Chapter 162 Opening Ceremony_1

Dan Ning Middle School, among the high schools participating this time, has had average college entrance exam battle scores comparable to those of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School over the years.

Therefore, the Dan Ning Middle School representative facing Fang Yuan and his Little Magnetic Monster in battle wasn't anything special either.

Compared to members of the Pingcheng No.1 High School Team like Zhou Xueyao and Yue Chenfei, they were more or less on the same level…

After securing three consecutive victories with Little Magnetic Monster, its physical strength had obviously declined following the defeat of the Snow Hat Monster.


Judging that Little Magnetic Monster still had the strength for one more fight, Fang Yuan turned his gaze to the last remaining boy from Dan Ning Middle School.


Being pushed around in front of an audience like this, the last member of Dan Ning Middle School was naturally too embarrassed to back down. Grinding his teeth, he took over from the previous contender to battle against Little Magnetic Monster.

"Is there any regret medicine to buy?"

The first two girls to be defeated, Zheng Xinyi and Wang Xu, were frustrated in their hearts.

All three taking turns to compete and yet none could defeat Fang Yuan and his Little Magnetic Monster - this was truly a face-losing affair.

If word got back to their classmates and teachers, even if they weren't criticized by the teachers, they would feel uncomfortable themselves...

Following that.

Little Magnetic Monster's battle with the fourth Pokémon started to be somewhat laborious.

However, as most New Trainers were not skilled at dealing with Psychic Type moves and had not mastered effective counter-measures, Little Magnetic Monster managed to never fall behind from start to finish, firmly keeping the initiative in its own hands.

Two minutes into the battle.

Both Pokémon were hit by the other's attacks at the same time, but Little Magnetic Monster had a stronger will and flew up again.

This meant that all four Trainers from Dan Ning Middle School had been defeated by Little Magnetic Monster.

"Superpower moves are really bugs... Oh right, I remember Little Kabigon can learn the Psychic Attraction Technique, right?"

Liu Le, seeing Little Magnetic Monster gracefully subdue its opponents with Awakened Power, started to covet Psychic Type moves.

If a problem can be solved with money, then it's not a problem.

"I wonder how much it would cost for Little Kabigon to learn it..."

As the battle ended and the four from Dan Ning Middle School had nothing to say, Fang Yuan saw that Little Magnetic Monster truly had no energy left to continue battling. He glanced at the onlooking students, feeling it was a bit of a pity.

There were so many spectators after all...

Well, it's better to restore Little Magnetic Monster to good condition first.

Fang Yuan gave up on the idea of letting Eevee fight as well; with Eevee's strength, there was no need to accumulate battle experience using these people.

"That was a very good battle. We'll meet again in the official matches," Fang Yuan finally said to the four from Dan Ning Middle School with a smile.

"Hey, Liu Le, let's go."

Seeing the reluctant responses from the Dan Ning Middle School four, Fang Yuan chuckled and turned to call out to Liu Le.

It was time for them to return.


Liu Le immediately scurried after Fang Yuan, looking at those people with sympathy.

Or rather… he looked sympathetically at all the spectators.

If these people encountered Fang Yuan in an official match and found out Fang Yuan sent out an Eevee, their expressions would be hilarious.


As Fang Yuan and Liu Le climbed the stairs towards the exit of the battle area, several figures blocked their path.

"Long time no see." Bai Qi from Wuzhou Number One High School rushed over from the other side and stood in front of Fang Yuan.

"Oh, it's you guys." Fang Yuan and Liu Le recognized the familiar faces and immediately brightened up.

"Are you the captain of the Pingcheng No.1 High School Team now?" Bai Qi asked.

"That's right," Fang Yuan nodded without denying it.

"Good… We might not encounter each other in the preliminary rounds, but I hope we will meet during the main competition and the team battles. Don't get knocked out too early," Bai Qi said earnestly.

Bai Qi, who had always been a top student at Wuzhou Number One High School, was greatly shocked after being effortlessly defeated by Fang Yuan last time... His months of devilish training had all been for the purpose of defeating Fang Yuan.

"No problem, we'll have a good match again next time."

A smile curled at the corner of Fang Yuan's mouth, that feeling of being someone else's goal, truly wonderful.

Then, the people from Wuzhou Number One High School stepped aside, and Fang Yuan and Liu Le left the battlefield.

For the contestants from each school, this day was destined to be grueling.


April 20th.

9:30 in the morning.

The provincial high school Pokémon battle league officially opened.

The audience that had arrived early in the morning had already taken their seats in the stands, waiting for the opening ceremony.

At Pingcheng No.1 Middle School's seats, the area was filled with students and teachers from the lower grades.

In addition to them, leaders from the participating high schools were present, along with top executives from Trainer Associations across the region, and important figures from the provincial capital, one after another.

This morning, the main event was the opening ceremony, and the media's cameras were not focused on the contestants but on these VIPs and leaders.

The Vice President of the Jinling Trainer Association.

The Director of the Provincial Criminal Investigation Department.

Representatives from the Dawn Group.

High-ranking officials from local major universities like NanDa and Shi Da...

"Speechless, there are more guests and leaders than contestants," the students from various schools in the audience started to grumble. Goodness gracious, one can only wonder how many people will speak at the opening ceremony.

With so many important figures, if each speaks for three minutes, it would be unbearable.

They came to watch the competition, not to listen to speeches that could last for hours.

Before long, the Pokémon Arena, including the VIP area, leaders' area, and the stands, was packed with people.

"Quiet, please!"

"I'm Wang Lin, the host and commentator of this competition, coming from the Jinling Trainer Association, a Professional Trainer. From now on, I hope everyone will consciously abide by the discipline of the venue and only make noise at appropriate times."

In the venue, a young man with a loud, penetrating voice stood out and walked to the center.

On his shoulder, a small Pokémon with pink and deep blue colors sat there, smiling at the crowd.

"Muni Muni~~"

"This is my partner, Muni Muni. Next, I, Wang Lin, will host the event for you and explain the rules of the competition."

With Muni Muni present, Wang Lin held a strong presence, holding the microphone, he alone set the pace for the entire venue, drawing everyone's attention to him.

Under Wang Lin's guidance, he first explained the purpose of the competition and then slowly announced the names of the twenty participating schools: "Nanjiang University Affiliated Middle School, Wu Jin No.1 Middle School, Fengcheng Middle School, Jinghai High School, Wuzhou Number One High School, Yanhe Middle School, Liangcheng Middle School, Fengcheng Experimental High School... Pingcheng No.1 Middle School... Green Sea High School..."

"This competition features a total of twenty high schools and two hundred contestants. They are the new stars of the new generation in the Su Province Trainer Domain, and the cream of the crop among the New Trainers. Before everything begins, let's welcome the contestants to the field."

In the corridor outside the Pingcheng No.1 Middle School Team's rest area, the ten team members were already lined up in order.

Upon hearing the announcement for the contestants to enter, Fang Yuan stood first in line, leading them towards the center of the Arena.

The two hundred contestants from twenty schools, just as host Wang Lin had said, were the most outstanding Trainers of this new generation.

And among them, those who could serve as team captains were even more exceptional and received the highest level of attention.

Applause was continuous, and camera flashes incessantly twinkled as Fang Yuan led the Pingcheng No.1 Middle School Team to their designated spot.

"Whew," sensing the pressure from the venue, greater even than that of the Little Phoenix King Cup, Fang Yuan took a breath.

Stay calm, they are the strongest!

The swearing-in of the contestants, speeches by the leaders, the opening ceremony unfolded step by step.

At last, Wang Lin began to introduce the competition rules to the audience.