Chapter 329: A Fairy Sword Pierces the Azure Abyss, Sword Immortal Fang Yuan_1


Yoko Suzuki looked at the Lake Island still far away and said, "It's getting dark, how about we go over there early tomorrow morning? Going now is too dangerous..."

As the sky grew darker, Yoko Suzuki's mood fluctuated with it.

She had only three Pokemon on her now, all of them injured, really feeling a lack of security...

Moreover, even though the Pidgeot, her mount Pokemon, had eaten a bunch of wild Orange Fruits, it still couldn't sustain prolonged flight...

In such a situation, crossing the lake overnight...

"Youzi's right," Fang Yuan said.

Seeing Fang Yuan agree with her, Yoko Suzuki's expression brightened.

"Miss Natalie, it's too dangerous to go over when it gets dark, you and Youzi should find a safe place to stay here first."

Fang Yuan said calmly, his gaze shifting from the Lake Island to them.

"Huh? What about you?" Natalie frowned, feeling like something was off.

"Me? I'm a man, and it's somewhat inappropriate for me to stay with you all at night... and the more critical the moment... the more I need to fulfill a man's duties. So, for a better trip tomorrow, I'm going to scout out the water route and the security of Lake Island for you all in a bit," Fang Yuan said, patting his chest.

"Ah..." Yoko Suzuki exclaimed in surprise. Was Fang Yuan really going to scout for dangers overnight?

Fang Yuan's words immediately moved Yoko Suzuki and made her worry about him.

"Heh heh!"

Natalie, dressed in camouflage, scoffed coldly to herself.

A man my ass, a little brat whose hair hasn't even fully grown yet, and what a devious mind he has.

Fang Yuan just wanted to leave them here while he went off to find Emuritto!

Natalie wasn't about to buy Fang Yuan's bullshit.

Letting Fang Yuan scout ahead... If Emuritto really was on Lake Island, by the time they got there tomorrow, Fang Yuan would probably already have had a cozy deal with Emuritto.

Absolutely not!

Natalie said to Yoko Suzuki:

"Don't worry, we didn't encounter any attacks from wild Pokemon on the way, and we definitely won't encounter any crossing the lake. If we hurry, we should be able to reach Lake Island before it gets completely dark, and we can rest there."

"But... but my Pidgeot..."

"I know, your Pidgeot isn't healed yet, I'll take you with me."

"Ah? Uh... okay, then." Yoko Suzuki said.

"..." Fang Yuan glanced at Natalie, sure enough, it's harder to fool an older woman.

He needed to find a way to get there first!


"How are you going to get across? My Gyarados can't carry three people," Natalie said to Fang Yuan at the lakeside.

Her three Pokemon, Raven Boss, Gyarados, and Rhydon, Gyarados was perfect for shuttling her across the lake.

With the size of Gyarados, actually carrying three people was no problem at all, but the speed would definitely decrease.

But that wasn't the main issue, the most important thing was Natalie didn't want to take Fang Yuan with them.

"Do you have any Flying-type Pokemon?"

"No," Fang Yuan shrugged.

"But you don't need to worry about me."

Fang Yuan clapped his hands, and the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster flew over, now holding a steel plate with armrests that it had somehow acquired...

Right now, this steel plate was being manipulated by the magnemite's magnetic force.

"This is my flying device," Fang Yuan said, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Visually, the device looked rather shabby...

A round steel plate with a vertical iron rod at the front and another horizontal iron rod on top of the vertical one.

As the round iron plate descended to the ground, Fang Yuan's expression remained calm, but his scalp tingled as he stepped onto it.

His hands firmly grasped the horizontal iron rod, stabilizing his figure.


The Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's red pupils flashed, and using its Psychokinesis, it helped Fang Yuan maintain his balance again. The next moment, under its control, the "flying device" under Fang Yuan's feet lifted off smoothly.

Fang Yuan chuckled inwardly, 'So what if I don't have Flying-type Pokémon or Water-type Sprits?'

"???" Natalie and Yoko Suzuki were dumbfounded. Where did this thing come from?

Could it be... made by the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster???

"I'm going ahead first," Fang Yuan called out and flew off by himself, leaving behind two bewildered women.

In flight, Fang Yuan felt carefree.

Of course, Fang Yuan could have chosen to stand directly on the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster or have it, the Nine Tails, the Sun Eevee use their Psychokinesis to move him instead.

After all, Psychokinesis can be used for flight as well.

But compared to those two methods, Fang Yuan still thought this was more comfortable.

The feeling of Psychokinesis acting on his body was too disgusting... Fang Yuan felt he might have a bit of Psychokinesis sickness.

Therefore, this homemade flying device was more comfortable, and besides, one day he would remove this handrail and turn the round base into a sword.

There's not much to say, compared to being a Trainer, Fang Yuan actually preferred to be a Sword Immortal.

'Swallowing the Immortal Sword into the Qingming...' how does the rest of it go again?

By Fang Yuan's side, the Sun Eevee and Nine Tails flying with Psychokinesis, as well as the floating Glutton, silently watched him, his hair whipping in the wind but his expression exhilarated.

True to Fang Duxiu's style.


Lake Island.

When Fang Yuan and his group arrived here, it was completely dark.

This time, Yoko Suzuki finally proved useful. She had a Picoxi that could use Flash.

Although the light source wasn't particularly bright, it was enough.

At the same time, to create warmth, Fang Yuan also released the Fierce Fire Monkey again.

With the flame from the Fierce Fire Monkey, not only did it become brighter around them, but also warmer.

With flames igniting its body, the Fierce Fire Monkey was tearfully grateful. The Glutton, Sun Eevee, and Luo Kuo were all better at playing with flames than it. Yet at such a moment, Fang Yuan could only think of it...The Fierce Fire Monkey wasn't sure whether to be happy or happy.

The night was dark, but they managed just fine with the power of the Pokémon.

However, Fang Yuan felt helpless. Although they searched with intent, they still hadn't found any trace of Emuritto.

This damned Emuritto, if it transported them near itself, then there's no reason for it not to be in this lake.

The next morning...

In the sky around Lake Island, a Trainer riding a Big Mouth Sparrow was flying toward them.

Not far from them on one side, there was another, even more pitiful female Trainer coming on a White Sea Lion.

As they approached, the Self-detonating Magnetic Explosion, Raven Boss, and Pidgeot that were scouting the situation on Lake Island spotted the newcomers and informed Fang Yuan and the others below.

"More people are coming," Natalie said in a tone that wasn't too pleasant.

In her opinion, Fang Yuan and Yoko Suzuki, who still seemed like kids, posed no threat, but other people might not be the same.

"What... what do we do?" Yoko Suzuki asked.

"What can we do... let's make contact and see, at least we have the advantage in numbers," Fang Yuan said with a headache. Could they also be Trainers transported by Emuritto who are now coming to Lake Island in search of it?

Emuritto, how many people did you actually transport here...