Chapter 317: Electromagnetic Storm, Self-detonating Magnetic Monster!_1

Special electromagnetic waves are about to emerge, and wild Pokémon are starting to riot!

Although it's been decades since the Dianyuan Mountain Secret Area fused with Earth, and the Pokémon here have long lost their intense aggression towards humans, at this moment, disturbed by the powerful electromagnetic waves, they are once again provoked.

Not to mention humans, even the wild Pokémon that once lived and hunted together as companions have all become rivals.

When the wild Pokémon were rushing towards the Core Area of Silver Stone Zone, Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster also stirred.

"Go for it."

In front of Fang Yuan, the Trio Magnet Monster nodded firmly and then flew toward that area.

On the other side, one of the Seoul Trainers' Pokémon was also a Trio Magnet Monster.

As this Trio Magnet Monster flew off, its Trainer shouted, "Absorb as much of the electromagnetic waves as possible, don't give other Pokémon a chance!"

The appearance of special electromagnetic waves might last only a few minutes, which is very brief. Although very intense, it's absolutely impossible for dozens of Pokémon to evolve at the same time.

Only the strongest among them can attract most of the electromagnetic waves to themselves for absorption and digestion.

Therefore, every evolution is also a competition.

The wild Pokémon in this region are obviously "seasoned drivers"; the scene of them rushing together was like a car crash site, with "bang bang bang" tackle sounds and "crackle and pop" of electric arcs, making the nearby Trainers curious to look over.

"There are two Trainers this time, it's unknown whether these wild Pokémon can overcome theirs. If they can, I won't hesitate to capture them," a Japanese man said in Japanese to his companion nearby.

Clearly, the Trainers who were there to watch took the Pokémon of those who had come here to evolve as tools to test the strength of the wild Pokémon.

Others were also discussing fervently, all with the same mindset.

"Here it comes—" Suddenly, one of them spoke up. At this moment, in the core of the Silver Stone Area, a strong electromagnetic wave burst from underground, the ground in the vicinity was all covered by Electromagnetic Power, and even the air turned yellow.

"Magnemite!" Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster that had flown in also noticed the anomaly.

Why has it turned yellow?

This change looked like a move, Electric Terrain, but definitely, it wasn't any Electric Terrain, rather a special magnetic field unlike any on Earth was slowly forming, and its intensity was getting higher and higher!!

At this time, the Magnetic Noses and Trio Magnet Monsters were attacking each other. The electromagnetic waves in the same region couldn't be absorbed by two Pokémon at the same time, otherwise, it would cause electromagnetic chaos. Thus, they had to drive away their competitors.

During this process, the Magnetic Noses and Trio Magnet Monsters with magnetic abilities seemed to get an amplification in strength, especially evident in the struggle.


The internal battle also affected the outside, and countless rocks flew out from the core area of the Silver Stone Zone.

Just as the group of wild Pokémon was fiercely battling, the tall Seoul Trainer's Trio Magnet Monster finally made its move. It managed to knock away one wild Pokémon after another with just its magnetic force as it moved, pushing them out and then directly creating a circular area around itself.

Propelled by magnetic force, no Pokémon could get near it.

"That Trio Magnet Monster has strong magnetic force, forcibly competing could be dangerous," Sun Qianshang said, glancing at Fang Yuan next to her.

The meaning was clear. If your Pokémon couldn't compete with that Trio Magnet Monster, you'd have to wait for the next opportunity.

"Don't worry, it's a minor issue," Fang Yuan wiped his nose, his eyes filled with anticipation. It was just a matter of controlling electromagnetic power, that Trio Magnet Monster was obviously far inferior to his own.

When his Trio Magnet Monster, which had absorbed so much Space Magnetic Field and digested so many corresponding Energy Blocks, truly erupted, that would be the time to plunge the other competitors into despair.

"Hahaha." Seeing his Trio Magnet Monster triumphing so easily over those untrained wild Pokémon, the tall Seoul Trainer laughed with delight.

"What about that Hua Nation guy's Pokémon? I did tell my Trio Magnet Monster to 'take special care' of them," he said dissatisfied.


"Seems like it's not our turn," someone said.

"This batch of wild Pokémon isn't strong enough."

"Indeed, the strong ones have probably been captured already. It's very difficult to encounter one with potential," the surrounding Trainers from different countries watching the qualifications of wild Pokémon shook their heads with regret.

"Speaking of which, that Korean Trainer's Trio Magnet Monster is not bad, its control over electromagnetic power is very good."

With no hope of capturing wild Pokémon, the Trainers began to gossip about the abilities of that Seoul Trainer.


"Eh, where's the other Trainer's Pokémon?" These people then began to pay attention to Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster.

As for Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster, it wasn't in a hurry to absorb the special electromagnetic waves here, but took some time to explore the motion patterns of the gradually forming magnetic field.

Only by understanding this could it better absorb and control the power.

"That's the one, focus energy and push it out first," the Trainer from Seoul cheered inwardly as he saw Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster approaching.

His Trio Magnet Monster, which had seized the central position, was in perfect sync with him, temporarily ignoring the other wild Pokémon and locking on to Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster.

However, just as it was about to release magnetic force, planning to drive the other away, a "boom" suddenly erupted, and an unexpected change occurred!

After flying around in a circle, the movement pattern of the special magnetic field was completely mastered.


Under the stir of Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster's Electromagnetic Power, an Electromagnetic Storm that shocked the surrounding Trainers into awe thunderously formed!

When the Electromagnetic Storm formed, it only added to the chaos around it.

The Magnetic Noses were overwhelmed and were blown away tens of meters by the raging electromagnetic force in the blink of an eye.

The ground here also, after the storm began, whipped up countless iron sands, merging into the storm and turning the half-sky a yellowish-black color.

The uncontrollably raging Electromagnetic Power in the storm lashed out like Vine Whip, occasionally striking the wild Pokemon and quickly driving them away.

"This! This!!" The Seoul Trainer gaped at the Electromagnetic Storm created by Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster, finding it unbelievable.

He watched as the Trio Magnet Monster drew closer to his own, and the cheer in his heart came to an abrupt stop.


Amidst the turbulence of Electromagnetic Power surrounding the two Trio Magnet Monsters, the Seoul Trainer's monster, although excellent at controlling electromagnetic forces, stood no chance against the formidable storm and was directly blown away.

"Incredible, it's actually an Electromagnetic Storm," a Trainer atop a mountain exclaimed in surprise.

Having stayed here for three months, he had only witnessed an Electromagnetic Storm once before, created by a Pokemon belonging to a Japanese Professional Trainer skilled in the Electric Series.

The storm that the other party caused had a diameter of roughly five or six meters, but this one...

Although it started out around that size, he was astonished to find that the storm's volume was actually expanding!

The body of the Trio Magnet Monster, just like a black hole, kept enduring and absorbing the special electromagnetic waves here with no end in sight, seemingly without the need for digestion. Under this trend, the Electromagnetic Storm induced by the Trio Magnet Monsters grew increasingly intense.

This change made it so the surrounding Pokemon, which had wanted to receive the baptism of the special electromagnetic waves, couldn't contend with Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster.

Before they could absorb anything, the stirring, powerful Electromagnetic Force blasted them away.

"How did you do it?" From behind, Sun Qianshang also showed a surprised expression, looking at Fang Yuan.

Having lived here for so long, it was the first time she'd heard of a Pokemon absorbing special electromagnetic waves faster and faster.

Big Stomach King?

"It's quite simple, just starve it for ten days and a half a month..." Fang Yuan couldn't reveal the existence of energy-enhancing Energy Blocks that aided digestion, so he could only explain it this way.

Sun Qianshang rolled her eyes; she certainly didn't believe Fang Yuan's nonsense.

However, Sun Qianshang also became alert at the same time. She hadn't expected Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monster to cause such a huge commotion. Those foreign Trainers wouldn't harbor ill intentions towards this Trio Magnet Monster, would they?


The Electromagnetic Storm grew larger and larger, and within it, the Trio Magnet Monster, while undergoing the baptism of the special electromagnetic waves, used Electromagnetic Force to strengthen its body.


As the Electromagnetic Storm expanded, a layer of dark clouds also appeared in the sky, and the storm, soaring upwards, emitted sounds like continuous explosions, wreaking havoc once more.

As the powerful Electromagnetic Power gathered crazily, Fang Yuan, who was behind clenching his fists, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the storm raging with Electromagnetic Power, the Trio Magnet Monster at the center, having absorbed all the special electromagnetic waves, finally shone with the light of evolution, enveloping its entire body!

With the power of thirty-nine Energy Blocks aiding it, the Trio Magnet Monster underwent an extreme evolution. With a "swoosh," as the light of evolution dissipated into glimmers and the Electromagnetic Storm instantly dissolved, a silver-gray Elf with a UFO-like oval body, emanating Electromagnetic Power all over, appeared, its red pupils sternly surveying the Pokemon around it.


Utilizing a special magnetic field to reorganize the Trio Magnet Monster's molecular structure, it evolved into a Self-detonating Magnetic Monster. The Trio Magnet Monster, starting to release a strong magnetic force through three special components, instantly caused countless iron sands from the Silver Mountain Region to form a massive stream of iron sand in mid-air, stretching several meters long. The resulting loud noise, like the buzzing of bees amplified dozens of times, filled the air like dense dark clouds.


The powerful Electromagnetic Force flowed at a high speed within the iron sands, causing fierce vibrations. The suffocating pressure instantly scared away all the wild Pokemon, and dozens of wild Pokemon, no longer lingering, hurriedly left with expressions of fear.

At that moment, the foreign Trainers observing the scene were even more shocked.

To be able to control power immediately after evolving... This Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's control, or perhaps its spirit... might also be extremely strong.

Hum Hum Hum!

The iron sand vibrated.

The capability to control iron sand that Fang Yuan had casually mentioned to the Trio Magnet Monster finally came to fruition after it evolved into a Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, thanks to the special terrain and the sudden surge in Electromagnetic Power.

"So cool." Seeing the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's expressive power, Fang Yuan laughed heartily.

From then on, the once ground-bound, clumsy Magnemite would become the second absolute main force in his hand, capable of participating in battles at the Professional Trainer level.