Chapter 121 Little Magnetic Monster Can Fly_1

When Teacher Li Chang approached the Psychology Club classroom, he first heard the noise inside.

"As expected, it's here." After a thought in his heart, Teacher Li pushed open the door and called out, "Fang Yuan."

However, the Fang Yuan he was looking for wasn't there... The voices weren't coming from Fang Yuan... There was only an Eevee watching a drama series inside.

Eevee: ಠ_ಠ

Teacher Li asked in confusion, "Eevee? Where's Fang Yuan?"

Eevee: ε=ε=ヾ(;゚д゚)/

Teacher Li understood, "Oh, he went for a run."

Fang Yuan had arranged training tasks for Eevee to train by itself, something Teacher Li had grown accustomed to.

But he was still amazed by Eevee's incredible ability to express itself through performance.

"I feel that neither a Trainer nor a Breeder suits you and Fang Yuan... if you guys applied to a film academy, you'd surely become a big hit," said Teacher Li, shrugging as he bumped into the door.

Eevee: ╮(╯_╰)╭


At this time,

Fang Yuan was indeed running.

While Pokémon were training, he as a Trainer couldn't neglect his physical training either. Fang Yuan's goal was modest; he didn't aim to become a super rookie, only to be able to overpower a Caterpie with his bare hands... He couldn't do worse than a Bug-catching Boy, could he?

"Huff, huff..."

Suddenly, Fang Yuan stopped in his tracks and looked at the figure blocking his path, asking in surprise, "Teacher Li, you also like to run in the afternoon?"


Teacher Li said with a headache, "Do you know about 'Home of Elves'?"

He looked at the vibrant Fang Yuan, finding it hard to connect him with a researcher.

Fang Yuan had already caught his breath and said, "Of course I know, I even casually submitted a paper to it, and I think it got published in the magazine today. What about it?"

Teacher Li: "?"

A curse word crossed Teacher Li's mind—it was indeed Fang Yuan!

But why are you so skilled... no, so calm about it?

Teacher Li suspected Fang Yuan did it on purpose, waiting for someone to ask him...

Unfortunately, there was no evidence.


Fang Yuan's run was interrupted as he was dragged by Teacher Li back to the club classroom for questioning, which even disturbed Eevee, who was memorizing video plots and unable to continue training.

Teacher Li sat Fang Yuan down with seriousness, "So tell me, did you really write this paper?"

Fang Yuan said, "Genuine and original, Eevee can vouch for me."

Eevee slapped the table, and when both men looked its way, it nodded its head obediently in an instant.

Teacher Li fell silent.

"Why did you decide to write this?"

"Umm..." Fang Yuan repeated the same story he had told Wen Siyu to Teacher Li. After listening silently, Teacher Li didn't probe further for the truth. Instead, he said, "You should have told me about these things beforehand."

"But it's not too late now. Anyway, discovering a new trait also reflects well on the school, since you're a student of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School. Just think about it, now that the paper is published, if it's managed well, could the school possibly skimp on your reward?"

"The amount of scholarship money would increase significantly... calm down, that's secondary."

Seeing Fang Yuan and Eevee eager to try, Teacher Li was at his wit's end.

"The most important thing is that some prestigious schools will admit you with a lower score because of your research results. You should know, talents with potential as Elves Researchers are eagerly sought after by any school."

Fang Yuan's eyes lit up, indeed, that was the case.

Researcher Aoki had even hinted at it.

In this way, his chances of getting into those prestigious schools would increase significantly.

Teacher Li continued, "Alright, as long as we can confirm that you are the author of this article, we can discuss the paper later. I'll go and try to get this sorted out for you as much as possible first." Teacher Li waved his hand, intending to secure benefits for Fang Yuan as much as possible.

He appreciated this student, Fang Yuan.

Under Fang Yuan's leadership, the Psychology Club had helped many students in less than two months since the start of school, and Teacher Li had seen all of this. He was also very pleased.

Therefore, within his capabilities, Teacher Li didn't mind fighting for more benefits for Fang Yuan, which was also to encourage meritorious students.

"Thank you, Teacher Li..." Fang Yuan nodded, recognizing that the more benefits, the better. He definitely wasn't going to complain...


It was only in the evening after school that Fang Yuan had the chance to read through the article that was published in detail.

As he walked, he shook his head.

"Eevee, how come I'm just so versatile?"

"Good at training, knowledgeable about psychology, a bit of a researcher, what can't I do?"

"Bwoo..." Eevee rolled its eyes on Fang Yuan's shoulder.

But upon thinking it over carefully, Fang Yuan indeed had many strong points... like buying it a phone and getting a membership.

Eevee didn't believe other Pokemon received the same treatment.

As for the Little Magnetic Monster at home, Eevee thought it had a rough life.

Every day, it could only stand on the balcony table, tediously practicing its Superpower...

On this day, when Fang Yuan and Eevee returned home, they went to find the Little Magnetic Monster as usual, but both of their eyes widened at the same time.

The Little Magnetic Monster today was different from usual.

Or rather, it had undergone a huge change, as at this moment, the Little Magnetic Monster was actually floating in mid-air!

Even though it was only a short distance from the Ground, the Little Magnetic Monster truly flew up and was floating in mid-air. Seeing its cautious movements, Fang Yuan and Eevee immediately rushed over.

"Bwoo? Bwoo? Bwoo!" Eevee exclaimed in surprise.

Fang Yuan grabbed Eevee, pulling it behind him, and said to the Little Magnetic Monster, "Bwoo? Bah, Little Magnetic Monster, can you release Electromagnetic waves now?"

"Magnemite~" The Little Magnetic Monster floated in the low air, swaying up and down, communicating with Fang Yuan while flying for the first time.

Its expression was also very excited.

Seeing the Little Magnetic Monster successfully taking flight, Fang Yuan was overjoyed. In his estimation, it was the influence of the Awakened power's Thought Wave that had affected the Little Magnetic Monster's flight, and he had only let it practice the Awakening Power. Now, the Little Magnetic Monster had successfully flown, which meant that his speculation was mostly correct!

Fang Yuan had originally expected to find a way to make the Little Magnetic Monster fly within a year, but to his surprise, it had managed to regain its flying ability by practicing the Awakening Power in less than two months.

Didn't this mean that the Little Magnetic Monster's mastery of the Awakening Power had advanced to a new level?

"It's all thanks to the Meditation Method recorded in 'Reflect Wall.' No, it's also inseparable from the Little Magnetic Monster's own efforts."

Fang Yuan was taken aback and began to check the Little Magnetic Monster's Awakened power...

He carefully examined the Little Magnetic Monster's mastery of the Awakening Power Technique. Whether it was because of the Meditation Method or its own training, or perhaps even Fang Yuan's recent allocation of resources, in the end, Fang Yuan concluded that the Little Magnetic Monster had successfully mastered the Awakened power and could use it freely.

Although it wasn't skilled yet, being able to fly signified that its Electromagnetic waves were almost undisturbed by the Thought Waves.