Chapter 294 This Human is Not Simple_1

Show... one's own talent?

For a moment, Fang Yuan did not understand the other's meaning.

He had no shred of talent!

Superpowers, no.

Aura, no.

This talent, what exactly is it referring to?

Training and cultivating ability?

Lord Naihe spoke calmly and unhurriedly, "For us Pokemon, only by becoming stronger can we survive. The reason some Pokemon follow Trainers is that Trainers can help them grow stronger more quickly and safely in a variety of ways. So, how can you prove that Gengar, by following you, will develop better than if it stayed by my side?"

"Show your level of training and cultivating."

As a Pokemon that had lived for a thousand years and enjoyed the resources of an entire secret location, with enough strength to push back Master Level Trainers, there was simply no need for Lord Naihe to hand Gengar over to a human Trainer for nurturing.

This was also the reason for their pickiness.

Lord Naihe understood that Gengar's next position, just like a "Proton," was said to be the link of friendship between the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory and the Magic City Trainer Association, but in reality, it wasn't much different from a hostage.

Therefore, he set a condition that only human Trainers who passed his tests could take away Gengar.

At the very least, Gengar should have a better future than if it stayed in the secret realm.

He would use these tests to help Gengar choose the most suitable Trainer for it!

Fang Yuan understood.

The first test was indeed assessing the Trainer's ability to train and cultivate!

"..." After realizing this, Fang Yuan fell silent.

Training and cultivating ability? He was just an ordinary student, not even a Professional Trainer, and the methods he knew for teaching moves were quite limited.

He had heard that some inheritors from the Spirit World who were experts in cultivating Ghost-type Pokemon had not passed the test; what made him think he could be accepted?

This was an old ghost that had lived for a thousand years, surely some small tricks... definitely wouldn't catch his eye.

Looking at Lord Naihe, Fang Yuan suddenly showed a regretful expression and said, "Lord Naihe, you might have misunderstood."


Hearing this, Lord Naihe and the Ninetail Beauty fixed their gaze on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan said, "I have never claimed to be a Trainer in the traditional sense. Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Fang Yuan, and by profession, I am an Elves Researcher."

An Elves Researcher?

Lord Naihe did not care whether it was about Trainers or Researchers but said, "So what?"

"Let me give you an example," Fang Yuan suggested, looking toward the Solar Spirit. "Use Shadow Ball."

As he finished speaking, the Solar Spirit nodded in understanding and, under the astonished eyes of Lord Naihe and the Ninetail Beauty, split into two, creating a Substitute. Then, Ghost Energy began to condense!


In the next moment, a Spiral Shadow Ball imbued with powerful tearing and devouring forces was thrown out by the Solar Spirit. It slammed into the opposing giant rock, instantly obliterating and shredding a huge piece of rock.

Smoke curled through the air while shattered rocks flew. Both Lord Naihe and the Ninetail Beauty were momentarily stunned upon witnessing the Spiral Shadow Ball unleashed by the Solar Spirit.

They knew how to use Shadow Ball, but such a special Shadow Ball technique was unheard of to them.

Especially for Lord Naihe, who recognized that the Shadow Ball used by the Solar Spirit had altered the inherent shape of the Shadow Ball Technique. It was not just a transformation in form but also in property. It had integrated General Series energy, which was the fundamental reason for the augmented power of the Spiral Shadow Ball!

Lord Naihe's eyes shifted; this Spiral Shadow Ball was indeed stunning and harmonized with the Ghost-type techniques they were familiar with…

However, this level was not enough!

Among the Professional Trainers who had arrived, several displayed more exceptional move techniques—Fang Yuan's skill was not sufficient to gain their acknowledgment of his talent.

Fang Yuan continued, "Lord Naihe, as you saw, the Solar Spirit simply used a Shadow Ball recently. Although there were some restrictions, hasn't the power of the Shadow Ball move significantly increased?"

Lord Naihe nodded slightly, "That's correct."

"For a Trainer, possessing such technical experience is key to helping Pokemon enhance their strength. But for a Pokemon, even if it masters numerous such techniques, what can it truly achieve? Ultimately, it's just an enhancement of battle capability on the level of technique, while the Pokemon remains the same."

"In terms of the essence of life, it doesn't change at all, nor can it possibly break through its own limits by relying on such techniques."

"My philosophy might differ slightly from that of a typical Trainer."

Lord Naihe's brow furrowed slightly; it always valued the training experiences and cultivation techniques summarized by human Trainers.

Because it, itself, had become invincible in the entire Secret location by studying move techniques.

Illusion Technique!

It could be said that it was precisely because of innate talent in Illusion Technique and after lengthy research that Lord Naihe gradually surpassed other Pokemon.

Seizing more resources, living longer than other Ghost-type Pokemon, and using Illusion Technique to awaken Secret Realm Sprites that had fallen into a frenzied state, all depended on this foundation.

However, Fang Yuan's words struck right into Lord Naihe's heart.

Because, even with powerful Illusion Technique, Lord Naihe felt its own limits. It was difficult for it to improve its strength further, as if encountering a bottleneck.

No matter how hard it tried, it could only enrich its capabilities but not leap to a higher level of strength.

"What do you mean?" Lord Naihe's gaze towards Fang Yuan changed slightly, suddenly realizing this human was not simple.

Though young, his thought process was quite different from those other human Trainers who came up to show off their powerful Moves Secret books. His question was getting to the heart of the matter!

Fang Yuan calmed his emotions, "Through confirmation by human archaeologists, traces of certain Pokemon exceed ten thousand—hundreds of thousands of years. These legendary Pokemon certainly didn't survive that long by relying on move techniques, but because their life level has elevated to a state ordinary Pokemon cannot reach."

"Lord Naihe, do you think ordinary Pokemon can achieve that step?" asked Fang Yuan.

Lord Naihe shook its head; not to mention ten thousand years, even living a few more centuries seemed uncertain.

"If I'm not mistaken, Lord Naihe, you're a Gengar, right?" Fang Yuan asked.

Lord Naihe gave a sly chuckle, as its image gradually shifted from an old woman dressed in purple clothes to the Gengar form Fang Yuan had guessed.

Moreover, it opened its mouth and inquired:

"Just as you said, I can't live as long as those Pokemon, what solution do you have then?"

Fang Yuan's expression remained unchanged, "The Gengar form may not do, but what if Gengar could continue to evolve after that?"

As he spoke, the Gengar transformed back into a humanoid form, its body shuddering, and it looked at Fang Yuan with utter disbelief!