Chapter 178 A Day Tour of the Spirit World_1


Time moved on to April 26th.

In Su province, new trainers from twenty high schools stayed within the players' village at Nanjing Stadium.

They had gathered some information, more or less, from the mouths of the professional trainers leading their groups.

Contact with a secret location!

What place was this secret location?

It's a dangerous area that only professional trainers are qualified to explore. Normally, non-professional trainers, even if they're related personnel, can only stay in the safe areas near the entrances and exits.

One could say that unless there's a special circumstance, other than professional trainers, trainers of other levels are unlikely to ever reach deep into these secret locations in their lifetimes.

As for how a secret location compares with Earth, there's not much difference.

Aside from some human technologies being affected by the space magnetic field, the majority of Pokemon in the secret location tend to be more aggressive.


"We're not together? Divided into groups?"

That day, Fang Yuan received the latest notification and couldn't help but be astonished.

Previously, he had thought that maybe a team of professional trainers would uniformly take them new trainers on a tour inside the secret location.

But now, Fang Yuan just found out that the twenty-two new trainers were divided into groups, to enter different secret locations under the protection of different professional trainers.

Teacher Bai Ning stayed behind to handle Fang Yuan's affairs and didn't return with the group from Pingcheng No.1 Middle School.

"That's right, but this is also good, allowing you to selectively experience different environments within the secret locations."

"This opportunity is rare, you must cherish it, remember to listen to what that professional trainer says, as for safety, it's definitely guaranteed," said Teacher Bai Ning.

Teacher Bai Ning continued, "The departure time is tomorrow morning at five o'clock, and I will tell you the specific location then."

Looking at Fang Yuan, Teacher Bai Ning couldn't help feeling envious because she wasn't a professional trainer and had only once served as a temporary volunteer to visit an undeveloped secret location due to an emergency.

That was a super miniature secret realm, similar to the one Fang Yuan once entered by mistake, where resources could be said to be everywhere.

The Jinling Trainer Association made an exception to let these new trainers come into contact with a secret location, certainly not for battle training, given the risks involved.

The only possibility was to let these new trainers enjoy some benefits through secret locations that were almost fully explored and considered to be not very dangerous.

At the same time, letting them experience the environment inside a secret location to widen their horizons.

With professional trainers as their bodyguards... including Fang Yuan, these twenty-two new trainers practically enjoyed treatment like important Pokemon research personnel.

"Okay... I got it."

Fang Yuan nodded, "Five o'clock tomorrow morning, right? Then it looks like I need to rest early today..."


The next day.

Nanjing Airport.

Fang Yuan and Eevee wore peculiar expressions as they met the new trainers in their group.

"How come it's you."

Jiang Ran had switched to a plain short-sleeved shirt but still wore black, responding to Fang Yuan's question, "I also want to ask, how come it's you guys."

Then, she silently observed Fang Yuan, and also, Eevee on Fang Yuan's shoulder, half-asleep wrapped in a scarf.

Rivals meeting was especially grating on the eyes.

"What a coincidence."

"No one else?"

Fang Yuan glanced at the time; it was clear... it was just the two of them here.

Were the other new trainers all assigned to different places?

However... Why were they two placed in the same group?

Eevee and Gengar... they were poles apart.


Moreover, Fang Yuan felt that the girl's mood seemed to be quite bad.

He actually guessed right.

Upon seeing Fang Yuan, Jiang Ran had been stifling her frustration, still brooding over the competition the day before yesterday.

If she had lost to an unknown move, that would have been one thing... but no... She was defeated by the "false sleep" trap that Fang Yuan and Eevee deliberately set, and it took a long time for Jiang Ran to calm down afterwards.

She vowed to herself that she would always go for long-range finishing moves in future battles.

Not giving those dirty tactic Trainers a chance to counterattack.

Fang Yuan and Eevee had taught her a lesson.

Fang Yuan looked at Jiang Ran with a jovial smile, "By the way, do you know who the Professional Trainer leading us to the Secret location is?"

"It's me."

At that moment, a voice came through, and hearing this familiar voice, Fang Yuan turned his head and immediately showed a look of surprise.

The person smiled and said, "Good morning, I'm ready to take you on a day trip to the Spirit World, how does that sound?"

"..." Fang Yuan.

"..." Eevee.

Upon hearing the words, Eevee's sleepiness vanished, and it opened its eyes to look at the newcomer.

The Spirit World?

In animation, as the habitat of some Ghosts and Ghost-type Pokemon, the Spirit World is a very mysterious world.

And on Earth, the Spirit World, as a kind of special Secret Realm, has descended into reality.

After detecting the Spirit Realm's Radio Waves, nations discovered that the Spirit World has a very vast space, enough to be called a Large Secret Realm.

A Large Secret Realm, that sounds like it's not a safe place...

And yet, this young man in front of them was saying he'd take them on a day trip to the Spirit World...

"Master Jiang Li..." Fang Yuan greeted.

This was a Trainer who had fought and bled for his country; he should be reliable.

"Bwoo..." Eevee also waved its paw; this young man had often appeared on TV, and Eevee was very familiar with him.

"Hmm," Jiang Li smiled at Fang Yuan and the silent Jiang Ran, seemingly noticing their confusion, and said, "Although the Spirit World is a Large Secret Realm, it is very special; it doesn't merge with Earth like other Secret Realms."

"Moreover, the Spirit World may have vast spaces, but many places within it are actually isolated from each other, and each entrance to the Spirit World represents a different location."

"The place I'm going to take you to next is the Spirit World Secret Realm in Jiuyuan Town within our province, which has a small entrance to the Spirit World that is open to Professional Trainers; it's very suitable for you to go and experience."

He turned around with a smile.

This time coming to Nanjing, Jiang Li had initially only wanted to introduce Jiang Ran to the Spirit World, but after watching the match and hearing about Fang Yuan from the Jinling Trainer Association, he suddenly became interested in Fang Yuan as well.

For such a grassroots Trainer, whose bright future was clear at first glance and who had some skill with the Ghost attribute, he didn't mind giving a few pointers on the way.

Perhaps, another Ghost Type Master was in the making.

The Spiral Shadow Ball that Eevee created with the moves Substitute and Helping Hand, although not considered a highly advanced technique in Jiang Li's eyes, was already quite remarkable.

Regarding the Spiral Shadow Ball, most of the Professional Trainers present at the time didn't have the insight of this Ghost Type Master, Jiang Li, to appreciate its difficulty.

Considering that Fang Yuan was a New Trainer, Jiang Li felt a fondness for talent.

Thus, seizing the opportunity of the big move from the Jinling Trainer Association, he decided to take Fang Yuan under his wing.

After all, Fang Yuan had no background and was difficult to care for in a targeted way; it would be better to have him under his own guidance, steering Fang Yuan onto the path of a Ghost Type Trainer.

"Let's go," Jiang Li said.

The next moment.

Jiang Ran and Fang Yuan exchanged glances, their hearts thumping as they followed.

A day trip to the Spirit World... why did it sound like they were going to hell?