Chapter 274 True·Enemies on a Narrow Road_3

"Are you a student from Demon Capital University?" Yan Xiaoyun, president of the Imperial Capital Sports Club, looked at Fang Yuan, who was hurrying over, and frowned. She had been sent by the teacher to wait for Fang Yuan since Magic City University was short one person and naturally needed to guide him.

"I am." Fang Yuan immediately replied.

"Come with me." Yan Xiaoyun nodded and began leading Fang Yuan in that direction.


Standing on the stage, Teacher Hu Guanxiong from Emperor Capital University addressed the crowd below: "That's all I have to say. Today's free battles will have several healing centers open throughout, and soon trainers from the medical school will come to help. Though that's the case, everyone should still adhere to battle etiquette and not act impulsively. Understood?"

The crowd below responded in unison, verbally agreeing quite well.

Tang Sheng smiled. The trainers from Imperial City University seemed to be in good spirits... The next moment, he grinned at the students from Magic City University, nodding for them to do as they please.

As the two teachers nodded together, the area suddenly burst into chaos. From Magic City University's side, Xu Lan, with her cool demeanor, was the first to step forward. She looked toward the two lines of the Imperial Capital Sports Club and said, "Freshman Xu Lan from Magic University Combat Club, does anyone want to battle?"

"I will!"

"Get lost, I will!"

"How about we battle first, and whoever wins goes first?"

"Let's do this, a father-and-son match!"

As soon as Xu Lan stepped out, the side from Emperor Capital University immediately became a jumbled mess. This was the downside of free battles; without a teacher assigning opponents, even though there's more freedom, everyone wants to choose their opponent. For a female trainer with an icy demeanor like Xu Lan, most of the boys wanted to try and best her.

"The Imperial Capital Sports Club should have rankings, right? Those ranked after 10th need not challenge." Xu Lan said indifferently.

When Xu Lan's words fell, the trainers from Magic City University immediately laughed. If it were any other girl, she might have been too intimidated to speak up in the face of this pressure, responding only politely, but Xu Lan was clearly not that type of girl. Or perhaps it could be said that the Ice-type Trainers from Winter Dojo, because of their long-term interaction with Ice Elves, had a somewhat aloof personality and were not easy to communicate with.

"That's quite the bold statement." The students from Imperial City University went silent, those ranked lower felt slighted, whereas those ranked higher were all eager and keen on meeting Xu Lan.

"No Fang Yuan?... huh..." There were a few people who didn't care about Xu Lan or any such person, always looking for Fang Yuan's figure – Bai Qi was among them. Seeing that the exchange team didn't include Fang Yuan, Bai Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey!! Hey, you there, looking down, Bai Qi?? Long time no see." Suddenly, a voice reached Bai Qi's ears, making his expression stiffen.

As he stiffly raised his head, Bai Qi saw the grinning trainer following behind Yan Xiaoyun... Fang Yuan.

"Oh crap." Bai Qi blurted out subconsciously, almost choking on his own words. With his luck, Fang Yuan was really here??

"He is..." Beside him, Du Yishan's expression froze as well, taking a careful look, wasn't that trainer from the film academy?

How could he be here...

"Fang Yuan, so it is you," Bai Qi said with mixed feelings... Well, it was good to see what progress Fang Yuan had made after university. Fang Yuan, who had devoted his heart to his research, did he still have the energy to train Pokemon?

Just as Bai Qi was about to continue speaking, he was suddenly pulled aside.

"Wait a moment!" Du Yishan, hearing this, grabbed Bai Qi and said, "He is the Fang Yuan you mentioned??"

Bai Qi was startled and replied, "Yes, do you know him too?"

At that moment, Fang Yuan also saw Du Yishan and couldn't help but show a kindly smile...

Seeing Fang Yuan's smile, Du Yishan almost instantly understood the situation, her eyes revealing indignation, quite the gifted student from the film academy.



Fang Yuan looked around and saw Tang Sheng and the other teachers, and also saw Xu Lan, who had stepped forward, grasping the current situation... So the exchange battles must have already started, right?

Fang Yuan said with a smile, "Does anyone want to battle me? I'm quite weak."