Chapter 160: Magnemite vs Rain Wing Moth_1

"There are too many red school uniforms, I don't recognize any of them,"

Liu Le shook his head.

Although he claimed not to recognize anyone, Fang Yuan and his body were very honest.

It didn't matter if they didn't recognize anyone; they patiently blocked the entrance of the convenience store, waiting for the other party to come out.


Zheng Xinyi and Wang Xu, two female contestants from Dan Ning Middle School and reserve team members.

After arriving at the contestant village, the two discussed and decided to do some shopping first, then take a stroll around,

but they found themselves caught up in something even more interesting.

As soon as they stepped out of the convenience store, they saw two unfamiliar boys from another school standing at the door, discussing something.

"Fang Yuan, girls from other schools are so pretty, just bumping into any two of them, and they're both good-looking."

"I'm kind of regretting going to Pingcheng No.1 Middle School now."

Liu Le rambled loudly enough for the two girls who had just walked out to hear him.

What? Who's pretty? Were they talking about them?

Heart blossoming with joy, the two girls looked over at Fang Yuan and Liu Le, who also subconsciously glanced back, and all four of them wore awkward expressions.

At that moment, Fang Yuan coughed and took the opportunity to say, "Classmate, are you here to participate in the competition as well?"

Feeling relatively good after being complimented, Zheng Xinyi, who was holding a bag, said, "Mhm."

"Which middle school are you from?"

"Dan Ning Middle School. Are you guys from Pingcheng No.1 Middle School?" Wang Xu thought for a moment and didn't have much of an impression of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School.

"Yeah, yeah," Liu Le nodded.

After that, the conversation dried up, and the atmosphere began to solidify...

Just as Zheng Xinyi and Wang Xu were about to leave, Fang Yuan suddenly said again, "Classmate, since it's still early, how about having a warm-up battle before the official competition?"


The two girls clearly did not expect Fang Yuan to suddenly challenge them and didn't know how to respond.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "We're all new here, and we haven't adjusted our condition yet. Why not have a pre-competition battle to get used to it? I've seen that there's a hospital in the contestant village, and we'll stop at a reasonable point during our battle, so it won't affect the competition. What do you think?"

"This..." Zheng Xinyi was tempted.

She almost agreed.

Firstly, they were indeed bored at the moment, and secondly, what Fang Yuan said made sense. They usually trained and battled with their schoolmates, and arriving here, faced with an unfamiliar environment, was a bit unsettling.

"We have to ask our teacher first."

But in the end, the two girls used the excuse of going back to put away their things and ask their teacher, and they didn't accept the battle immediately.

Watching their departing figures, Liu Le scratched his head and said, "See, I told you, no contestant would easily accept a challenge from a stranger."

"...accepting a battle and still asking a teacher, students today really have no initiative," Fang Yuan lamented.

"Any real Pokemon Trainer should know that making eye contact is the secret code for a battle..." Fang Yuan said.

"Who says?" asked Liu Le.

"Well, it's a classic quote from a trainer who has a water-storage-spitting Charizard. I think it makes a lot of sense."



Fang Yuan didn't expect to win on his first try, so he and Liu Le began looking for another opponent nearby.

Theoretically, not all students should be so rational; there must be trainers with a more "Xiaozhi-like" personality.

Being "Xiaozhi-like," the antonym of rational, describes those hot-blooded trainers, commonly found among boys.

This type of trainer often doesn't know how to refuse a challenge.

Now, Fang Yuan was looking for such a person, but before long, while he hadn't found anyone like that yet, the two girls from before reappeared, this time with two boys accompanying them.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yuan immediately laughed.

So this counts as accepting the challenge? And they even called for two Flower Protectors. Not bad at all.

"Is it the two of you who want to battle?"

One of the boys who came along asked.

"No, no, no... the one fighting is only him." Liu Le pointed at Fang Yuan.

Liu Le's Little Kabigon was a hassle to take care of. After fighting, it needed to eat, which Liu Le found troublesome.

Only one person, huh...

Hearing this, the two boys showed a lack of interest. They thought they had found some fun but soon realized the match might end quickly, which seemed boring.

Fang Yuan, however, didn't think so. Even though the combatant was Little Magnetic Monster, its strength was not something the average new trainer could compete with.

Little Magnetic Monster, nurtured with Energy Blocks and possessing superpowers, even Lin Jing and Liu Le had to take it seriously. One moment of carelessness, and the "unpredictable" and "inscrutable" Psychic Type Moves would not be taken lightly.

The six of them arrived at the battleground, with the girl named Zheng Xinyi from Dan Ning Middle School being the first to fight.

On the field, Fang Yuan took out the Poké Ball of Little Magnetic Monster and was the first to release his Pokemon.

"Kui Yi Yi Yi..." Little Magnetic Monster made its appearance, immediately causing surprise in its opponent.

"A Magnemite, huh... It hasn't evolved yet?"

Seeing the unevolved Magnemite, the trainers from Dan Ning Middle School all showed surprised faces.

Students who came to compete, except for a few with special circumstances, should have had their Beginner Elves evolved by now, like Zhou Xueyao from Pingcheng No.1 Middle School; her Bulbasaur had already evolved into Ivysaur, and Zhang Huan Yu had purchased a Water Stone to evolve his Shellder into a Cloyster, which was also why he could stay on the school team. The conditions for Magnemite's evolution aren't stringent, so for it to still be in its initial form was enough to make them look down on Fang Yuan.

"Go Rain Wing Moth!" Zheng Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief. Although at a disadvantage in terms of attribute, if it wasn't a Three-in-one Little Magnetic Monster, she still had a chance at victory.

Rain Wing Moth, a Bug and Flying-type, has a connection to the Water attribute, and both it and its pre-evolved form can use Water moves, making it a rather unique member of the (Bug Series).

On Fang Yuan's side, he had Liu Le cheering for him, while Zheng Xinyi had the other three giving her support.

He may have been at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, but Fang Yuan wasn't concerned at all. As soon as the match started, Rain Wing Moth began using High-speed Movement, flitting about with speed that dazzled Little Magnetic Monster.

In terms of speed, Little Magnetic Monster was certain to lose... but battling wasn't all about speed.

"Now, Bubble Beam."

Under Fang Yuan's command, Little Magnetic Monster disrupted its opponent's movements with an Electromagnetic Wave, but it was easily dodged.

Seeing this, Zheng Xinyi was already starting to feel smug. Once Rain Wing Moth maneuvered to a blind spot for Little Magnetic Monster's attack, she quickly gave the order.

"Light Wall."

In the face of the attack, Fang Yuan and Little Magnetic Monster had no intention of dodging. A circular shield appeared around Little Magnetic Monster; upon impact with the assailant, mist swirled around, and without even turning its head, Little Magnetic Monster sent out a Thunderbolt along the Bubble Beam.

The Bubble Beam was completely blocked by Little Magnetic Monster's Light Wall, which then became the conduit for its attack.

The fierce electric current surged forward, instantly shocking Rain Wing Moth into the air.

With an outstanding spiritual power, Psychic Type Moves like Reflect Wall and Light Wall were naturally stronger.

Fang Yuan watched the other side with a grin. After being electrified like that, could they still stand up?