Chapter 341 Muhai Mountain Range, Tianming Mountain Training_1

At the end of the second semester of freshman year, all Elf Department students had to undergo a training experience in a dangerous location.

Fang Yuan completely saw this training experience in a dangerous location as a Trainer's version of an advanced "military training."

However, he had actually gone through a lot of this kind of wilderness practice already.

Earlier during the Rising Star Training Program, he roamed the South Service Town Back Mountain, and more recently, the hide-and-seek in Champion Mountain… He walked deep within Champion Mountain, where wild elf did not dare to approach him, which was a reflection of his strength.


Including the affiliated Combat Academy, Magic Pet Department had a total of more than a thousand students.

The main disciplines were the Combat Series, Research Series, Cultivation Series, and Medical Series; besides these, there were various niche majors.

Depending on the major, the location and content of the training would differ.

For trainers in the Combat Series, the training would of course be centered on battling, while for trainers in the Research Series, combat was not the main focus.

"The news is here!"

"This time… our Research Series will be going to the Muhai Mountain Range with some classes from the Combat Series… It's highly likely we'll be headed to Tianming Mountain."

At Magic City University, in a certain classroom building, the freshman class of Research Series Class 1 was holding a class meeting. When class president Liang Shi Ran came in, she announced news that would render the boys silent and the girls tearful.


The several dozen students below instantly exploded into discussion.

They had already known the locations for their dangerous training experiences from the beginning, and amongst them, Tianming Mountain was undoubtedly the most hair-raising place.

The students present could not understand why they, who were physically weak trainers of the Research Series, had to go for training to Tianming Mountain, the notorious ghost mountain that housed an entrance to the Spirit World Mystery.

"Muhai Mountain Range would still be okay… but Tianming Mountain, seriously?? I heard that upperclassmen who went there in previous years... ended up having nightmares to the point of wetting their beds."

"I think… it might not be too bad." There were also guys who started to calculate that since Tianming Mountain was so terrifying, it could be a great opportunity to confess to the timid girls while on this training experience??

"Quiet down, let me speak first."

Class president Liang Shi Ran had a headache; she also wasn't thrilled about the idea of training in such a grim location.

She said, "Everyone doesn't need to worry too much. It has been a location for university Trainer's training for several years now; there won't be any danger. Just bear with it, and once this training is over, summer break will be here."

"A reminder to everyone: you can capture Attribute Spirits during this training. Going to the famous ghost mountain, maybe you'll come across a desirable Ghost-type Pokemon, and moreover… Ghost-type Pokemon are rare, so we should be thankful that our department head managed to secure this opportunity at Tianming Mountain for us to observe. We need to know how to make use of it."

After the class president finished speaking, the crow remained unmoved, but after the initial uproar, they resigned themselves to the idea. Tianming Mountain it is, then…

And it was said that the Muhai Mountain Range, where Tianming Mountain was situated, had beautiful scenery. If there were a chance to visit other mountains, it would be worth the trip.

"Wait a second… Are we short a person?" Suddenly, Liang Shi Ran looked around the classroom, her brows furrowing, realizing there was one less Fang Yuan.

Ah, Fang Yuan…

Liang Shi Ran sighed; she had gotten used to it. He was someone with special privileges; even the class advisor had informed her not to worry about Fang Yuan. But still… would Fang Yuan be attending this dangerous training experience?


"Tianming Mountain?"

After the class meeting ended, class president Liang Shi Ran sought him out to ask Fang Yuan in person.

And Fang Yuan had still not decided. Although it was said that the wilderness training counted towards the final grade, he was no longer a student worried about graduating.

"Yes, I sent you a message, but you didn't reply. You didn't answer calls either, so I had to come and ask you myself." Liang Shi Ran said, puffing up with irritation: "This training is very important, it's included in the grades, and the teacher is still waiting for your signature. If you have other matters, you must go through the leave process, you can't just skip out like usual."

"No flaking, no flaking… Thanks for the trouble, I appreciate it." Fang Yuan scratched his head in apology.

My phone... seems to have been taken by Eevee for a triple task sweep, Fang Yuan fell silent, that damn Eevee.

I have to discipline it, its internet addiction has grown again recently.

Fang Yuan looked up and said, "I'm definitely participating in this field experience, and I will be there when the time comes."

"That's good." Liang Shi Ran nodded and then took out a form from her binder, saying, "Fill this out and hand it to me before tomorrow."

"Okay." Fang Yuan took the form and said.


Time flew by, and once the notice for the dangerous field experience was issued, classes from every department sprang into action.

This time around, Fang Yuan was fully intent on treating the field experience as a travel opportunity to relax and unwind.

"Eevee! Make sure to hire a substitute trainer first."

Fang Yuan, with a chuckle, pushed the door open and addressed the despondent Eevee on the bed.

Eevee, having learned Illusion Technique, originally thought it could deceive Fang Yuan, but who would have known that Fang Yuan too had gained superpowers, and Eevee's plan was foiled in an instant.

"Bwoo¥@#%¥#..." Eevee sounded listless.

Fang Yuan, still smiling, closed the door.

"Luo Kuo, are you sure you're not going?" After stepping out, Fang Yuan looked at Luo Kuo lying on the couch reading a book, and asked.

"Isn't there supposed to be no danger?" Luo Kuo said.

"Well... indeed, there isn't any danger," Fang Yuan said.

It wouldn't be too risky for a bunch of university Trainer students to go on a field experience.

Looking at previous years, it's likely that students' Pokemon might get injured, but the students themselves? They'd be fine, maybe suffer some falls, sprains, acclimatization issues, heatstrokes, poisoning...

The danger level of the Muhai Mountain Range is at best slightly more dangerous than the South Service Town Back Mountain in Pingcheng. Compared to a place like Champion Mountain, it is tens of thousands of miles short, so naturally, there's nothing to worry about.

Unless a secret location suddenly appears, but the chances of that are slim enough to warrant buying a lottery ticket.

Luo Kuo, now engrossed in ancient costume dramas and books, has simpler tastes compared to Eevee, who watches and plays anything. Luo Kuo isn't much interested in modern-themed shows.

Fang Yuan shook his head, letting her be, and began to prepare for the trip ahead of time.


On departure day, Class 1 of the Research Series gathered on campus. Everyone was in camouflage gear as required for the field experience, with a full set of essentials packed in a large bag on their backs. Before even reaching the destination, the heavy load elicited groans from some.

There was just too much stuff to bring...

Fifteen minutes later, the school bus departed on schedule.

By that time, Fang Yuan was already seated on it, his neighbor was a boy whose skin was unbelievably pale.

Fang Yuan remembered that his name seemed to be Zheng Xiaodong, one of the few in the class adept at combat.

Zheng Xiaodong was very sociable. As soon as he sat down, he started chatting with Fang Yuan, forcing him to put down his phone. The topics of conversation were interesting to Fang Yuan.

After approximately six hours of travel, Fang Yuan got wind of some rumors via Zheng Xiaodong.

This time, the field exercise might likely be undertaken in the form of small group teams.

It wasn't just a matter of students from the same major teaming up, but rather a mix of Combat Series and Research Series students.

"In a team, the core will be Research Series students who will be assigned research tasks, such as observing the feeding habits of a particular Pokemon, then the team will add some Combat Series students as bodyguards. After all, Research Series students are not good at combat. Teaming up with Combat Series students for the field experience ensures safety, but..." Zheng Xiaodong found it interesting, wondering which Combat Series student would end up being Fang Yuan's bodyguard.