Chapter 287 Special Focus News_1

Imperial City University, Activity Apartment.

As Tang Sheng explained his purpose, Fang Yuan roughly understood.

"Are you going?" Tang Sheng asked.

"Go, why not go."

Fang Yuan's smile grew wider.

The Sunny Day Move, being extremely difficult to train, indeed presented an opportunity for Fang Yuan and his peers.

Moreover, if it was at the junction of the Sun Stone and the Burning Rock veins, it might also benefit Eevee in strengthening its Solar Energy.

As a result, not only the Sunny Day Move but also the power of its Awaken Fire Technique, which could merge with Solar Energy, could reach a new level of strength.

It would be foolish to turn down benefits that came knocking at your door, or you'd risk being struck by lightning.

"By the way... when can I go there?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Wait," Tang Sheng pondered.

"The entry requirement for Sun and Moon Forest is very strict now, even with Magic City University applying on your behalf, approval won't come until several days later; for now, you just honestly participate in the exchange activities here, and I'll keep an eye out for you over there."

"Oh..." Fang Yuan nodded.

"Also, the other things I promised you will not be missing," Tang Sheng stood up, ready to leave.

The method for training the Sunny Day Move would be applied for Fang Yuan within the next two days. With this opportunity, Fang Yuan's Solar Spirit should be able to skillfully use the Sunny Day Move, and soon after, the Magic University Team should gain another strong weather core ace.

The several Master Level Trainers from Magic City University would certainly be happy to see a powerful new member join the Magic University Team.

"Ah, no rush, no rush," Fang Yuan quickly got up to see him off, his words betraying his true feelings.


After seeing off Teacher Tang,

Fang Yuan also started to keep an eye on Sun and Moon Forest through the Researcher's channels but did not get more comprehensive information than from Teacher Tang Sheng.

"Forget it."

Unable to obtain more detailed information, Fang Yuan did not dwell on it, but shifted his focus instead.

The exchange activities between Magic City University and Imperial City University lasted three days, and only one day had passed so far; the next two days were the main event.

However, after Fang Yuan stirred things up on the first day, the following two days of exchange activities became somewhat dull.

The subsequent battles were all among new students, and Fang Yuan no longer had the heart to make Eevee thrash the weaker opponents. He let Fierce Fire Monkey practice in most of the battles, which gave the students of Imperial City University a chance for revenge...

And so, Fang Yuan, Eevee, and the Trio Magnet Monsters, all of whom had put on quite a show, left the consequences to the Fierce Fire Monkey.

After three days of exchange battles, it was only Fierce Fire Monkey who ended up black and blue...


It is worth mentioning that during the exchange activity, the news of Fang Yuan defeating Dong Fanghua spread far and wide, though it was unclear whether it was Magic City University or the students from Imperial City University who had spread the word.

Dong Fanghua, as the vice-captain of the team at Imperial City University, was also a well-known rising star Trainer across national universities.

Such a figure was defeated by a freshman from Magic City University, and although it was only one-on-one, the stir it caused was not small.

During the last two days of the exchange activity, Fang Yuan had been waiting for the appearance of the captain of the Emperor Capital University team, but unfortunately, the person did not show up until the last day of the exchange, which left Fang Yuan feeling somewhat disappointed.

"You're not coming back to Magic City with me?"

When the exchange activity ended, Tang Sheng once again found Fang Yuan and asked in confusion.

"Isn't my entry qualification approval still pending? As soon as the news comes through, I'll rush back immediately!"

"The approval really is slow..." Tang Sheng shook his head. So far, more than twenty Professional Trainers had entered the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory, yet no one had been able to pass the trial of the Millennial Spirit.

Logically, the earlier one entered the secret location, the greater the chance to tame the offspring of the Secret Realm Master.

Some high-ranking members of the Magic City Trainer Association naturally hoped that trainers from their own faction would gain the friendship of the Millennial Spirit.

Therefore, this was also a major reason why the entry approval for ordinary professional trainers and researchers like Fang Yuan, who planned to have a share of the spoils, was so slow—after all, the less people who entered, the fewer their competitors would be.

But alas, the tests of the Secret Realm Master were too stringent, and under pressure from all parties, the Magic City Trainer Association had to gradually loosen the entry standards, giving other professional trainers, or younger trainers, some opportunities.

Fang Yuan scratched his head and explained to Tang Sheng with a smile that although the school exchange event had ended, he still had a double battle competition to attend with Liu Le.


Afterward, Fang Yuan moved into the hotel where Liu Le was staying.

"It's settled, completely settled."

Now, Liu Le was even more determined to cling to Fang Yuan's coattails—he truly hadn't realized just how strong Fang Yuan was, strong enough to take down even the Imperial City University's vice varsity team!

Liu Le paced around the room, muttering to himself.

With Fang Yuan leading the team, who could stop them in a double battle competition aimed at college students?

To curry favor with Fang Yuan, Liu Le even sold his Crabby and Pot-Pot.

At this moment, inside the hotel, Fang Yuan and Eevee were lying on Crabby's belly, comfortably enjoying the epic-level soft bed as they played games together.

Meanwhile, Pot-Pot was busily fermenting juice for Eevee...

"Eevee, slow down, wait for me," Fang Yuan, holding his phone, called out while frowning and operating his device.

Eevee had absolutely no sense of teamwork when it came to gaming and had no idea how to cooperate.

If this continued, they would definitely lose...

Before long,

when the character controlled by Fang Yuan caught up with the character controlled by Eevee, Fang Yuan's expression suddenly changed.

In just four seconds,

Eevee had already wiped out all the enemies in front of them.

"Bwoo." Eevee glanced at Fang Yuan, the typical case of more complaints despite being unskilled.

"I mean..."

After a moment of silence, Fang Yuan said, "This phone's specs aren't great, it's a bit laggy."

"I'll go clear some cache."

With those words, Fang Yuan ignored Eevee's puzzled look and immediately closed the game.

Just at that moment... Fang Yuan's phone suddenly rang with the sound of a water drop, the notification tone for special attention.


There weren't many accounts that Fang Yuan had set to special attention, all of which were friends who might send some important messages.

Sure enough, this was also a very important message.

The person sending the information this time was... a professional Breeder from Demon Capital University, Senior Sister Xia Xinyan.

"This is..."

The other party had sent Fang Yuan a document, and upon opening it, Fang Yuan's bad mood was instantly swept away.

Since Fang Yuan had begun collaborating with Xia Xinyan, he had been working with her with remuneration far above the industry standard, and although there were no major projects at the moment, their cooperation had been pleasant.

Xia Xinyan's main task was to help Fang Yuan collect nutritional formulas and... to decrypt the effective components of Tree Fruits in these nutritional formulas.

Fang Yuan's eyes flickered... with this formula chart, he should be able to make Energy Blocks related to Life Energy, right?