Chapter 146: The Use of Rage Energy_1


In the game.

Angry state is a kind of positive state change for Pokemon.

Rage Energy is related to the evolution of some Pokemon and to certain moves.

For instance, Rage Moves, Rage Move, and Pretentious moves.

At the same time, Rage Energy is also the most broadly involved type of Emotional Energy.

Late at night.

After returning to the hotel, Fang Yuan and Eevee collapsed directly onto the bed, utterly exhausted from the night's events.

They had not unearthed any rare treasures but had won a Moves Secret book.

"Bwoo Bwoo Bwoo Bwoo!!!"

Shortly after, Eevee came to realize a serious issue.

It had once again dug its own grave.

Winning a Moves Secret book was not something to be happy about; on the contrary, it meant spending more energy to learn.

"The moves you win yourself, you've got to learn even if you cry." Fang Yuan said.

Eevee suddenly grew anxious, having never seen such a shamelessly thick-skinned Trainer.

Clearly, it was about to lose, and it wasn't your cunning talk that made me accidentally win?

Fang Yuan leaned over the headboard, took out that Moves Secret book from his backpack, and began to read.

While Pretentiousness is a General Series move, it actually involves a mix of Rage Energy and Mental power.

However, because the requirement for both types of energy isn't high, it's categorized as a General Series move.

Just as many Pokemon can learn Rage Move, many can also learn Pretentiousness.

"Such sloppy handwriting..."

"It's actually a handwritten version of a Moves Secret book."

Fang Yuan struggled to read through it, finding that aside from the requirements for Rage Energy and Mental power, the learning method for Pretentious moves posed certain demands on a Pokemon's acting skill.

If the Pokemon can appear very punchable, the effect of the move would likely be better.

"That old man sure wasn't lying, this move indeed seems like it was specifically designed for you."

"Bwoo," Eevee responded half-heartedly while playing with its phone.

Fang Yuan took another look.

This Moves Secret book for Pretentiousness contained slightly more content than ordinary Moves Secret books.

Because in addition to the learning methods, it also described a technique for using the Pretentious moves.

"Enrage the opponent to cause chaos."

"From this perspective, the effect is similar to that of moves like Weird Light, Ultrasonic, Constant Chatter, and others."

Therefore, Fang Yuan wasn't very concerned about the Pretentious moves, and now he even regretted not choosing some more valuable items instead.

"This usage technique is pretty good."

The book detailed a method for significantly dispersing Emotional Energy and Mental power, which would allow the use of Pretentious moves to taunt more targets at once; this point was the only thing that somewhat gratified Fang Yuan.

This was a method of using Emotional Energy and Mental power, and from the Trainer's perspective, it was not too bad of a deal.

"Might as well learn it."

With Eevee already having the necessary conditions for Rage Energy, Mental power, and acting skills, the difficulty of learning this move should not be high.

If it were to master it, it might come in handy during the team battles in the Provincial High School Pokemon Battle League.

With one group taunt from Eevee, causing the entire opposing team to fall into chaos while our side sweeps through with a single move.

"However, this method of application places high demands on Eevee's Mental power; with its current Mental power, managing to enrage one or two opponents would be good enough..."

Fang Yuan put the book down and buried his head in the pillow.



The next day.

Fang Yuan took Eevee and Little Magnetic Monster to the public battle grounds for special training.

Eevee started trying to learn the Pretentiousness Move from the secret book he obtained yesterday, while Little Magnetic Monster ended up as Eevee's sparring partner.

Since Little Magnetic Monster's mental power was greater than Eevee's and it was prepared in advance, it was difficult for Eevee to anger Little Magnetic Monster, which made the training somewhat difficult to proceed.

"Bwoo bwoo!!" Eevee brandished its claws and showed various expressions to anger Little Magnetic Monster.

"Magnemite magnemite."

Little Magnetic Monster marveled at Eevee's expressions, yet remained unmoved.

The mental power in Eevee contained Rage Energy that could incite emotions, but these waves were interfered with by the electromagnetic waves surrounding Little Magnetic Monster the moment they got close, greatly reducing their effect. Then, facing Little Magnetic Monster's prominent mental power, they were almost ineffective.

Eevee was speechless about this lousy move; it really wanted to hit Little Magnetic Monster with a Shadow Ball.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Fang Yuan clapped his hands, feeling that choosing Little Magnetic Monster as a sparring partner was a mistake. He needed to find... at least Pokemon with less mental power than Eevee.

"Let's do this, let's look for other opponents..."

Fang Yuan called off Eevee and Little Magnetic Monster, and, with no other choice, began to wander around the battlefield.

Hopefully, he'd come across some newbies... Only then would bullying them be fun.

Indeed, as long as one was looking, newbies were plentiful.

In those two hours.

Fang Yuan once again became the Great Devil, leading Eevee to challenge all the New Trainers, successfully making them the guinea pigs for the Pretentiousness Move.

Eevee: ψ(`∇´)ψ

Lower-level Wrestler: (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)

Infected by Fang Yuan, Eevee grew devilish horns on its head, taunting its opponents non-stop, angering them until they lost their senses in rage and began to attack wildly, no longer obeying their Trainers.

"Lower-level Wrestler, calm down!!"

"Lower-level Wrestler?"

"Stop fighting!!"

The New Trainer opposite Fang Yuan was mentally struck, exploding emotionally as he watched his Pokemon being toyed with by Eevee, disobeying orders, and felt a strong sense of defeat.

After Lower-level Wrestler was hit by a Face-posted Shadow Ball from Eevee, the battle ended with Eevee's easy victory.

"The fourth person now, who's the next victim..."

"Eevee's getting more skilled at using Pretentiousness, this kid, no idea who it takes after."

Shortly after, Fang Yuan found his fifth opponent.

To be more precise, the fifth opponent came to him.

This opponent wasn't someone Fang Yuan actively sought, but someone who approached him with a challenge.

"Hello, I've been watching your battles for a while, how about another battle?"

The person who approached seemed only a few years older than Fang Yuan and was probably a college student Trainer.

The female Trainer stood opposite Fang Yuan with a smile, her eyes clear as spring water, a petite nose adorned with glasses, and between her brows, a scholarly air was evident.

With her tea-colored fluffy short hair, Fang Yuan instantly pegged her as a study-tough Trainer like Wen Siyu...

Initially, Fang Yuan wanted to refuse, as he preferred picking on newbies, but after seeing the Pokemon she was holding, he accepted the challenge.

It was a Pokemon with mostly brown fur, its bushy tail and the fluffy fur around its neck a creamy color.

Eevee, huh...

"Alright, how about that battlefield over there?" Fang Yuan pointed behind him.

"No problem."

"My name is Xie Qingyi."