Chapter 267 Eevee, in Love!_1


Discovering that the formula for nutritional products could be improved into Energy Blocks was Fang Yuan's luckiest discovery.

The purple-red and pink Energy Blocks could help the Fierce Fire Monkey evolve steadily to the Professional level.

With the green Energy Blocks and the magnetic fields from various places, as long as Fang Yuan was willing to pay the price to let the Trio Magnet Monsters absorb them, reaching the Professional level wouldn't be difficult for them either.

As for Eevee, there was even less pressure. Now, it was already very close to the Professional level.

Combined with Exclusive Meditation Method and some more training, once its spiritual power grew larger, it was a sure thing that it would reach the Professional level.

If it could learn moves like Future Sight, Swap Field, or become skilled at using Sunny Day, it would also be one of the higher-level Pokémon in the Professional level.

Unfortunately, for an Eevee of this level, at least the Energy Blocks modified from high-end nutritional products available on the market were practically useless for it now.

Of course, when Fang Yuan said "useless", he meant that they couldn't significantly improve Eevee's strength in the short term; long-term use would definitely have some effect, however small.

Now, unless Fang Yuan could get access to top-level nutritional product formulas, the Energy Blocks modified from such formulas would surely have an amazing effect. But cracking the secrets of top-level nutritional products... well, that was currently just wishful thinking.


"You... you're back again?"

"Yep, good morning, senior~"

Fang Yuan almost visited the Magic University Gravity Training Ground every day for the Gravity Trial.

Although the person welcoming Fang Yuan each time was different, after so many days, Fang Yuan often encountered the same NPC senior who was there on his first visit to this place.

The NPC senior finally knew who Fang Yuan was and felt very embarrassed. No wonder Fang Yuan had asked her if she knew him on that first day,

It turned out Fang Yuan was indeed famous at the Spirit Academy... But Fang Yuan himself was probably more embarrassed, right?

"As usual, let the three Pokémon take turns," Fang Yuan said.

"Okay," the NPC senior nodded.

After returning from the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, Fang Yuan's semester was swiftly coming to an end, with the auction and final exams almost coinciding in timing.

During this period, apart from training his Pokémon, Fang Yuan was searching for material for his thesis, and also catching up on classes with several professors.

To be honest, Fang Yuan was not especially incredible in his studies. Compared to the study tyrants who got into Demon Capital University on their academic merits, there was a gap.

But luckily, Fang Yuan had some backdoors to use. He had too many halos, and every professor in the Research Series knew him and was willing to give him some extra help privately.

This allowed Fang Yuan to roam without falling behind in knowledge too much. Thanks to Magic University, thanks to the professors, thank you, Eevee...

"Are you coming during the winter break?" the NPC senior asked quietly after she had set up the Gravity Trial for Fang Yuan.

"Maybe, but the frequency will probably decrease," Fang Yuan replied, not minding the credits but because the effectiveness of the Gravity Trial was diminishing.

After nearly a month, all three Pokémon had reached their limits; it was very difficult for them to break through in the short term.

The Fierce Fire Monkey's grade had improved from "B-" to "B".


The Trio Magnet Monsters' grades also rose from "A-" to "A".

However, for the Solar Spirit, it was still at "S-", and once it reached the "S level", advancing further to "S" or "S+" was extremely difficult. The higher you go, the harder it is to improve. In the history of the Gravity Trial, only thirteen students have achieved an "S+" rating. They were all the absolute core members of the Magic University Trainer School Team in their respective years.

If the Solar Spirit wanted to break through "S-", it would require an enhancement in its Predictive Ability, or in other words, comprehending the Future Sight Move. Otherwise, the journey would be long~

Fang Yuan brought it here every day for this purpose: to learn Future Sight.

Ever since the first challenge when Fang Yuan saw a shadow of the Future Sight state on the Solar Spirit, Fang Yuan was determined to tackle this Gravity Trial, continuously bringing the Solar Spirit for challenges. During this period, the Solar Spirit touched upon the threshold of Future Sight eight more times, but still failed to grasp the Future Sight Move.

Until today... after Trio Magnet Monsters and Fierce Fire Monkey completed their trials, it was the Solar Spirit's turn.

The Solar Spirit's purple pupils were dyed red by the gleam of the Ruby, showing an incredibly calm gaze, as if today the Solar Spirit's eyes could see through everything.

Flawless lines outlined the Solar Spirit's coordinated body, and as its power-filled body moved through the beams of light, the Solar Spirit softly began to chant.

Today... the Solar Spirit's desire to learn the Future Sight Move reached an all-consuming level.

Because Fang Yuan had told it this morning... if it mastered the Future Sight Move... it might ignore the author's procrastination and skip straight to seeing the future, catching up with anime content that hadn't been updated yet.

The Solar Spirit, tormented by the agony of waiting for new episodes, knew Fang Yuan was pulling its leg, but what Fang Yuan said made sense. Why not give it a try... With that belief in mind, it was in an exceptionally good state for this challenge!

"Success or failure will be decided today..." Fang Yuan said, wiping his sweat. He'd been saving his trump card for the very last, most crucial moment, all for a good effect!

If it weren't for the Solar Spirit's increasingly skilled use of its Predictive Ability, Fang Yuan would never have said those words; he wanted to use that phrase to help the Solar Spirit break its shackles...


In dodging beams of light, the Solar Spirit entered that strange state for the tenth time. Unlike the previous nine times when its brain throbbed while seeing a future vision, this time, the Solar Spirit's brain felt no pain and naturally saw a brief glimpse of the future.

Moreover... this time the vision was even more realistic. While seeing the vision, the Solar Spirit also felt that, in this state, it could send a Psychic Orb into a different time and space, then let the Psychic Orb appear at the location in the vision!

The Solar Spirit understood that this was the true Future Sight Move. With a pain-free brain and clear perception, it had memorized this state.

If this is what is called Future Sight... it loved it!


The Solar Spirit, now learned in Future Sight, silently achieved an "S" grade.

Then, under the NPC Senior Sister's monstrous gaze, Fang Yuan left the place.

"The best score for Magic University Team so far is just 'S', right?" Fang Yuan said, sporting a satisfied smile, not minding stirring up the situation, planning to come back once Eevee became familiar with the Future Sight Move.

He wanted to leave the senior students with an unforgettable memory.

Indeed... as Fang Yuan anticipated, it wasn't long before his score was seen by members of the Battle Society, and then by members of the Magic University Team.

Especially the current captain of the Magic University Team, who was speechless for a long time upon seeing Fang Yuan's "S" rating and was looking forward to Fang Yuan participating in the team selection trials.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuan was already focused on the Secret Location Auction Event; tomorrow was the day of the auction.

For this auction, he had prepared twenty million.