Chapter 312: Nine Tails, Luo Kuo_1

The Illusion Technique is quite magical.

It's a form of psychic attack, an extended application of moves such as Weird Light, Illusionary Light, and hypnotism.

Essentially, the Illusion Technique disrupts the normal physiological functions of other life forms with mental power to deceive the five senses.

When Fang Yuan and Eevee saw Ninetails appear before them in the form of a human, they had already fallen into the illusion created by Ninetails.

Speaking of creating illusions, the most famous Pokemon should be Zororark.

They naturally possess the ability to create illusions without the need for learning, and as adults, they can even effortlessly induce illusions in hundreds of people.

Fang Yuan felt that illusory scenes could be divided into two levels, one that deceives living beings and another that deceives instruments.

However, illusions are still illusions, even those crafted by Zororark cannot cause any direct physical impact and are merely falsehoods; their illusions differ greatly from the Transformation Techniques of Ditto and Dream.

Still, the effortless ability of Ninetails to create illusions with a wave of the hand is extremely rare. If Eevee could learn it, even achieving sixty or seventy percent proficiency, it would definitely hold a considerable advantage in battles.

Besides, the Clear Technique mentioned by Ninetails also greatly intrigued Fang Yuan...


"I'll just live over there," Ninetails said, pointing to the super large Crabby plush toy outside the bedroom.

This soft plush toy had always been where Fang Yuan and Eevee lay to rest, and Ninetails' choice of it over the bed mildly surprised Fang Yuan.

To sleep on this?

"Bwoo!!" Before Fang Yuan could decide, Eevee immediately agreed.

That's fine, the other party showed sense in not choosing the bedroom, so for that alone, it could follow them and learn the Illusion Technique.

After Eevee spoke,

Ninetails looked at Eevee, then back at Fang Yuan, somewhat unable to grasp the situation.

If she hadn't judged wrongly, this Eevee should be the Solar Spirit from the secret territory, receiving nearly identical mental fluctuations from the illusion, and moreover, this Eevee's behavior was completely identical to that of the Solar Spirit.

But what confounded Ninetails was, why could Eevee switch between two forms.

Could it be an Illusion Technique?

That was absolutely impossible; Ninetails didn't believe she could be hypnotized by illusions.

The gaze of Ninetails made Fang Yuan and Eevee's skin crawl, but then Ninetails gave a light-hearted smile, and thought, never mind, it would soon be clear.


As Ninetails turned to look around, Fang Yuan scratched his head and asked,

"How should I address you, should I just call you Ninetails? Or is there another name?"

Although it was an illusion, facing the Ninetails that hardly differed from a human, Fang Yuan always felt it strange to directly call it by its species name.

Perhaps, it would be more convenient to address her with a name like the one Thousand-year Gengar has...


The Ninetail Beauty looked back at Fang Yuan.

"Hmm... let's choose a different name," Ninetails thought for a moment and said, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Facing Ninetails' nonchalance, Fang Yuan and Eevee exchanged glances.

For them to choose?

Not to brag, but Fang Yuan was quite skilled at naming.

Quickly, Fang Yuan and Eevee simultaneously thought of the same name.

But in the next moment, a statement from Ninetails made Fang Yuan and Eevee swallow their words.

"Apart from the name Su Daji," Ninetails showed displeasure, as this was the name that Millennial old Gengar always recommended to her in the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory. Initially, the Ninetail Beauty didn't understand its meaning, but after learning about human culture, she became angry.

How could she possibly be that kind of disaster-causing, nation-fellings femme fatale fox spirit? That name absolutely could not be placed upon her.

"Is that not okay…" Fang Yuan sheepishly smiled inwardly.

Yeah, it really doesn't suit her.

So... what other names from ancient and modern times, from all over the world, would fit a nine-tailed fox?

Tamamo-no-Mae? No, not that one...

Kyulama? That's even stranger; Fang Yuan feared he'd be whipped to death with one strike of her tail.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan's eyes lit up and he said, "Luo, how about Luo Kuo?"

Luo Kuo was the name of a two-hundred-year-old Ninetales in the PM Animation City Region. It was also skilled in Illusion Technique, sharing many similarities with the Ninetail Beauty before him.

Moreover, the name Luo Kuo sounded more like a name from Hua Nation.

With the surname Luo and the given name Kuo, it matched her classical elegance perfectly.

"Luo... Kuo..."

As Fang Yuan finished speaking,

Ninetail Beauty repeated the name, savoring it, and then her expression became increasingly joyous.

It's quite appealing to the ear.

She had initially just casually asked for Fang Yuan's opinion, but to her surprise, Fang Yuan had indeed provided a name full of artistic conception.

This name was much more reliable than 'Su Daji,' which Old Geng Ghost had suggested.

"Alright, from today onwards, I shall be known as Luo Kuo," Luo Kuo said with a slight smile.


After tidying up the house, Fang Yuan still felt a bit dizzy.

Inexplicably, a nine-tailed fox that liked to transform into a human had moved into his dorm, and he figured it would take him a long time to get used to.

After all, Fang Yuan was a young man in the prime of life, and having a nine-tailed fox transform into a woman and flit about in front of him all day was a big problem.

However, for the Trio Magnet Monsters, Fierce Fire Monkey, and Glutton, the arrival of the nine-tailed fox did not seem to affect them much.

As for Eevee, it put up with it all for the sake of learning Illusion Technique.

"Miss Luo Kuo..." Fang Yuan called out to Ninetails Luo Kuo and then felt a bit strange, continuing, "Never mind, I'll just call you Luo Kuo directly. Luo Kuo, you might have to live here by yourself for the next week, as we need to go out for a trip. But I'll prepare all the books you need."

Having finished tidying up the house, Fang Yuan spoke to Ninetails Luo Kuo.

With school yet to start and the travel pass obtained, they had to leave the country for the island where Champion Mountain was located as soon as possible.

"Going out?" Luo Kuo, who was lying on a Crabby plushie bed reading, showed a hesitant expression, "Can I come with you?"

"It's probably not possible... You don't have an ID, so there's no way you could pass through security." Fang Yuan did not believe that her Illusion Technique could deceive the security checks for international travel.

Maybe with Dream's help, that could be more plausible.

"What should I do then?" Ninetail Beauty furrowed her brow slightly. Was she going to be left behind alone again?

At that moment, Eevee walked out of the bedroom to grab a drink and glanced at Fang Yuan.

It suspected Fang Yuan wanted to trick this centuries-old fox into a Poké Ball!

However, without any evidence, Eevee could only roll its eyes.


After explaining for a while, Luo Kuo understood that the place Fang Yuan was going to was not suitable for her, so she did not insist.

A week wasn't too hard to accept.


Meanwhile, in a dangerous place overseas,

Xie Qingyi, the Fairy King who had been keeping an eye on Fang Yuan's news, learned from the Trainer Association that Fang Yuan had secured a travel pass to go abroad.

Having finished her urgent tasks, she immediately sent a message to Fang Yuan.

"Are you going abroad?"