Chapter 171: Little Magnetic Monster's Super Electromagnetic Gun_1


"Jiang Ran from Nan University Middle School and Fang Yuan from Pingcheng No.1 Middle School, the two geniuses truly live up to their names!"

"How accurate is the ranking list? Will it really be a contest between Jiang Ran and Fang Yuan for the champion and runner-up??"

"Ghost Type and General Series, showing friendly opposition to each other, who will emerge victorious?"

If before today's match there had been some doubts about the top four in the rankings, now, there were few.

That day, Fang Yuan once again led Pingcheng No.1 Middle School to two victories in the team battles.

One was relatively easy, with everyone contributing.

The other was tough, much like the battle against Jinghai Middle School, where the whole match turned into a solo show for Eevee.

As a result, Fang Yuan and Eevee's online popularity soared overnight.

"Boss, how do you feel?"

"It's alright."

After dinner, on their way back to the village for the contestants, Fang Yuan responded calmly to Liu Le's question.

"Just alright? If it were me, I'd definitely be floating on air."

Fang Yuan pinched Liu Le's arm and shook his head, "You're thinking too much. With all that flesh, if you floated, would you be doing justice to old man Newton?"

"It's tough not to demolish."

Fang Yuan chuckled.

Browsing through supportive comments online, Fang Yuan felt pleased.

That's just the way people are, they need praise. Once you praise them, their enthusiasm immediately bubbles up.

Fang Yuan thought to himself that he needed to keep working hard. Gaining fame as a New Trainer is cool, but maintaining it is what really counts.

Well... After returning to his dorm, Fang Yuan glanced at the time. Seven in the evening, too early to go to bed...

After battling all day, he surprisingly didn't feel tired. After some thought, Fang Yuan decided to go out and train extra.

The village for the contestants was bustling now.

The individual matches had eliminated quite a few contestants, so apart from the occasional team battle, these eliminated competitors would have a lot of free time on their hands.

Thus, compared to when they first arrived, there were many more Trainers practicing in the battlegrounds of the village.

"Liu Le..."

Fang Yuan initially wanted to call Liu Le to practice with him, but true to form, Liu Le had fallen straight into sleep upon returning to the dorm, clearly exhausted from the day's events.

"What about Lin Jing? Forget it."

It was late at night, and Fang Yuan didn't feel right asking Lin Jing out alone, so he settled for second best and went out by himself.


Fang Yuan brought Little Magnetic Monster with him and went outside alone.

His main goal was to provide Little Magnetic Monster with more combat experience...

As for finding issues for Eevee at midnight... Fang Yuan wasn't that thoughtless.

Eevee had already fought hard all day; if Fang Yuan were to exploit it at night, it might not go on strike the next day, but Eevee would likely cry in front of Fang Yuan.

After arriving casually at a battleground, Fang Yuan began searching for a sparring partner.

He couldn't beat up his own teammates too hard, but when sparring with contestants from other schools, there was no need to hold back.

Of course, if Fang Yuan accidentally challenged a team leader-level competitor, it might be Fang Yuan and Little Magnetic Monster who would get beaten, because this time Eevee wasn't with them.

"Hi, classmate."

After seeing two girls, Fang Yuan followed them.

"Fan... Fang Yuan?"

Upon seeing Fang Yuan, the two girls had mixed feelings, as it was Fang Yuan who had eliminated their school...


"Classmates... would you like to..."

"Bully us? You've got some nerve,"

After Fang Yuan challenged them, two female students glared at him and turned to leave.

"???" Fang Yuan was taken aback. Didn't I say I'd use other Pokemon?

What a letdown...

Following that, Fang Yuan looked for other opponents and found about five or six people.

However, not a single one was willing to battle with Fang Yuan.

This couldn't help but lead Fang Yuan into deep reflection on life.

If this continued, no matter the reason, Fang Yuan might have come here for nothing.

"Forget it, let's not waste time. Let's go match wits with the air," Fang Yuan said, holding the Poké Ball of Little Magnetic Monster and walked to an empty training field, then called out Magnemite.

ᑞ(⊙)ᑡ: "Magnemite?!"

Magnemite inquired about today's training tasks.

"I was planning to have you battle other Pokemon, but unfortunately... because of Eevee's performance in the arena these past two days... no one dares to accept my challenge anymore," Fang Yuan said.

Magnemite also fell into thought, wondering if Fang Yuan was hinting at something.

"Enough chit-chat..." Fang Yuan cleared his throat and said, "Let's continue with our previous practice."

"It's the technique I tried the day before yesterday, which I've named 'Super Electromagnetic Gun.'


Magnemite nodded immediately.

After four consecutive battles that day, and fully rested, Magnemite's previous learning had finally made progress.

It had mastered the Locking Technique.

The way most Pokemon use the Locking Technique differs.

Magnemite utilized the Locking Technique by inducing electromagnetic waves to sense the opponent's Mental Fluctuations and lock on.

Because Magnemite had a certain talent for spiritual power, it found it much easier to grasp the Locking Technique than other Magnemite did.

After mastering Lock On, Fang Yuan immediately started specialized training for Super Electromagnetic Gun with Magnemite.

This technique, which could be called a Combination Skill, could greatly enhance Magnemite's strength.

What Magnemite now lacked was a decisive trump card.

At this stage, Eevee had already mastered Counter Shield.

Meanwhile, Magnemite was still using conventional moves.

As a trainer with grand ambitions, Fang Yuan naturally wouldn't be confined to fixed moves.

All his current efforts were in preparation to build a more complete Moves Secret Book and become a Professional Trainer in the future.

The idea for Super Electromagnetic Gun came to Fang Yuan during a winter break trip, or rather, it was something he remembered.

Using Magnet Bomb as the ammunition, and Magnemite's mastery of high voltage electric current, electromagnetic waves, and Magnetic ability to construct an electromagnetic field system.

At the same time, Magnemite's Powerful Mental Strength, in conjunction with the Locking Technique, would correct the trajectory and aim at the target...

Magnet Bomb, when passed through by an electric current in a magnetic field, would gain acceleration, achieving greater speed and more potent destructive power—a technique starkly different from the Electric Moves Railgun.

While in the hospital, Magnemite had already mastered Magnet Bomb.

Now, it had also mastered the Locking Technique. Although it was still unable to seamlessly combine the moves, experiments had confirmed that Magnemite had a certain degree of accuracy with this technique.

So, the next step was just to continue practicing. Once it evolved into Three-in-one Magnemite and if it learned Triangle Attack, this Combination Skill would also nearly be mastered.

With Magnemite getting more skilled in the use of Electromagnetic Force and mental strength, Fang Yuan felt that it was only a matter of time before this move was ready for combat.