as he came down.

"A sliver..." Fang Yuan said.

"Be serious."

"Really, only a sliver left," Fang Yuan said helplessly. "It has already fought five battles, after all. I guess it'll be tough to complete a one-versus-ten feat. The other side's strength is a little stronger than I thought."

"You..." Yang Han felt frustrated, realizing Fang Yuan actually intended to take on ten.

The other side is the main force of Wuzhou Number One High School and they're only slightly stronger than you anticipated?

"Hmm... the five you fought with earlier should be the strongest of Wuzhou Number One High School. The rest of the team members will definitely have a big gap in strength compared to them. So... since Eevee is already out of energy, step down for the next match. There's no need to overdo it,"

"After all, it's a friendly match. Leave some room for peace, so we can meet again in the future. Also, Lin Jing, Liu Le, and the others should have a turn, otherwise it would be a wasted trip for them."

"Okay," Fang Yuan nodded.

Actually... Although Eevee didn't have much energy left, there was still a way for it to continue winning.


Powered by emotion energy, it pulls off a Silk Blood Fight Back, also known as going berserk.



Although Gratitude might not be easy to capitalize on, to prevent any accidents, Fang Yuan still carried two smartphones for Eevee.



When the time comes, he could start smashing one phone after another, which might even take down a few remaining opponents.



But... doing so would come at too great a cost.



He didn't dare to imagine what Eevee, transformed into "Super Saiyan Eevee" due to excessive anger, would look like.



"About that Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall stuff..."



Yang Han said, "I will help you gather the resources. Besides that, I will also give you an extra reward."



Although the Water Stone offered by Zhao Yan was rare, Yang Han had no use for it.



He planned to sell it and convert it into other resources to give to Fang Yuan, after all, it was something Fang Yuan fought for.



"Huh," Fang Yuan said, curious.




The five minutes ended quickly.



Following the Referee's instructions, Fang Yuan and a girl from Wuzhou Number One High School stepped onto the field, with the next battle about to begin.



The girl was slightly intimidated, not very confident about herself, but the result was beyond her expectations.



"A... a draw?!"



The sound of a staggering Eevee collapsing after defeating the opponent shook the girl's perception.



Finally... they had worn down this guy with a war of attrition.



Eevee's loss of combat ability made the Wuzhou Number One High School students breathe a sigh of relief.



"Damn... that Eevee finally went down!"



"I'll never believe in the 'cute pets are harmless' theory again."



"If anyone tells me Eevee is useless without evolving, I'll beat them up!"



Having defeated the top five players from Wuzhou Number One High School, Fang Yuan was sure to become the new shadow lurking in the hearts of Wuzhou's New Trainers.



"I'm back."



After completing his task, Fang Yuan returned to the players' seats. At this point, Lin Jing and Liu Le looked at him suspiciously, feeling that he still had the capacity to battle on.



Eevee's acting was so convincing that even Lin Jing and Liu Le couldn't tell if it had truly lost its combat ability.



Aside from Lin Jing and Liu Le, everyone else's eyes gleamed with admiration. Eevee, taking on five alone, was simply too cool.



"Alright, Jiang Liang, it's your turn up next."



"Fang Yuan, your Eevee has exhausted too much Physical Strength. I'll take you to their medical room to check on it."



Yang Han coughed, casually picked a team member to get back into the fray, interrupting their worship of Fang Yuan, and then spoke.



Yang Han felt relieved after venting in front of an old rival. He was quite satisfied with Fang Yuan's performance. The strength that Eevee had demonstrated in those battles was already close to the Main Elves of ordinary college teams. If Fang Yuan had been from a better background, he wouldn't have been so surprised...



On the way to the medical room, Yang Han asked, "Besides the training resources for Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall, what else do you want?"



"Considering your performance, I will let you pick an additional reward."



"What do I want?"



Fang Yuan was taken aback.



After some thought, he realized the training resources for Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall were enough to keep him busy for a while. Aside from those, of course, he most wanted money, but... besides money, there was something more important.



"Brother Yang, can I get permission through the Pingcheng Trainer Association to advance my qualifications for capturing my second Pokemon?"



The Little Magnetic Monster had exceptional talent and was related to the production of Energy Blocks. Keeping it registered under his father's company name was not a long-term solution. Over time, complications were bound to arise. Fang Yuan thought it over and if he could take a backdoor approach to secure the qualifications for capturing a second and even a third Pokemon earlier, then these problems would be solved.



After all, it's the Trainer Association that controls these matters. If the local association's management agrees, theoretically there shouldn't be a problem.



Fang Yuan finished speaking, and Yang Han revealed a surprised expression: "You're thinking of capturing a second Pokemon already?"
