Chapter 307: Police Academy Student, Lin Jing_1


After deciding on candidates, Fang Yuan relaxed a lot.

The matter with the teachers at Pingcheng No.1 Middle School and the club was easy to solve.

For the former, as a legendary graduate of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School, going back with gifts to visit and consult with the teachers, it was unlikely he would be refused.

For the latter, as long as he spent money, it wouldn't be a problem—after all, the club is a place for monetary transactions.

The difficulty lay with Uncle Lin, who was a detective; Fang Yuan truly felt embarrassed to ask someone so busy with work to be his sparring partner…

"The Quick Feet Trait, let's consider that later."

For the Fierce Fire Monkey, the Static characteristic, Guts, and Quick Feet were a set.

After all, the Fierce Fire Monkey was not an Electric Elf. It was simple enough to use electric attacks, but letting a strong current cover the body both inside and out was somewhat dangerous.

When encased in Lightning Armor, it could be paralyzing for a non-Electric type like the Fierce Fire Monkey, not to mention having to endure the damage and paralysis brought by the electricity.

Fang Yuan's idea was to see if he could find a way to reduce the damage from the current through the Charge characteristic.

As for the feeling of paralysis caused by the current, which would affect the speed of the Fierce Fire Monkey, the Quick Feet Trait, which could ignore the effects of paralysis and increase speed, was worth exploring. The same logic applied to the Guts characteristic, which increased attack power while paralyzed.

All these training plans, Fang Yuan postponed to after the New Year.

With the Spring Festival approaching, it was best to stay put for the time being, and, besides, the Fierce Fire Monkey needed some time to get skilled at mimicking moves.


January 27, 2018, New Year's Eve.

The whole family of Fang Yuan returned to their old home in Nanwu Town for the holidays, where the fireworks and firecrackers rendered the sky dazzlingly bright.

At the same time, these were the most trying days for the rangers guarding the wilderness. The sound of firecrackers in the countryside easily frightens and attracts Wild elves, causing chaos. That's why, at every festivity, the rangers are exceptionally busy.

Seven days later, in early February, Fang Yuan's family returned to Pingcheng.

In a café owned by Liu Le's family, Fang Yuan, Liu Le, and Lin Jing gathered once more.

Lin Jing had returned to Pingcheng just before the Spring Festival. This time, she only had less than half a month's vacation before she had to go back to the police academy, where the curriculum was much more intense than what Fang Yuan and the others were facing.

The current Lin Jing, with neat short hair and dressed in casual clothes, still could not hide her dashing demeanor, appearing much more reliable than the contemporary youths Fang Yuan and Liu Le, who slumped in their seats upon sitting down.

In just six months, Lin Jing had grown even fresher and more beautiful, having blossomed completely even without the aid of makeup…

Fang Yuan admitted that he had been exercising far less since college.

Perhaps the peak of his physical fitness was during his time as a New Trainer…

"Jing, how is the police academy?" Liu Le asked with a smile piling up on his face.

"The police academy… That's simply no place for normal people."

Lin Jing found it hard to put into words. The First Police School she attended was likely the best Trainer police academy in Hua Nation. After half a year, the remaining students were practically monsters; those who couldn't withstand the high intensity of the training had all been advised to leave.

The instructors didn't treat the Trainer students as normal students at all, but trained them mercilessly…

Moreover, the teaching methods at the police academy differed greatly from that of the usual universities for Trainers.

In the past six months, Lin Jing spent nearly 20% of her time in the wilderness.

Lin Jing felt that if their police academy Trainers were to participate in national competitions, there would be no issue for institutions such as Emperor Capital University and Demon Capital University.


The champion will definitely be contracted by the police academy.

As a new Trainer from Su province with decent strength, her achievements there could only be considered average.

"Are the Trainers from the First Police School really that strong?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

Such special schools never participate in national competitions like the National Championships, so Fang Yuan was curious about the level of the Trainers inside. Closed training from hell should be able to cultivate Trainers with very strong combat skills, right?

"Of course, they're strong." Lin Jing said with a smile, "Researcher Fang Yuan, I think you should have applied to the police academy too. Look at you and Liu Le, where is the manliness in you two? You Trainers should also be rigorously trained just like the Pokemon."

Liu Le: ???

Fang Yuan: ???

You saying that about Liu Le is one thing, but why bring me into this? What's wrong with me?

Fang Yuan was immediately at a loss for words; half a year apart, and Lin Jing had definitely become cocky.

Now, Lin Jing was very confident in her own strength. As a student of the police academy, during practical training, she and her Arcanine even collaborated with the local police to solve a case involving the capture of a wanted criminal.

After these experiences, Lin Jing's mentality underwent significant changes.

Whether it was long-term outdoor training or assisting the police in capturing criminals, it all resulted in her growth.

Even the Trainers from Demon Capital University and Emperor Capital University rarely experience these things, right?

"By the way, I've tamed two Pokemon in the past six months, a Mime Bird and Miss Skirt. What about you guys?" Lin Jing asked.

Taming the Mime Bird was mainly because as a police academy student, having a flying-type Pokemon would make some tasks easier in the future. As for Miss Skirt, Lin Jing had a little selfishness in mind.

The fragrance from the flower decoration on Miss Skirt's head has a relaxing, fatigue-relieving, and mentally soothing beauty effect. It is generally a favorite of high-society ladies. Lin Jing's skin did not deteriorate in the harsh training environment, thanks to Miss Skirt.

"Not bad at all," Fang Yuan said with a smile. Then, he went on to talk about the Pokemon he had tamed later.

Just by the number, Lin Jing was surprised for a long time.

"How about it, want to have a match later?" Fang Yuan asked. After hearing so much about the particularities of the police academy's Trainers, Fang Yuan was also quite curious about their strength. He certainly wouldn't dare to go directly to the police academy and challenge them at their doorstep... but right now, here was a Trainer from the police academy right in front of him.

From Lin Jing's growth, one should be able to infer the overall quality of the new police academy students and then speculate about the strength of the senior ones.

"Sure!" Lin Jing had long wanted to have her evolved Arcanine battle against Fang Yuan's Pokemon, and now, the opportunity had arrived.


On the side, Liu Le was torn, hesitating and struggling with mixed feelings. Seeing the conflict on Liu Le's face, Lin Jing furrowed her brows.

"Liu Le?"

Biting the bullet, Liu Le said, "I would advise against battling Fang Yuan anyway..."

Fang Yuan's eyes widened. Talkative much?

Lin Jing became even more curious and pressed for an answer.

"Battling Fang Yuan is just asking for trouble. Half a month ago, he single-handedly swept through the entire Emperor Capital University by himself, from the freshman starters to the athletic club president, up to the vice-captain of the school team, all defeated by him alone..." Liu Le couldn't bear to see Lin Jing repeat his own mistakes and said.

"Don't be misled by his Researcher's facade."


Upon hearing this, Lin Jing's brain froze.