Chapter 347: Mane Rock Werewolf vs. Self-detonating Magnetic Monster_3



Another intense noise erupted, as a terrifying column of golden lightning pierced down from the dark clouds, continuously expanding its reach and engulfing both the Mane Rock Werewolf and the stone steps it had created, once more forcing them down to the ground.

In that moment, everyone was breathless.

The onlookers gaped in disbelief at the power of the Thunder Strike Skill, their eyes wide with amazement…

Even Master Zhuang Rui's expression changed somewhat.

Dammit, is this really just a freshman???

Not only had he mastered Weather Type Moves, but the strength of the Thunder was also on par with the ace moves of a Professional Trainer's Main Elves.

With both complementing each other, even his durable Mane Rock Werewolf was now covered in wounds.

Amidst the rubble, the Mane Rock Werewolf struggled to push away the stones, its pupils glowing red as it stared intently at the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster and let out a long howl.

Come down if you dare!

Now, Tang Sheng finally understood why Fang Yuan had chosen the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster; not only had its strength increased significantly, which was one reason, but also, there were no restrictive rules in this battle. The Self-detonating Magnetic Monster could fly as high as it wanted, easily exploiting its Flying advantage to drag out the minute.

The Self-detonating Magnetic Monster… had finally become the kind of Pokémon he once despised the most.

"This is bad," Zhuang Rui murmured to himself, almost one-third of the time had already passed, and the Mane Rock Werewolf hadn't even touched the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster... Why did he have to be so stubborn and choose a Melee type Pokémon that couldn't fly for this time play?

If Fang Yuan really managed to hold out for a minute, losing some face would be the least of his concerns—he could afford to lose, but… the control over the Spiritual World Entrance was exceedingly strict. Even for him, getting Fang Yuan in would be no easy task, the numerous procedures alone gave Zhuang Rui a headache just thinking about them.


What troubled Zhuang Rui the most, however, was that when he looked at Fang Yuan, he noticed the boy's expression was unexpectedly serious and earnest, as if he wasn't treating this battle as a mere game, but was actually determined to win.


"Mane Rock Werewolf, Sword Dance!" Zhuang Rui's mouth twitched.

"Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, Railgun!" Fang Yuan immediately commanded.

The electrical current surged violently, condensing to its limits, yet the resulting Railgun did not appear as a lump of electricity as the other Trainers might have imagined.

Instead, it instantly formed a vast electromagnetic field system.


In an instant, more than a dozen Magnet Bombs appeared, and the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster began to control them, gathering a gigantic magnetic field network in the air.

Golden electricity spread between the Magnet Bombs, seemingly forming a chessboard, with the Magnet Bombs as the pieces and the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster as the player, the electromagnetic force granting formidable combat abilities to the Magnet Bombs.

These Magnet Bombs had only one target: the Mane Rock Werewolf.

Launched by the electromagnetic field, several Magnet Bombs turned into beams that blasted onto the field, which instantly shocked the ground into ruins, creating massive plumes of smoke, with the Mane Rock Werewolf at the center of the attack.

As the smoke cleared, Fang Yuan was momentarily taken aback, because the Mane Rock Werewolf was now shielding its body with its arms, its body shimmering with light, surrounded by fragments of steel.

Return Fist!!

Using Return Fist to successfully shatter the Magnet Bombs, the Mane Rock Werewolf still sustained some damage, experiencing brief rigidity; the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's Railgun wasn't just physical damage. The electricity splintering from the steel felt like needle pricks, accumulating injury to the enemy.

"Don't stop!"

Zhuang Rui's mouth twitched again at Fang Yuan's words, then his eyelids jumped.




As the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster rose into the sky, it condensed a magnetic field network covering the entire arena. Its bombing offensive was now revealed, and that previous round of attack was merely testing the waters. The true offensive of the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster had not yet fully unfolded.

Above the sky, the vast magnetic field system shimmered with brilliance, and one Magnet Bomb after another poured down like rain, the light beams streaking across, causing extensive damage.

Not giving the Mane Rock Werewolf any chance to catch its breath!

Zhuang Rui and the Mane Rock Werewolf had no choice but to brace for defense, as Fang Yuan and the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's battle style was simply too fierce.

A Self-detonating Magnetic Monster with such terrifying electromagnetic force and energy foundation... How did a first-year college student manage to train it?


Tile Splitting!


Facing the bombardment of light beams from all directions, the Mane Rock Werewolf took a step forward, but now its eyes were bloodshot. Seeing the change in the Mane Rock Werewolf, everyone's heart tightened.

Fang Yuan was familiar with this state—it was the use of Rage Energy in Dragon-Type Moves, the Contrary Scale Technique!

In this state, a Pokémon's wildness and combat consciousness would be maximized, its pain perception would be minimized, and it would burst forth with immense fighting power.

But... it would also fall into a Confused state, a side effect of the Rage Energy.

However... the Mane Rock Werewolf in front of Fang Yuan showed no signs of a loss of reason, still clearly able to discern the Trainer's commands.

This scene moved Fang Yuan. Could the Fierce Fire Monkey achieve a similar state once it mastered Rage?


The Mane Rock Werewolf struck forcefully, shattering the Magnet Bombs. This was the first Pokémon Fang Yuan had encountered that could confront the Super Electromagnetic Gun head-on. Although it was accumulating injuries, the Mane Rock Werewolf didn't seem to care at all, even its expression didn't show the slightest change, as if this level of pain was insignificant to it.

Watching the bombing by the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, and the Mane Rock Werewolf's display of extreme wildness, the surrounding watching instructors and teachers swallowed hard.

"This is the first time I've seen such an amazing freshman. I used to think that the students from the police school had stronger combat abilities compared to those from comprehensive universities..."

"Forget about those rookies from the First Police School, you might not even be able to beat this freshman from Mo Da."

"Master Zhuang Rui won't lose, right...?"

"He shouldn't..."

At this moment, indeed, Zhuang Rui's Mane Rock Werewolf was at a disadvantage, but the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster was also not faring much better. This barrage-like offensive was causing its physical strength to plummet rapidly. Although it wasn't injured, the consumption was clear only to Fang Yuan and the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster itself.

Noticing this, Fang Yuan, who was unaware of the Mane Rock Werewolf's limit, narrowed his eyes. To win now, only Teleport or Swap Field for a surprise attack would do!

"Self-detonating Magnetic Monster—" Fang Yuan bellowed, and at the same time, Zhuang Rui also shouted out loudly on the other side, causing Fang Yuan to blink in surprise.

"Stop!" Zhuang Rui's scalp tingled as he said, "Alright, one minute has passed. You win this game. Not bad, not bad at all. You're the most promising student I've seen, with a bright future ahead."

Fang Yuan: ?

"It's over just like that??" Tang Sheng looked at Master Zhuang Rui, who had called a halt, feeling he hadn't seen enough. He was still hoping to see Zhuang Rui turn the tables.

The surrounding instructors kept silent, not fools themselves; they knew that if the battle continued, the outcome was uncertain. They watched Zhuang Rui grudgingly call a stop, holding back their laughter without exposing him.

Now it seemed that setting a one-minute time limit was a stroke of genius. Just half a minute more, and the outcome might have been different.

Zhuang Rui coughed dryly, looking at Fang Yuan as if he were a monster, feeling utterly incredulous, especially considering that Fang Yuan wore a Poké Ball that was even more special around his neck, which made Zhuang Rui start to doubt the educational standards in the country.

Whoever dares to say that the domestic educational standards are poor, he'll have the Mane Rock Werewolf give them a slap right away.
