Chapter 193 Interceptor_1


In the heart of Magnet Mountain, bathed in a space magnetic field, a yellow Pokemon that resembled a large gorilla laid resting beneath a fruit tree.

This Pokemon was extremely robust, standing two meters tall, with patterns resembling black lightning covering its arms, legs, belly, and even its face.

Atop its head, there were two objects that looked like conductors; on its back, its two tails swayed with powerful force.


Suddenly, the Electivire jolted awake from its sleep, its red pupils flashing with electricity. It had been dwelling here for a long time, driving away one group of intruders after another. It never expected that now, yet another audacious Pokemon would come to steal its tree fruits.

At this moment, Fang Yuan and his company had already stepped into Magnet Mountain.

In the opposite direction, the Electivire was also closing in on Fang Yuan and the others.

Before entering, Teacher Li had already figured out which Pokemon resided here and had obtained its Trainer's information.

"The Pokemon belongs to Miao Kai, the sole son of the chairman of Ray Electric."

"Miao Kai is also a Professional Trainer."

"Ray Electric??" Fang Yuan was embarrassed, as he'd never heard of it.

"It's one of the domestic Fortune 500 companies. Though it's not as famous as the big corporations, its magnitude is quite considerable."

Upon hearing this, Fang Yuan nodded. Nowadays, the names of companies familiar to the general public were really just those dozen or so. While Fortune 500 was impressive, their renown didn't match that of companies like Alipay or Tencent, that had more influence. It couldn't be helped; people only paid attention to things around them.

"Here it comes!!" Teacher Li suddenly exclaimed.

Before Fang Yuan and his group could delve deeper... The very Electivire they were discussing had already appeared before them.


Wild lightning struck down, drawing a dividing line on the ground, exploding the surface and scattering rocks, blocking Fang Yuan and his group from advancing.


Teacher Li's Geodude charged to the front, staring tense at the Electivire.

"Heiku!!!" The Electivire also displayed a warning look, telling Fang Yuan and his group to advance no further, for this was its territory.

Having said that, it whipped its two tails against the ground, and amid the gathering sparks, the ground turned scorch black...

Fang Yuan, along with Magnemite and Eevee, were shocked by its incredible power and impressive control. This Electivire was indeed at the professional level...

"Electivire, we'd like to stay here for one day. Is that possible?" Fang Yuan asked straightforwardly.

The Electivire glanced at Magnemite, knowing that it was mainly this Pokemon that needed to remain here, and began to observe it.

A moment later.

It shook its head in disdain.


This Magnemite was even inferior to the wild Pokemon that came to steal the fruits. What made it worthy of sharing this space with him, even if it was just for one day?

As a Pokemon with a Trainer, the Electivire understood the unwritten rules of the Electric Plains, that ceding a region meant little to it. However, the domineering Electivire didn't acknowledge that this Magnemite had the credentials for such an accommodation.

Teacher Li, standing at the side, fell silent... As expected, matters were not progressing smoothly.

This Electivire was quite difficult to communicate with...

Magnemite intended to utilize the local magnetic field for training, but it seemed there was no chance for a short while.


Magnemite, after a moment of silence, looked toward the Electivire.


The Electivire continued to scoff.

The meaning was clear: you, little one, if you can hold on for one minute against me, I will agree to let you stay here for a day.

Magnemite displayed an unwillingness to concede and immediately wanted to battle the Electivire, but upon seeing the scar etched into the ground by the Electivire's attack, it suddenly halted.


It definitely wasn't a match... that much it could judge.

Even if it gave its all, it probably would not last more than a minute against the opponent to earn recognition.

Fang Yuan didn't speak either, he knew the fighting power of a Pokemon belonging to a Professional Trainer... Even Eevee, would not be an opponent.

"Let's do this, we'll first have Magnemite undergo evolution training, and then during this time, we'll try to contact the Trainer of Electivire," said Teacher Li.

He could help Fang Yuan get in touch with the Trainer of Electivire, but he could not directly dispatch all his Pokemon to help Fang Yuan drive off Electivire.

Even if he could win, it would break the rules of Electric Plains, as it was Fang Yuan and Magnemite who wanted to borrow this place, and he, an outsider, could not intervene, otherwise, Electric Plains would become chaotic.

"Alright..." Fang Yuan nodded.


Electivire shook its head in boredom when it saw Fang Yuan give up the challenge, looking contemptuously at Magnemite.

Showing fear before fighting, even the Wild elves were better than this, and yet it dared to vie for the magnetic field with it.

Fang Yuan frowned; this Electivire had a really nasty character...

Just then, suddenly an electric shock zipped by; it was Magnemite flying out, signaling its readiness to fight. "Wait, Magnemite..." Fang Yuan hurriedly called out.

Magnemite flew beyond the dividing line drawn by Electivire, and turning its head resolutely at Fang Yuan's call, it cried out.

It wanted to challenge Electivire right now, even if it wasn't an opponent, it still wanted to hold on for a minute to prove to Electivire; it wasn't the trash the other said it was.

Magnemite, which had been rejected by its own kind many times, was clearly very sensitive to Electivire's scorn...

"Magnemite!!" Magnemite looked earnestly at Electivire.

"Bwoo??" At Fang Yuan's feet, Eevee was stunned, calling out to Magnemite, why go get beaten up, when there clearly were other ways.

"This little Magnemite..." Fang Yuan also realized Magnemite's fighting spirit, shaking his head helplessly.

But Magnemite's temperament was very much to his liking...

"Teacher Li, you see, Magnemite doesn't want to leave like this, so I have no choice but to help it," he said.

"Forget it, do as you please," Teacher Li said, his main concern was that Electivire, being so domineering, might heavily injure Magnemite, delaying its training.

But since Fang Yuan and Magnemite had both made their decision, he would just watch from the side.

"Heiku??!!" Electivire continued to slam its two tails on the ground, greatly surprised by Magnemite's reckless behavior, and started to mock it again.

One minute?

It could defeat this little Magnemite in one second.

A yellow glow flashed by, and in an instant, Electivire charged with Quick Attack, while simultaneously its Lightning Punch pounded down—

Fang Yuan and Magnemite's pupils shrank... so fast.

Over such a short distance, Magnemite's Gravity... Reflect Wall, didn't even have a chance to form before Electivire closed in, and then, Lightning Punch connected, sending the floating Magnemite flying backward, crashing into a rock...


The rock split open.

"Magnemite..." Magnemite cried out in pain.

It wasn't over, Electivire continued to approach Magnemite...

On the rock, Magnemite struggled to rise, gathering electric power, it had already determined to last a minute, even if it meant getting beat constantly, it couldn't pass out.

The next second, golden electricity swept through, its Thunderbolt smashing directly at Electivire, but... it was ineffective...

"Use Reflect Wall!!" Fang Yuan shook his head and yelled, it wasn't time to attack, but to defend!


Magnemite realized it too... but it had just flown up from the rock, the Reflect Wall forming halfway, when it was again slapped down by Electivire's tail!

The powerful strike completely shattered the rock!