Chapter 218: Post-Evolution Strength_1

"Is such a thing... achievable?"

"Yes, not only Pokémon information but also Trainer information can be altered. Once you become a Professional Trainer, you'll understand when you have a chance to visit a secret location in a public area. Sometimes, data falsification also serves as a form of protection for Trainers," School sister Xie Qingyi said.

"Manon from France is a master in this field. She often travels to different countries under various aliases, with five different identities. Under each identity, she has different Pokémon that she commonly uses, endless trump cards up her sleeve. After all of her identities were exposed, it caused quite a stir in international circles," Xie Qingyi said.

"A lot of our Trainers have been at a disadvantage against her."

Fang Yuan felt a bit dizzy when Xie Qingyi talked about these matters within the Professional Trainer circle.

In summary, if a secret location appears in a public area, Professional Trainers from different countries competing for resources will most likely be in a competitive relationship.

Besides, spies or undercover agents sent to other countries also need this kind of data falsification, which is not secret but a basic requirement.

Fang Yuan looked at School sister Xie Qingyi.

"If you agree to this plan, I can help you take care of it," Xie Qingyi thought for a moment. Dealing with Fang Yuan's matter involved her and Master Kong Hai from the Trainer Association's Twelve Earthly Branches. The master was quite optimistic about Fang Yuan, and handling this issue shouldn't be difficult. Moreover, it was only a temporary measure until Fang Yuan became an Official Researcher or joined the Magic University Team, by which point his status will naturally resolve all issues.

Chen Shengcong also had contact with foreign powers, so erasing all connections between Fang Yuan, Eevee, and Chen Shengcong was another form of protection for Fang Yuan.

Now that Eevee was a uniquely rare Pokémon, some crazy scientists would definitely covet it. Even if it seemed to have no research value on the surface, one should never try to understand some researchers' thinking. There's currently a Rare Pokémon list in the international underworld that offers a high reward for such Pokémon, regardless of whether they have a Trainer. It's better to be cautious until you have the ability to protect yourself.

"Okay," Fang Yuan nodded. With this, he could use the Solar Spirit in battles without worry.

However... the Solar Spirit first needed to become well-known to the public.

"You want to publish the Solar Spirit's evolution method as a paper after you become an intern Researcher, right?" Xie Qingyi guessed Fang Yuan's thoughts.

"Only after the Solar Spirit in its Sprite Form becomes accepted by the public, will owning it not cause too much of a commotion," she added.

Fang Yuan nodded, knowing full well that in the internet society, such troubles were the least he wanted.

Moreover, with the Timid Nature paper, the Solar Spirit paper, and the Moon Spirit paper published, securing a position as an Official Researcher would be even more certain for him.

With a few more papers, even becoming a senior Researcher wasn't out of the question, since the evaluation of a Researcher's profession depends on their research findings.

Xie Qingyi was filled with mixed emotions as she thought about the Solar Spirit evolution method paper... Once it's published, Fang Yuan might indeed become an Official Researcher in his freshman year, a year earlier than her...

"An interesting junior..." School sister Xie Qingyi saw a reflection of herself in Fang Yuan.

"I understand, but... don't just upload the paper online. Once it's written, give it to me," Xie Qingyi said.

"Hmm," Fang Yuan agreed.

"Aren't you worried I might plagiarize your research findings?" Xie Qingyi joked with a smile.

Fang Yuan scratched his head, "School sister, you've helped me so much that I'd even give it to you, plus I'm only speculating at the moment, and my conclusions have not yet been confirmed."

The most important thing is, my head is filled with memories... enough to write dozens or hundreds of papers. I won't miss this one.

Xie Qingyi's smile brightened. Already a senior Researcher and soon to become a top-level Researcher, she naturally had no interest in Fang Yuan's research findings, but his response made her very happy.

To know, the paper on Eevee's evolution could not only earn a publication fee, but the international bounty was the real kicker.

A million-dollar bounty may not be useful to her, but for Fang Yuan, whose family had average means, it was a substantial sum.


"Let me see the Solar Spirit's strength," Xie Qingyi said slowly.

Half a year ago, her Eevee had a battle with Fang Yuan's Eevee.

Fang Yuan lost.

Half a year later, both Eevees had evolved. Xie Qingyi wanted to gauge the strength of the Solar Spirit, as well as to understand it more thoroughly through battle.

"No problem,"

As Fang Yuan spoke, the Solar Spirit turned its gaze towards Xie Qingyi.


"The Solar Spirit says... it wants to battle with the Fairy Spirit." Even after Eevee's evolution, Fang Yuan was still crystal clear about its intentions.

"Sure." Xie Qingyi produced a Poké Ball, and with a gentle toss, the white-bodied Fairy Spirit appeared on the field.

The Fairy Spirit's body was primarily white. Its head, ears, tail, and the lower half of its legs were pink, and its eyes, pale blue. On its left ear and around its neck were bows, each adorned with two ribbons. The ribbons were pink, dark blue, and light blue at the ends, indeed very cute. It was a completely different style from that of the Solar Spirit.

The Solar Spirit looked at the Fairy Spirit, and although they had both evolved, they recognized each other.

"You go first," said Xie Qingyi.

Fang Yuan moved to the other side of the field, his mood shifting. This was a battle against a Professional Trainer, one of the Four Heavenly Kings; he had to perform well.

The two Pokémon took their positions. With no referee, the start of the battle depended on Fang Yuan's command.

"Confusion!" Fang Yuan said crisply, instructing the Solar Spirit to attack using its psychic powers.

After evolving, the Solar Spirit had mastered five moves: Confusion, Psyshock, Morning Light, Light Wall, and Magic Reflection.

Confusion, Psyshock, and Light Wall were moves naturally learned through evolution.

The acquisition of Magic Reflection was related to the Solar Spirit's trait. After evolving, its trait changed from Dangerous Premonition to Magic Mirror. Using the state of Magic Reflection, it could invalidate certain status moves aimed at itself and reflect them back to their user.

Though its trait changed, the Solar Spirit's predictive ability hadn't weakened at all. If not for the lack of access, Fang Yuan would have been eager to teach the Solar Spirit the move Future Sight.

The mastery of Morning Light was related to the ruby on the Solar Spirit's forehead. The Solar Spirit could convert solar energy directly into physical strength and psychic power in a special way.

"Meow~" Following the order, the Solar Spirit quietly hummed, and the ruby on its head lit up instantly. The blue psychic wave transformed into a powerful telekinetic attack that enveloped the Fairy Spirit.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

Sensing the threat, the Fairy Spirit's ribbon-like antennae fluttered. As it was enveloped by the telekinetic attack, it broke free in an instant, thanks to the flow of Fairy Energy within the ribbons.

Xie Qingyi spoke in surprise, "This level of Confusion from the Solar Spirit has reached the standard of a main player on the Demon Capital University Team."

The telekinetic attack was effortlessly neutralized, but Xie Qingyi gave Fang Yuan and the Solar Spirit a positive assessment.

Without a brief outburst and just engaging in normal combat, this was the performance of the Solar Spirit. Fang Yuan was slightly taken aback upon hearing School Sister Xie Qingyi's evaluation.

Before evolving, Eevee had psychic powers comparable to a main player of a key university team... and after evolving, it had reached the standards of an esteemed university team like Demon Capital University?

The gap between esteemed universities and ordinary key universities was indeed significant.

Fang Yuan had a deep impression of the videos Zhuang Xin had shown.

The team from Emperor Capital University only needed less than a minute to defeat the key university team from Su province.

This was the difference in strength.

But that's to be expected... After all, when the Solar Spirit exerted its full power in a burst, although it was extremely taxing, it had the ability to injure the main players of Professional Trainers. Thus, such an evaluation for its normal performance wasn't surprising at all.

So, as long as he could train the Trio Magnet Monsters and Chimchar to the level of the Solar Spirit's strength, he should be able to join the Magic University Team, right?