The 240th Chapter: Early Conclusion of Studies_1

"How much longer until reinforcements arrive?"

"Considering the speed of a Professional Trainer traveling, they should be here very soon. We won't have to wait much longer."

Fang Yuan and Zhao Qing were left behind to control the eight Magnetic Noses, and at the same time, Fang Yuan looked into the distance.

As an island, there are only four ways for Trainers to come from other places.

They either travel by water or come flying.

Among these, there are two sub-options: taking a vehicle or riding a Pokemon.

Before and after becoming a Professional Trainer, Fang Yuan ought to capture some Pokemon that can be ridden in air, on the ground, and in the water, as it would be a lot more convenient.

However... When the time comes, he still has to get a license. For the safety of Trainers, "driving without a license" on a Pokemon requires taking on the corresponding responsibility.


Meanwhile, the nearest Trainer Association to Tianxin Island dispatched three more Professional Trainers.

Additionally, a specialized team of Senior Trainers tasked with sealing Secret Locations also rushed over, and upon the reinforcements' arrival, the island's only town was afforded full protection.

Fang Yuan stayed back as a volunteer for two days.

In these two days, Fang Yuan received two pieces of news, one good and one bad.

The bad news was that a Cave Mystery harbors an overpowered Overlord Spirit, Aggron, whose horn length indicated it had evolved for at least over twenty years. The countless scars on its armor proved its mastery of the Secret Location had been earned through fierce battles!

Since Aggron's territorial instincts were very strong, it did not leave the Secret Location. This was a small piece of fortune amid the misfortune. However, the Professional Trainer Tao Chen who encountered it faced significant trouble. During their skirmish, two of his Pokemon were severely injured. After realizing he couldn't take on Aggron alone, he had to temporarily escape through Teleport.

Later, it took a team of six Professional Trainers to suppress this Overlord Aggron.

Nonetheless, besides Aggron, there were other Pokemon in the Secret Location that posed considerable dangers. Before the Secret Location completely merged with Tianxin Island, Professional Trainers had their hands full.

As a result, Fang Yuan's learning journey at the Heavenly Heart Dojo was put on hold for now.

As for the good news, it was that the Professional Trainers, while exploring, discovered that this Cave Mystery was exceptionally rich in Pokemon resources, including various rare ores. Besides that, a large number of Rare Pokemon habitats existed within it. After exploring the Super Miniature Secret Realm's resources, many new Trainers could be trained.

As one of those who participated in the Secret Location's related tasks, Fang Yuan, among other Trainers who made some contribution, were granted early access to the Secret Location's resources. Depending on the difficulty of the mission and the extent of contributions, the Trainer Association would convert the Secret Location's resources into corresponding rewards for the Trainers who participated in the mission. Furthermore, these Trainers were also given the first chance to purchase resources from the Secret Location.

"Just got some money, and now there's a chance to spend it, how great." Fang Yuan no longer had patrol duties, and as for further exploration missions, his rank was not high enough. For now, Fang Yuan could only wait patiently for frontline reports.

"Are you Fang Yuan?"

In the dojo, just as Fang Yuan had returned from the Meditation Room, a white-bearded old man appeared seemingly out of nowhere in front of him, with a grin that showed teeth so yellow they were on the brink of collapse...

Who is this old guy... Fang Yuan was momentarily taken aback.

"Has your Solar Spirit learned the Meditative Moves already?" asked the white-bearded old man.

"It has, may I ask who you are?" Fang Yuan replied. However, because the Secret Location came so unexpectedly, Tao Chen, who had been in charge of his instruction, was not yet aware of this news.

The man had been guarding the frontlines of the Secret Location and had not returned to the dojo for two or three days.

"Good," said the white-bearded old man with a slight smile. "Someone will send you a training manual soon. Work hard."

With that, the white-bearded old man floated away down the corridor, leaving Fang Yuan completely perplexed. Do people nowadays all love to be so mysterious?


"This is the basic training method for our dojo's Meditative Moves."

That same day, a Dojo Apprentice delivered a manual to Fang Yuan, and he learned from the apprentice that the white-bearded old fellow he met earlier was the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Flow Dojo, a Master Level Superpower Trainer.

"Tianxin Flow Basic Meditation Method?" Fang Yuan took the manual and sighed. It seemed the Senior Superpower Users really didn't have time to teach him personally; instead, they gave him this method to train his Solar Spirit on his own.

The content of the manual was not as profound as Fang Yuan had expected. There was no need to understand various theoretical knowledge, it was just a set of easy-to-understand training methods. Upon glancing through it, Fang Yuan realized it even had some similarities to the training methods he used to train Eevee's Dangerous Premonition skill.

"The premise of practicing Tianxin Stream Meditation Techniques is to quickly enter a state of meditation. By leveraging the surge in spiritual power for a moment, one can enhance 'intuition.' To clearly capture 'intuition,' three steps of practice are needed..."

"After mastering them all, a Pokemon trained in Tianxin Stream Meditation Techniques can possess a form of predictive abilities while meditating. But whether one can sense correctly without being deceived by their own 'intuition' entirely depends on the Pokemon's talent," the manual read.

"Emmmm," Fang Yuan fell silent.

To be honest, the basic Meditation Techniques of Tianxin Stream were, for the Solar Spirit... actually just fundamental abilities.

With perfected practice, these might not even be as powerful as the Predictive Ability and the intrinsic predictive powers of the Solar Spirit's fine body fur organs.

What Fang Yuan was really interested in was the more advanced Meditation Methods of the Heavenly Heart Dojo, which they were not likely to teach him.

But having something is better than nothing. These Meditation Techniques would be quite beneficial for Chimchar, making them quite a good find.

"The first step is to sense a strange feeling in the body through continuous meditation. When the spiritual power surges, the Pokemon's skin or some organs will experience a slight prickling or ant-crawling sensation. Capturing this feeling during meditation means completing the first step."

"The second step is practical training; one must close their eyes and meditate, welcoming attacks. The tingling sensation from the surge of spiritual power will guide the body. If the reaction is timely, one can avoid danger."

"This description is somewhat similar to how cats puff up their fur when sensing danger. Speaking of which, the Solar Spirit also has feline characteristics. Therefore, the Solar Spirit could potentially use its short, fine fur to predict its opponent's moves and weather patterns, meaning it effectively bypasses the second step," thought Fang Yuan silently. "What the Heavenly Heart Dojo wants to find out is whether practicing these Meditation Techniques can enhance the Solar Spirit's Predictive Ability on top of its fundamental skills!"

"The third step..."