Chapter 157: Confirming Aspirations_1

After using Spiral Shadow Ball, Eevee had hardly any strength left to battle.

The move Spiral Shadow Ball was powerful, but its energy consumption was terrifyingly high.

Just creating a Substitute was enough to exhaust Eevee.

So at this point, Eevee had already collapsed, looking like a spent fish.

"Not bad."

Summing up Fang Yuan's progress, both Yang Han and Zhuang Xin felt satisfied.

This had greatly exceeded their expectations...

It seemed like the perennial last-place status of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School and the Pingcheng Trainer Association was about to change...

"Is this enough?"

Fang Yuan, feeling pity, picked up Eevee. With this, it shouldn't have the energy to play on the phone when they get home, heh heh.

It wasn't much injured; the main issue was the excessive depletion of physical strength. Should they go to the Pokémon Center or not?

Looking into Eevee's watery, pleading eyes, Fang Yuan's heart softened. It was better to make the trip.

"No problem, you should head home early. For the school, do you want to contact them yourself, or should I do it for you?"

Zhuang Xin added, "Forget it, I'll contact them for you. You should rest well today and report in tomorrow."

Fang Yuan nodded.

Sister Zhuang was considerate, not making him go to school right away...


After Fang Yuan got home, he found both Father Fang and Mother Fang at home, waiting for him, as they knew today was his return day. They had planned to make a nice meal for both Fang Yuan and Eevee.

As soon as Fang Yuan and Eevee entered the house, Mother Fang began to nag, washing up six or seven kinds of fruit she had bought that morning and fussing over them both.

"That's a real mom for you."

Fang Yuan smiled wryly as he ate the ugly tangerines, while Eevee buried its head in eating Tree Fruit; the Magnemite affectionately returned to its charging station.

"You child."

Two minutes later.

Seeing Fang Yuan nodding continuously, Mother Fang wasn't sure if he was really listening and turned to start cooking.

And Fang Yuan, of course, was pondering about other matters.

"Dad, I want to ask you something..."

"Hmm?" Father Fang, who was watching TV, turned down the volume and looked at Fang Yuan.

"Has it rained recently in Pingcheng?" Fang Yuan couldn't be bothered to search himself and directly asked Father Fang.

"I don't think so, why?" Father Fang thought about it but had no recollection of any rain.

"When can we expect thunderstorms in Pingcheng?"

Father Fang shook his head: "How would I know that? I'm not a meteorologist... But summer is still a month away, and thunderstorms are more common then, right?"

"A month, huh, that's so long..." Fang Yuan scratched his head.

There were too many uncertainties... Fang Yuan had an idea, which was to have Magnemite start challenging the thunder and lightning in nature.

Thunderstorms are a type of shower accompanied by thunder and lightning, occurring under thunderstorm cloud formations and lasting for a somewhat brief period. If he could know the exact time of their arrival, it would be of great help to Fang Yuan in cultivating Magnemite.

Magnemite had basically graduated from being weak and was now eligible to interact with the thunder and lightning in natural weather.

Then, it could absorb the electrical energy of natural lightning for its own use.

In some special regions, it's not uncommon to let Magnemite graze, and Fang Yuan also wanted to try it out; he had heard that Magnemite cultivated in this way can have more potential than those raised in charging rooms.

Even though this claim was not verifiable and hadn't been confirmed by any notable trainers, Fang Yuan just somehow felt it made sense.

Feeling that it made sense, Fang Yuan planned to ask around and give it a try, starting with consulting Teacher Li for advice. If Teacher Li saw no issue with it, Fang Yuan was ready to proceed.

After a few confrontations with natural lightning, he estimated that the Magnemite could probably evolve.

"You want to feed the Magnemite with lightning from a thunderstorm??" Although Father Fang wasn't a trainer, he was very smart.

"Magnemite, are you going to listen to him??"

Father Fang scratched his head; to ordinary people, thunder and lightning were quite intimidating, and now that Fang Yuan was considering using lightning, Father Fang immediately became worried.

"Magnemite, Magnemite," said the little creature.

"Forget it! I won't ask you anymore." Realizing it was useless to question the Magnemite, Father Fang scolded Fang Yuan, "It's too dangerous."

"Didn't I give you money? Why do you need to take such risks? What if you get struck by lightning yourself?"

"Okokokok!!" Seeing that Father Fang had also started to nag, Fang Yuan immediately offered several flatteries.

But Father Fang had a point—he certainly couldn't act like those trainers in the cartoons, challenging nature with their Pokémon without any preparation. He didn't have the physique of a super newcomer; getting grazed by lightning was literally a matter of life and death.

In the city, they didn't allow Electric Elves to wander around in thunderstorms, offering such opportunities only in remote countryside areas, which made it quite difficult for Fang Yuan.


Eventually, Fang Yuan returned to his room dejectedly and turned on his computer.

He organized his paper on the Timid characteristic and then pondered when to submit it.

According to school sister Xie Qingyi, it seemed he could already be directly admitted to the Pokémon research program at Demon Capital University with his paper on the Dangerous Premonition characteristic alone.

Whether Sister Xie's help played a part in this or not, Fang Yuan didn't know, but he had gradually begun to neglect his general studies.

He simply lacked the interest and energy. Besides, with his paper on the Timid characteristic, weren't the domestic universities practically at his choosing?

No more studying for him.

In addition, it seemed that high-performing participants in this provincial high school Pokémon competition might be admitted to major universities with lower entry requirements, although the specifics of how many points could be deducted weren't clear.

"Sigh, I'll go to Mo Da, it's close to home."

Looking at school sister Xie Qingyi's profile picture and her signature, "Gone for professional assessment, not online," Fang Yuan thought about it and already had his mind set on applying to Magic City University.

Mo Da had made a deep impression on him.

Whether it was Dr. Chen Shengcong, who proposed the "Eevee Awakened Power Evolution Theory" and almost killed them with the R Medicine, or Sister Xie, who was just over twenty when she went for the Professional Trainer assessment and had a great chance of passing, both left a significant impression on Fang Yuan.

That bastard Chen Shengcong had been arrested, and Fang Yuan didn't know if he was dead yet; he was frustrated with nowhere to vent.

However, this bastard did leave Fang Yuan with a dilemma. Although Eevee was not in grave danger now, the change in its genes was certain. Since Emperor Capital University didn't have experts in this field and Dr. Li Qing's authority was more significant, Fang Yuan had no choice. If he could apply to Mo Da, he would have the chance to access Dr. Li Qing and learn about genetics, helping Eevee to address potential problems.

"By the way…"

"Speaking of which, if Sister Xie becomes a professional trainer at twenty, wouldn't she be eligible to participate in the King's tournament?"

Fang Yuan recalled that if the national university competition involving all the Hua Nation's universities was the largest scale trainer competition in Hua Nation, the King's tournament would be the competition with the highest prestige.

Any university student trainers could participate in the national competition as long as they signed up through their schools, which had a low threshold.

But for the King's tournament, participants had to be under thirty and possess a professional trainer's license... all competitors were insanely strong.

It's worth mentioning that the participants for the World Sprite Alliance convention held every four years were selected due to age requirements. The competitors were typically chosen from those in the King's tournament to form the national team in Hua Nation, so the Four Heavenly Kings and the Champion essentially represented a country's honor.

"I just don't know how Hua Nation's Four Heavenly Kings stack up against the Pokémon World's Four Heavenly Kings in terms of prestige. So this World Sprite Alliance convention, similar to the Olympics, is like an international Kings' exchange match, huh? I really want to represent Hua Nation and dominate…" Fang Yuan glanced at Eevee, who was still lackadaisical, and shook his head.

"I'm getting ahead of myself again. I should just focus on doing well in the upcoming newcomer competition," Fang Yuan shrugged.