Chapter 204: Magic University Combat Club_1

Magic City University's Training Ceremony for freshmen is followed by two eagerly anticipated events each year.

Club recruitment and perilous training.

Club recruitment is self-explanatory, while the latter is akin to military training and takes place at the end of the semester.

At a school like Magic City University, nearly every type of club exists, naturally including the Psychology Club once presided over by Fang Yuan as president.

Others, such as Go, Anime, Piano, Fighting...

But the most famous of all is the Battle Society, formally known as the Spirit Combat Club.

The reason this club especially attracts Trainers is that the Spirit Combat Club is the most effective way to enter the Magic City University Team.

Every year, the Magic City University Training School Team represents the university in the national competition, and most of the team members are usually juniors or seniors. It's obviously unrealistic for freshmen to expect to join the team directly, so the Battle Society serves as a transitional organization.

In the Battle Society, there are often coaches and team members who provide extra teaching to the club members, lead them to participate in various minor competitions, and also hold various intra-school battles regularly, all to cultivate new talents for the school team.

Those who make it to the Magic University Team are certainly elites among elites. As a rule, ambitious freshmen use the Battle Society as a stepping stone to practice their skills, and only the best among them are absorbed into the Magic University Team.

Therefore, the Battle Society's annual recruitment is always bustling, and of course, the club doesn't just accept anyone without assessment.


"A third Pokemon?" Fang Yuan was immediately intrigued when he heard School Sister Xie Qingyi's words.

"Yes, each year the recruitment assessment for the Battle Society is a sizable combat event and also an opportunity for New Trainers to show off their abilities. The most important thing is... those who successfully enter the Battle Society receive substantial rewards."

"The most basic benefit is the increase in the number of Pokemon an individual is allowed to registry and capture."

"For example, under your current Trainer status, you can register two Pokemon, but after joining the Battle Society, you could have three."

"Besides that, there's another component."

"If you can defeat a sophomore from the Battle Society, you'll get a young Pokemon carefully bred by the Demon Capital University's Breeders."

"Although you chose the Research Series, I think you're still very interested in battles, right?" Xie Qingyi smiled slightly, seeing that Fang Yuan was someone just like her.

This was also the reason why she appreciated Fang Yuan.

"It's still worth participating. The potential of the Pokemon bred by those Breeders is not low. Every year, these gifted creatures end up being divided among the Combat Series freshmen, which is such a shame," Director Mu said, shaking his head.

Being in the Research Series doesn't mean that students don't like battling, capturing rare Pokemon, or joining the school team. Everyone wants to seize such an opportunity.

However, this opportunity rarely comes to the Research Series yearly.

After all, the assessments are mostly Pokemon battles, and those with strong abilities inevitably choose the Combat Series, as the path of a Researcher isn't easy.

Over time, even Director Mu grew tired of watching since students from other series always seemed to steal the spotlight, which he found uninteresting.

"What Pokemon is it?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

"Mainly there are twelve types: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Wood Guardian, Torchic, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup..."

"Moreover, each Pokemon masters at least one inherited move or has something special about it. Our breeders at Magic University are quite outstanding."

Fuck, this is a lineup of the three great families...

The moment Fang Yuan heard this, his eyes went green with envy. Ordinary three-great-families Pokemon are exorbitantly priced at breeding houses outside, not to mention these exceptionally talented ones. How was what Magic University doing any different from handing out free money?

If he doesn't fight for one of The three great families... he wouldn't be Fang Yuan.

Actually, this is also an investment by Magic City University, as those who can obtain Pokemon from The three great families are the strongest among the new students, and many of these individuals are likely to eventually join the varsity team.

They then go on to represent the university in the national competition, bringing glory to the school—Magic City University is either first or second every year. The potential benefits brought about by this surpass anything a few Pokemon could offer.

A win-win situation.

For new students, this is definitely a very good benefit.

Fang Yuan was certainly attracted by the third Pokemon spot, as well as the opportunity to choose from The three great families.

The Energy Blocks in his possession, especially the Purple-Red Energy Block, needed a Pokemon to use them.

Now that he has just entered university and encountered such an opportunity, would he still be human if he gave it up?

When the time comes, it would be best to choose a Pokemon from The three great families that could utilize both the Light blue energy block and the Purple-Red Energy Block.

These two types of blocks are essential for Fang Yuan to catch up with the wealthy; combined with the potential of The three great families' own, his team will soon have a new main member.

He hasn't succeeded yet... Fang Yuan is already troubled by which one to choose, which shows he's serious.

"This kind of thing... I definitely have to give it a try," Fang Yuan said.


This event is in September.

There's more than half a month left from now, and naturally, Fang Yuan was looking forward to it.

However, anticipation was futile as he still had to wait. After School sister Xie Qingyi introduced Fang Yuan to Director Mu, he could be considered connected. He would receive some extra attention on a regular basis. At this time, Fang Yuan also learned that School sister Xie Qingyi was about to leave the university, since becoming one of the Four Heavenly Kings would add many more responsibilities to her life.

"Researcher... Professional Trainer... Four Heavenly Kings..."

After bidding farewell to School sister Xie Qingyi, carrying his aspirations for university life, Fang Yuan arrived at his dormitory.

He called out Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters to help clean the room, and after they were done, Fang Yuan happily took pictures and sent them to Father Fang and Mother Fang, telling them not to worry about him, that he could take care of himself.

"Uh..." Looking at the empty dormitory, Fang Yuan always felt something was missing.

Exclude a girlfriend first.


After finishing the chores, Eevee sat on the bed and reminded Fang Yuan.

What's missing is a computer, computer, computer!

Fang Yuan had said a long time ago that he would buy a computer for Eevee when he went to college... Now it was time to keep that promise.

"Oh... so it's about that," Fang Yuan looked at Eevee: "So... do you want a better-configured computer, or a better-configured one?"

"??" Eevee.

Do I have a choice?

"You want a well-configured one... Next, you'll have to undergo stricter training. We have the club recruitment activity in half a month, and it involves whether you can get new juniors. This time the opponents won't be New Trainers, they might be tough to handle," Fang Yuan said.

Eevee looked dejected. It wasn't about it acquiring new juniors, it was clearly him wanting to find a new favorite.