Chapter 224 Study Activity_1


Cannon Fist belongs to Fire, Burst Fist belongs to Thunder.

Burst Fist emphasises how to control Thunder Energy, achieving a fast and fierce Thunder Punch, with force that penetrates the internal organs.

That is to say, following the path of force, the power of thunder and lightning is transmitted into the enemy's body, rather than dispersing on the surface.

In terms of energy usage, Fang Yuan found this Burst Fist much more practical than Cannon Fist.

However, learning Burst Fist is also more troublesome. Each Pokemon has different body structures and the parts where thunder and lightning can easily penetrate also vary.

The requirements for the user are very high...

"Doesn't this mean that if Chimchar wants to strike a lethal blow in the future, it will have to learn 'Pokemon Body Structure Studies'?"

Eevee learns performance, Trio Magnet Monsters learn physics, and now what Chimchar is learning... medicine or what?

Convincing Pokemon to study medicine... Thunder strike me down.

Fang Yuan shook his head. There was no helping it, the current battle environment was too harsh; to fight, one must have culture.

"Let's start with these two books for now. Learning Qi Fist can wait..."

In the days waiting for school sister Xie Qingyi to return, Fang Yuan picked another two boxing technique skills for Chimchar to train.

These two boxing technique skills do not conflict with the skills Chimchar currently masters. They are merely variant applications of moves that can greatly enhance the potency of its Fire Punch and Thunder Punch.


That day... Fang Yuan skipped class again.

Because in addition to training tasks, he was also busy writing a thesis, so for some general courses, aside from the first class, Fang Yuan rarely attended.

This kind of thing, due to habits formed in high school, didn't make Fang Yuan feel guilty.

But he never missed a professional course because some professional course content was really helpful for training Pokemon and studying moves.


After returning to the dormitory from training, Fang Yuan suddenly found that he had three missed calls, all from Liu Le.

This fatty hadn't sought Fang Yuan much since the start of the term. What was making him so proactive today?

"I've tamed a new Pokemon!!" As Fang Yuan called back, Liu Le's smug voice came through immediately.

"What is it?"

Liu Le also joined the Battle Society during recruitment and earned the privilege to tame a second Pokemon.

However, Liu Le didn't rush to tame his second Pokemon, saying that he wanted to carefully make a selection, planning to buy a Pokemon with outstanding talent from the breeding house.

And now... after half a month, it seems Liu Le had finally found a partner to his liking.

"Pot-Pot," Liu Le said.

"Not bad," Fang Yuan said, surprised he didn't expect Liu Le to be interested in this kind of Pokemon.

"Hehe, this Pot-Pot is quite powerful. An Orange Fruit, once fermented by it, can increase the effect of replenishing physical strength by tenfold. If there's an outdoor training in the future, I won't have to worry about Pokemon getting hungry like Little Ka Bi anymore."

"Moreover, this Guigui is really tough, even tougher than Little Ka Bi's defense back then. When it retreats into its shell, it's an absolute defense!!" Liu Le said. "It's just a pity that its offensive capabilities aren't too great."

"Then just spend some money to learn Power Trick, or find an opportunity to go to the botanical garden and tailor a suitable Toxic to its needs, play dirty," Fang Yuan suggested.



"Makes sense, but, Boss, how about a Pokemon battle? I'll use Pot-Pot, and you use Chimchar."

On the phone, a gleam flashed in Liu Le's eyes. He believed that his Pot-Pot, which he had bought for a high price, was no less talented than Fang Yuan's Chimchar and now, since everyone had trained for only a short period, this was his chance to beat Fang Yuan!

With Patient Style getting through a few moves, Pot-Pot could definitely defeat Chimchar.

"I'm kinda busy these days, maybe in a few days," Fang Yuan said.

"emmm that works too, but Boss, what have you been busy with lately? You haven't even been participating in Battle Society activities! There's an event happening that's really interesting, we just finished discussing it at yesterday's meeting. If you don't go, you'll definitely regret it."

"No time."

Fang Yuan said, Liu Le had no idea. He was experiencing the hard times now so he could enjoy later.

Once his position as a researcher was secure, wouldn't he be able to enjoy college life, doing whatever he wanted?

If you don't work hard in your freshman year, you'll only have regrets in your senior year.

The Battle Society activities were just too childish. He wasn't interested in participating at all.

"The Battle Society now has quite a few study spots available at the Trainers' Dojos. All new members can apply to train at the dojos for a week to half a month. I think it's kind of like an exchange program, right?"

"There have been activities like this in previous years. The newbies all learned a lot of practical techniques and got good training at the dojos... I think it's pretty good... Oh right, I plan to sign up for that... that thing, to take Crabby and learn a bit."

Fang Yuan frowned.


Fang Yuan fell silent; perhaps it wasn't so childish after all, and slightly interesting?

If he could take Eevee to the Psychic Dojo and Chimchar to the Martial Arts Dojo to learn for a while, picking up a few techniques – not necessarily their tightly-kept secrets, but at least something more advanced than the moves cheat books in the Demon Capital University library... that would be really amazing.

Fang Yuan scratched his cheek and cleared his throat, "Sounds good, I'll look into it more."

"Really amazing~" Liu Le said on the other side.

Fang Yuan grimaced; these days, who wasn't enticed by something really amazing?


Liu Le brought Fang Yuan some useful information.

Typically, families with some money but no Trainer relatives liked to send their children who wanted to become Trainers to dojos for training.

Dojos served as something like advanced tutoring classes. What schools taught, even those at Demon Capital University and Emperor Capital University, provided mostly basic knowledge unless you were part of the Battle Society or the school team.

In contrast, as long as you paid enough money, dojos didn't mind selling their advanced training experience or moves cheat books.

That's the profit model for most dojos, though some also had very strict requirements on the talent of their apprentices and the Pokemon, along with their closely guarded secrets. Unless the sect leader of the dojo took a shine to you and took you on as a successor, it was hard to buy their high-level, top-tier moves cheat books with money.

Later, Liu Le sent Fang Yuan a list of dojos, and looking at the names of the dojos on the list, Fang Yuan was tempted. The dojos cooperating with Mo Da were all sizeable establishments with substantial heritage. Such dojos often have Master Level Trainers in residence.

Going there to study for ten days to half a month, even just learning the basics, would definitely be worth it.

"The Heavenly Heart Dojo, known for its gathering of Psychics, is actually on the list... but the Fighting Dojo is also tempting for Monkeys..."

"Bwoo Bwoo!!" Eevee came over.

Showing off a big sister's demeanor, she told Fang Yuan not to be biased towards herself and to consider the Trio Magnet Monsters and Chimchar as well.
