Chapter 281: The Return of the King of Squares!_1

"Oh?" Zhao Yansong seemed to know Fang Yuan's identity, showing a look of surprise.

"Indeed, it is that researcher Fang Yuan." In the audience stands, Dong Fanghua also spoke up.

The Solar Spirit, currently still rare among Trainers, might be possessed by Professional Trainers, but for those Trainers who cannot enter the Secret Location, it is difficult to nurture a Solar Spirit as well as a Moon Spirit.

Having a Solar Spirit, Fang Yuan's identity was self-evident. Names don't matter, appearances don't matter, for a Trainer, having a unique Pokemon is his best identification.

On the field, Zhao Yansong saw the Solar Spirit but still didn't take it seriously, his fire-tornado beast's strength has been honed through countless battles!

"Are both sides ready for battle?"

The rules were still one on one, after several battles, the Imperial University's Referee, despite his good professional quality, was somewhat affected and spoke with a slightly quicker tone.

Fang Yuan and Zhao Yansong nodded.

The Referee immediately announced, "Begin!!"

As the command ended, Zhao Yansong showed a proud expression and issued an order, "Fire-tornado beast, Hellfire!!"

The fire-tornado beast's expression was ferocious as it let out an angry howl, the surrounding heat began to tremble, and its fur instantly ignited into flames. The explosive fire turned the field a glowing red.

"Not good!" Even standing far away, Xu Lan could feel the immense heat wave. As an Ice-type Trainer, she was extremely sensitive to temperature and understood what this flame represented!!

This fire-tornado beast's strength was probably close to the level of a Professional Trainer's main elf!

Hoo~~ Hoo~~ Hoo~~~

Above the field, centered around the fire-tornado beast, a huge wall of fire instantly rose up, even more shocking than a Fire Vortex.

"This is a Fire Type Spell!" In the crowd, Bai Qi clenched his fists. If his Magmar could produce such magnificent flames so quickly, he would not have lost so miserably.

Many freshmen watched the flames in admiration, worthy of the university team's elite, truly extraordinary.

They still had some way to go to reach this level.

Boom~~ Boom~~ Boom~~

Accompanying the whistling of the flames and the explosive sound of the heat wave, this gigantic attack earned the approval of several teachers who were Professional Trainers.

Faced with such a deadly move, the Solar Spirit seemed to be stunned, not moving an inch!

In an instant, the hellish flames engulfed the Solar Spirit, causing the pupils of the students from Magic City University to constrict.

"I say Ice Girl... your ice has always been able to ignore power counters and freeze flames. Take a look at these flames..." Lin Sen whispered to Xu Lan, anyway, his Venusaur would definitely kneel when facing such flames!

"The power gap is too wide." Xu Lan shook her head, wanting to freeze flames with frost required skill and training, but strength must also be considered.

"Wait a minute... Fang Yuan isn't going down just like that, is he?" Shi Yiming, though he disliked Fang Yuan, was the first to get anxious when Fang Yuan was about to lose, for if Fang Yuan were to lose, he could only lose to him!

"Don't rush... have you forgotten? That Solar Spirit left an 's' grade result in the Gravity Trial. How many in Magic City University's team have elves that can achieve 's' grade?" Shen Shiyu whispered.

The hellfire swallowing the Solar Spirit, the shocking scene of visual impact made the new students from Imperial University feel exhilarated.

But before long, the fire-tornado beast suddenly let out an angry roar.

A more intense and unfamiliar Flame, risen from the center of Hellfire, faced this dazzling fire, the flames of Hellfire scattered like countless tiny serpents fleeing in all directions.

At the center of the Flame was the noble figure of the Solar Spirit, with a wildfire swirling around it, which directly shattered Hellfire's embrace, emanating an even more astonishing heat.

"Impossible—" Zhao Yansong was utterly astonished.

This Flame was...

Proud as the sun, the Solar Spirit controlled the Fire containing Solar Energy, like a Fire Lord, making it hard to believe that it was a Psychic System Elf and not a Fire Type Spirit.

"Although I knew that Solar Spirit had mastered the Sunny Day Move and possessed Fire Awakening talents... I never expected that the Solar Spirit species could manipulate Fire so exquisitely!!" Tang Sheng also saw the true strength of Fang Yuan's Solar Spirit for the first time. His eyes reflected the flames, and he was shocked within his heart, was this Fang Yuan's true strength?

It suppressed the specialized attributes of a member of the Imperial University Team on a non-native attribute!

"Fire is not meant to be played with like that," Fang Yuan spoke softly. If Fire had levels, then the Fire containing Solar Energy, was like the Fire blessed under a Sunny Day, more powerful, or perhaps... even stronger than that. This was the exclusive ability of Fang Yuan's Solar Spirit, which other Solar Spirits would find difficult to replicate.

The dazzling Fire, having expelled Hellfire, the Solar Spirit unreservedly showcased its formidable strength, a powerful Mental Power immediately formed Psyshock, and the waves of psychic energy, like a giant wave roaring, slammed the Fire-tornado beast across the air with irresistible force!


The Fire-tornado beast rapidly flew backwards, a loud crash echoed as it was smashed against the walls surrounding the arena by the Solar Spirit!!


Following that, fine cracks appeared on the wall, the Fire-tornado beast was continuously pinned by Confusion against the wall under tremendous pressure, unable to move, the destructive power from the compression shock left even the Referee startled, and Hu Guanxiong, even more so, was petrified.

That hit just now... certainly reached the level of a Professional Trainer.

The materials of the Imperial University's battle arena could almost withstand professional-level fights. The appearance of cracks in the wall... indicated that the Solar Spirit's strength was at least at the professional level!

Facing such a powerful Strong Thought, it's no wonder the Fire-tornado beast couldn't react in time before being blasted away!

For a moment, the entire stadium fell silent, then it was followed by continuous uproar!

"You..." Zhao Yansong's hands trembled slightly, still not having recovered from his shock. What happened?

He lost? He actually lost?

"Fang Yuan... Fang Yuan he..." Lin Sen's tone was somewhat stammering. Although he knew the Solar Spirit was strong, the result of this battle was beyond his expectations!

Fang Yuan's expression remained calm, everything was within expectations. Those who could battle the Solar Spirit were probably only the few core members of the Imperial University Team.

Defeating an ordinary member should not be enough...

He looked towards the direction where Zhao Yansong had come from, where several Trainers with different expressions were still sitting.

Among them, one man with black-framed glasses watched Fang Yuan with a profound gaze, seemingly trying to see through him.

"I still want to continue," Fang Yuan looked towards the man with the black-framed glasses. This person... must hold a high position within the Imperial University Team, right?

Damn it!!

As Fang Yuan's words fell, Bai Qi didn't want to linger in the arena anymore, as if he had returned to the terror of being dominated by the Demon King Fang Yuan back in Wuzhou Number One High School.