Chapter 260 The World's Number One Fighting Tournament_1

"They are really just freshmen? To have such strength at this age, that's impressive..."

As Fang Yuan and Lv Liang battled, the discussion among the Dojo Apprentices below never ceased.

Fang Yuan's Fierce Fire Monkey and Lv Liang's Iron Palm Warrior, even when placed within the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, were exceptionally strong!

This place was incomparable to the Heavenly Heart Dojo, where most apprentices were Ordinary Trainers who firmly believed that "diligence could compensate for one's lack of talent." With not many innate talents, Fang Yuan and Lv Liang were considered quite formidable trainers to most apprentices here.

What was most important was... the Fierce Fire Monkey and Iron Palm Warrior might not even be Fang Yuan and Lv Liang's Beginner Elves, which was the fundamental difference in their strengths. Furthermore, the gap between Elite Trainers from prestigious schools and Ordinary Trainers from the community is bound to grow over time.

After Fang Yuan and Lv Liang finished applying medicine to their Pokemon, they had achieved their purpose for the battle. Feng Yin nodded, letting them fall back into line and started speaking.


Ten minutes later, the apprentices dispersed, taken in groups by dojo teachers for training, while Feng Yin gestured to Fang Yuan and Lv Liang to come over.

Although the Wind Fist Flow Dojo had several experienced Fighter Trainers, they were not quite the right fit to teach Fang Yuan and Lv Liang.

So it was up to Feng Yin to personally instruct Fang Yuan and Lv Liang.

"Starting tomorrow, you'll join the other apprentices for the regular foundational training. As for the special training, I'll lead you in that. How does that sound?" Feng Yin said with his hands behind his back and a smile, "Oh, and you should first reflect on the battle you just had."

Feng Yin first turned to Lv Liang and said, "From the battle just now, it's clear that Iron Palm Warrior has quite a few issues, mainly with its basics not being solid enough. Although it is quite strong, there's a lot of wasted potential. To take it to the next level, you need to go back to basics and at the same time learn more powerful Moves."

Lv Liang nodded in agreement. Issues with basics were easy to fix, as the training facilities at Demon Capital University were not just for show. The main thing was the powerful Moves.

"Iron Palm Warrior is light as a feather, and it obviously has good speed talent, along with strength. That's also why you chose the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, right? However, if Iron Palm Warrior wants to learn the Wind Fist Flow's Close Combat and Qi Fist, it still falls short of some requirements, which is control over its breathing. This is the main aspect Iron Palm Warrior needs to focus on learning here."

Lv Liang grimaced, signaling his understanding... During the battle, Iron Palm Warrior's Energy Gathering speed was nowhere near that of Fierce Fire Monkey. Strict training was indispensable.

Then, Feng Yin turned to Fang Yuan, "The foundation laid during the Chimchar phase was solid, even near perfect, but due to the cultivation and evolution being rushed, along with a unique nurturing style, it still lacks a decisive Move."

"'Sonic Fist,' 'Close Combat,' and 'Qi Fist' from Wind Fist Flow are all very suitable for it. Wind Fist Flow pursues the unity of martial arts and nature. This nature is wind, is energy, while martial arts are the fighting spirit, and you could even say spirit. Only by understanding this essence does one truly master the profundities of Wind Fist Flow." Feng Yin spoke profoundly, but Fang Yuan and Lv Liang weren't really listening...

To put it plainly, the Wind Fist Flow Dojo's "Sonic Fist," "Close Combat," and "Qi Fist" have faster attack and release speeds.

Everyone's an adult here; there's no need to beat around the bush.

However, outwardly, Fang Yuan and Lv Liang still showed an eager expression...

Seeing this, Feng Yin smiled satisfactorily, continuing to discuss in depth with Fang Yuan and Lv Liang, explaining the history of Wind Fist Flow Dojo to them.

Although the history of Wind Fist Flow Dojo can be traced back to The Beast War era, besides the first Sect Leader who was entitled to the master title, the later successors and apprentices, even those who passed professional assessments as trainers, were no longer able to promote the glory of Wind Fist Flow.

Feng Yin's dream was to become the second master of Wind Fist Flow... After veering off-topic for a while, Feng Yin finally began to arrange training tasks for Fang Yuan and Lv Liang in the coming days.

Lv Liang's daily training tasks were simple, not much different from those of other Dojo Apprentices, since Iron Palm Warrior needed to lay a foundation; beyond that, the special training was more strenuous. His Iron Palm Warrior had to temper its spirit through the cold climate, allowing both spirit and Gathering Energy to be refined. Only the spirit-status achieved through enduring the severe cold could help Iron Palm Warrior catch up with Fierce Fire Monkey quickly in learning Qi Fist.

"Every morning, I will take you to Ice Tundra Mountain for special training, where the climate is even more brutal; you need to be prepared." Feng Yin looked at Lv Liang solemnly, causing him to gulp.

Ice Tundra Mountain? Could it be a snowy mountain? Fang Yuan also gulped, but fortunately, his training tasks appeared to be different from Lv Liang's.

"Fierce Fire Monkey coordinates its spirit, vitality, and energy quite well. Although every Pokemon has its own way of training these, the principles are similar; therefore, you don't need to do the spirit-vitality-energy training." Feng Yin's words slightly relaxed Fang Yuan.

"Besides the dojo's daily training, I'm giving you a challenge letter; for this half month, take Fierce Fire Monkey to challenge the other Martial Arts Dojos around," he said.

As Feng Yin spoke, Fang Yuan was suddenly confused.

Lv Liang was also stunned, challenge other dojos? That's rather bold, isn't it?

"This..." Fang Yuan began to sweat from his forehead. That sounded even less reliable than going to Iceburg for special training.

"There's no other meaning to it; take the challenge letter, and the opponents you'll face will only be apprentices around your age. The purpose of this is to let Fierce Fire Monkey learn the Wind Fist Flow's Qi Fist better," Feng Yin said with a smile.

"Before the challenge, I will teach you a special technique. By using this technique to fight different opponents, within a week, your Fierce Fire Monkey should master Qi Fist. If you're afraid... before challenging other dojos, I can introduce you to a few apprentices from Wind Fist Flow Dojo for sparring," he offered.

"For fighting, actual combat against equals is the best training."

"Alright..." Fang Yuan nodded, taking this opportunity to see what other Martial Arts Dojos had to offer could be beneficial.

Since Feng Yin said so...

"Moreover, if you gain recognition from all the Martial Arts Dojos in Ice Plain City through these challenges, you will also be considered qualified for 'The World's Number One Fighting Contest'."

"'The World's Number One Fighting Contest'?!" Fang Yuan was startled.

The World's Number One Fighting Contest was an event to determine who was the Fighting Master, requiring participation from Fighting Type Pokemon, and had been held for many sessions!

For Fighter Trainers, that title of "The World's Number One" was enough to inspire aspiration.

"Just an entry ticket..." Lv Liang muttered. Let alone Fang Yuan and Fierce Fire Monkey, even if Feng Yin himself participated in The World's Number One Fighting Contest, it was not guaranteed that he would place well.

"I'll try my best," Fang Yuan said... Even if he qualified, without a professional level, he couldn't expect to place well, that was certain.