Chapter 283: Stand Combined Attack Technique_1

After mastering the Shadow Clone technique, one could infuse energy into the clones to copy the original body's actions and make the same attacks, even performing destructive moves.

Having mastered the Shadow Clone to such an extent, it was very close to the Substitute Technique, but there were still differences, in that a Shadow Clone could only synchronize with the original's actions and would dissipate like an illusion due to energy dispersal with even minor damage.

Hundreds of Flying Water Shurikens came flying, the airflow swirling and sweeping around, as the Solar Spirit felt the movement of the air, its expression unchanged. Without even a command from Fang Yuan, it moved slowly, as countless Flying Water Shurikens hit the Solar Spirit, which didn't even blink an eye.

"Is this the extent of it?" At the same time, Fang Yuan's words reached Dong Fanghua's ears.


As if responding to Fang Yuan's remark, the Solar Spirit meandered across the field, as though it had predicted the landing spots of each physical shuriken, maintaining a certain distance from the real Flying Water Shurikens every time. Against the phantom shurikens, it showed boldness and artistry, ignoring them as they landed on its body.

Phantoms, naturally, could not inflict any harm.

Explosions continuously erupted on the field, but none of this affected the Solar Spirit. Dong Fanghua stared intently at the Solar Spirit, which hadn't expended any energy just by moving, and his expression revealed surprise.

It wasn't about taking all the Flying Water Shurikens head-on, nor was it covering all attacks with a wide-range move, but rather, it casually walked through the rain of shurikens…

Instantly, students from Emperor Capital University, who had thought the Solar Spirit would at least be greatly drained after this round, fell silent. Inside the arena, one could only hear breathing sounds accompanied by heavy gasps. The next second, noise erupted once again.

"They can do that too?! How confident are they in themselves, to face such an attack without even using a move??"

"Even if it has detected the hidden real shurikens, in such a short time, how did it determine where it would be safe to go without being affected?"

Everyone was dumbfounded by the Solar Spirit's performance. Dong Fanghua, who had originally planned to take this opportunity to press his attack, didn't continue to issue commands because his train of thought had been interrupted by Fang Yuan's words and the Solar Spirit's astonishing performance.

However, Dong Fanghua was relieved that he hadn't acted rashly again. This round of exchange made him realize that the reaction speed, predictive ability, and insight of this Solar Spirit were all powerfully top-notch. He had to change his attacking methods, as showing off tactics in front of Fang Yuan and the Solar Spirit would only waste energy on one side!

The freshmen of Magic City University were speechless for a long time. Worthy of someone who left an "S" rating in the Gravity Trial, facing such an attack with ease proved the value of Fang Yuan's challenge record!

"Dong Fanghua…" Teacher Hu Guanxiong was anxious on the side. This Fang Yuan was too monstrous. Without noticing it himself, Hu Guanxiong, who had initially been full of confidence, was now actually worried for the vice-captain of Emperor Capital University!

"Greninja, Quick Attack, then Secretly Attacking the Key Point!" Dong Fanghua, undisturbed by the discussions, issued another command.

He quickly concluded that the best way to deal with the Solar Spirit was close combat.


Greninja kicked up dust from under its feet, vanishing instantly like a ninja, agile in its movements.

A deep blue shadow flickered continuously on the field, closing in on the Solar Spirit.

Facing Greninja's high-speed movement, a dark purple energy massed in front of the Solar Spirit. A Shadow Ball shot out swiftly after predicting Greninja's trajectory.


Greninja extended its palm, a flash of white light formed a slashing blade that swooped towards the suddenly approaching Shadow Ball. Amid the burst of energy and swirling smoke, Greninja emerged from the smoke unscathed the next moment.

"It actually destroyed the Shadow Ball directly…" Teacher Tang Sheng of Demon Capital University exclaimed in surprise.

"Could it be that…"

Suddenly, his expression froze, as a possibility came to mind, and he started to worry for Fang Yuan.

If Greninja possessed that ability… Fang Yuan's chances of winning were close to zero!


The Greninja's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it was by the Solar Spirit's side!

The Solar Spirit's attacks seemed to be ineffective against the Greninja; realizing this, the freshmen from Magic City University collectively held their breath for Fang Yuan!

However, Fang Yuan was smiling, issuing the command ahead of time.

Shadow Ball!

The close-range Shadow Ball made the Greninja show a look of disdain; it swung down with its Iaidō slash, but the next second, a strange scene occurred. A blue mental fluctuation arose promptly, and in an instant, three waves of energy intertwined and exploded simultaneously, sweeping together to create a terrifying wave motion, blowing crazily outwards.


The Greninja suffered a huge impact force and was directly blasted several meters away, holding its chest as it looked towards the two figures on the opposite side.

"Changing Attribute… It must have taken a lot of effort to tame this Greninja," Fang Yuan said to Dong Fanghua, causing Dong Fanghua to pause slightly; had Fang Yuan actually identified the Greninja's ability at a glance?

The Greninja, capable of freely changing some attributes, was undoubtedly an enemy's nightmare, but Fang Yuan didn't care. He was very clear on the weakness of this trait; when Freely Changeable was triggered, the Greninja would only have one attribute at a time, and to ignore the energy of the Shadow Ball, it would lose the power of Water and Dark!

"You're pretty good."

Seeing the two Solar Spirits on the field, Dong Fanghua's expression solidified as he recalled the events that transpired in an instant... the sudden appearance of the second Solar Spirit and the booming explosion of Psyshock.

Substitute Technique!

Bifurcated attention!

"It seems we sought perfection too much," Dong Fanghua said.

The Dark Type could also resist the Ghost Type, but in pursuit of perfection, Dong Fanghua and the Greninja chose to become the General Series to resist; they did not expect Fang Yuan to pinpoint the weakness at a glance and quickly find a countermeasure.

Ripples stirred in Dong Fanghua's heart; this new student from Demon Capital University was too terrifying. The weakness of Freely Changeable wasn't recorded in any textbooks or reference materials.

However, if Fang Yuan had no other trump cards up his sleeve, the victory of this battle would be his!

"Greninja, Secretly Attack the Key Point!"

Upon the command, the Greninja attacked once more, its palms emanating remarkable dark brown energy blades.

"Just play it safe."

The expression of Teacher Hu Guanxiong from Emperor Capital University eased; he found that Fang Yuan didn't seem like a student who had just become a Trainer for a little over a year. His experience was quite seasoned. Now he no longer expected Dong Fanghua to maintain suppression and win over Fang Yuan; just winning would suffice. For the Greninja, which held an attribute advantage, it was now time to widen that advantage!

"Good job, but the real danger is next!" Teacher Tang Sheng was also extremely tense.

"Indeed, the Freely Changeable trait is hard to deal with," Fang Yuan thought to himself.

"But, can you handle this move?"

Fang Yuan gave a command.

Next moment, the two Solar Spirits acted in unison once again.

The blazing Sunny Day hung high in the sky, and red light rocketed towards the field. Then, numerous Magic Mirrors appeared from all directions around the field, the dazzling bright light swallowing the field in an instant. For a brief moment, the Greninja, which was moving at high speed, lost its vision due to the intense light!

The combination of Sunny Day and Magic Mirror directly resulted in blinding effects; the Solar Spirit's Stand-in Combo Attack showcased its power for the first time!