Chapter 276: Fang Yuan's Ambition_1

"Teacher Hu, how strong are our new students at Demon Capital University?" Seeing the expression on Hu Guanxiong's face, Tang Sheng smiled and said, "Fang Yuan is good in every aspect, but he seems to be a bit indifferent to group activities, probably occupied with training his Pokemon."

Hu Guanxiong's mouth twitched with annoyance. What was there to show off? His eyes widened as he looked towards the field.

The Magmar still managed to stand, its resistance to Steel Series preventing it from being easily critically injured. However... within the magnetic field created by the Trio Magnet Monsters, the swinging Magnet Bombs ominously resembled the scythe of death hanging over Magmar's neck.

Unsurprisingly, Fang Yuan and the Trio Magnet Monsters easily secured the first victory. Bai Qi found it hard to accept. During the rookie competition in Su province... the gap between him and Fang Yuan wasn't that big, yet now, Fang Yuan could easily summon one of his main Pokemon and crush him?

"Who wants to battle next?"

Fang Yuan looked around. He couldn't neglect the promise he made to Tang Sheng, after all, Teacher Tang had gotten him many benefits. As Fang Yuan finished speaking, the new students of Emperor Capital University had no immediate response.

Bai Qi was a skilled member of the Athletic Society. A bunch of people less powerful than he was couldn't match him; it would be humiliating for them to even try, and those who saw themselves as stronger than Bai Qi were also uncertain… Could they defeat Bai Qi as easily?

Nevertheless, there had to be someone to rise to Fang Yuan's challenge. If no one dared to fight, it would be a disgrace for Imperial City University too great to bear.

"I will."

In the next moment, a Trainer with glasses and a balanced, somewhat engineering-geek vibe stepped forward.

He adjusted his glasses, walked out from the crowd, first glanced at Bai Qi, then turned his gaze towards Fang Yuan and the Trio Magnet Monsters.

"Imperial City University, He Xingyu."

"Demon Capital University, Fang Yuan. The rule is still one-on-one, no problem, right?" Fang Yuan said.

The other side nodded, walked to the opposite side of the field, and casually tossed out a Poké Ball. A purple Pokemon appeared, its head shaped like a wizard's hat, with three red gemstones embedded on its body and a somewhat grim look, like a sage.

"Ghost Type?"

The appearance of the Dream Demon slightly surprised Fang Yuan, while also boosting the morale of the new students from Imperial City University.

He Xingyu, whose strength was certainly among the top ten of the newcomers at Imperial City University, coupled with the special nature of the Dream Demon, meant that the ultra-fast attack moves of the Trio Magnet Monsters might not work!

As the match started again with the Referee's declaration, Fang Yuan just smiled faintly. Indeed, the Dream Demon immediately vanished, using the innate advantage of Ghost-type Pokemon, rendering the Trio Magnet Monsters unable to sense it.

"Sorry, my Trio Magnet Monsters have even been to the true Spirit World, this trick won't work on us—"

Fang Yuan thought to himself, and in an instant, the Trio Magnet Monsters extended their control over the magnetic field to cover the entire battlefield on his command!

If just a moment ago, the control of electromagnetic force by the Trio Magnet Monsters could be comprehended by the teacher from Imperial University, then as the field was engulfed by Electromagnetic Power, he immediately widened his eyes. Controlling such vast energy... even the main forces from the Imperial University Team couldn't do much better, could they?

Are these really newcomers?


Through the spread of electromagnetic waves, the Trio Magnet Monsters nearly instantly locked onto the Dream Demon's position by its electric waves. The next second, as the creature still lay in ambush, awaiting He Xingyu's command, it was forcibly revealed by the sudden onslaught of gravity.

It was only then that He Xingyu's complexion changed as he realized the trouble. The Trio Magnet Monsters were much more powerful than he had imagined, and the current Dream Demon was not equipped to resist.

The Dream Demon's pupils shrank as it saw the thunder rolling towards it. It couldn't even float anymore, completely suppressed by the increased gravity, helplessly watching the attack descend.

The Thunder Energy amassed inside the Trio Magnet Monsters wasted no Electromagnetic Power spreading across the field. Continuously devouring it, a massive thunderbolt was formed, and the Thunder Strike Skill descended directly from the ceiling, striking the Dream Demon harshly!


The golden light faded, and the Dream Demon, charred black, lay defeated on the ground. It was likely incapacitated by the Thunder Strike Skill or the intensifying gravity. Either way, it was no longer able to fight.


In a daze, Dream Demon exhaled a mouthful of black energy, feeling as if it was about to be overcooked.

"Dream... Dream Demon!!"

He Xingyu couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the struggling Dream Demon...


"It's happening again!" Du Yishan and Yan Xiaoyun could hardly bear to watch anymore. Among them, one hated Fang Yuan so much it made her teeth itch, and the other was dissatisfied with the performance of the society members and felt frustrated at their shortcomings!

The main reason was that no one could handle Fang Yuan, which made this exchange competition seem a bit off-taste!

At this moment, Fang Yuan also suddenly felt that it was getting boring since the freshmen were just too fragile.

Following He Xingyu's defeat, the Imperial City University side fell silent once again.

"Why didn't he go to that place?!"

Hu Guanxiong felt frustrated as he looked at the situation on the field. Since no one had defeated Fang Yuan, the freshmen from Imperial City University even felt embarrassed to turn their heads and challenge other students from Demon Capital University!

Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monsters seemed too overpowered. He dared to assert that the resources poured into this Trio Magnet Monsters, if not tens of millions, would not be any less.

Monster rookies like these, generally speaking, wouldn't attend university. They were destined to become Professional Trainers and would be directly cultivated by the Trainer Association and sent to another special institution. Psychic Xu Jing was one such person, related to Champion Jiang Li, as was Jiang Ran, who possessed the Spirit Realm Inheritance.

Hu Guanxiong felt that Fang Yuan wouldn't be worse than those people.

"Fang Yuan just comes from an ordinary working-class family; his parents aren't even Trainers. How could he have a chance to go there?" Tang Sheng shook his head.

"What?" Hu Guanxiong was somewhat surprised.

"Didn't you know? Fang Yuan is actually a Researcher. Pokemon combat is just his hobby. Researchers, just like Breeders, are all crazy when it comes to raising Pokemon," Old Tang chuckled.

Being all-around powerful is truly terrifying.

Indeed, although Fang Yuan couldn't enjoy the same cultivation treatment as those rookies with top-level inheritance, the fact that he had grown to this extent in the research field as an ordinary New Trainer was even more aberrant than them.

For someone like Fang Yuan, who started from zero, the university's learning environment was better suited for him.

"..." Hu Guanxiong fell silent, recalling the prodigy of Demon Capital University, the Fairy King Xie Qingyi. Why did all these monsters end up at Demon Capital University?


"Is there anyone else?" Fang Yuan said helplessly. Surely the Imperial City University's freshmen couldn't be this weak? The Solar Spirit hadn't even made an appearance yet...

In that case, had he completed his task?

Suddenly, Fang Yuan's gaze pierced through the crowd and looked towards the upperclassman who had initially brought him here, and coincidentally, Du Yishan was also standing there.

"Freshmen aren't interesting. If you want to challenge, then directly challenge the president of the Imperial City University Athletic Society or their university team members!"

Fang Yuan's eyes grew brighter. Who said exchange competitions had to be held with just freshmen?

He, Fang Yuan, never bullied the weak; he enjoyed challenging the strong!

Old Tang, the school's salary has to be doubled this time!