Chapter 351 Ghost Fire Duel_1

"Eevee, Confusion, Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, Awakened power!"

Chandelure swept up a strange purple flame towards the Glutton, and Fang Yuan's group, who had just arrived through the Spirit World Gate, caught sight of this scene.


The purple flames collided with the torrent of blue Confusion, instantly causing a violent explosion.

But an inconceivable scene followed: the purple flames ignited the Confusion, allowing it to persist and continue its rampant assault.

The Glutton was inevitably touched by the purple flames, and in an instant, its body was engulfed.

Chandelure is a chandelier-shaped Pokemon with pupil-less yellow eyes, a small black plume on top of its head, adorned with towering, glimmering purple flames.

Below its head is a black lamp holder, with a pair of curled, black, lampstand-shaped arms, the ends of which also bear four clusters of burning flames.

It is said that Chandelure's flames are sinister, able to sear through bodies directly and burn the souls of living beings.

As soon as it met the Glutton, Chandelure felt the delicious soul intertwined with life energy within the Glutton and immediately felt an increase in appetite.

If it could transform the Glutton's life energy and soul into nourishment for its Ghost Fire, its strength would surely advance even further.


With just a touch of the Ghostss, the purple flames spread rapidly, and Ghostss was quickly devoured by Chandelure's flames.

As Chandelure's body swelled, the flames spread, further enveloping the Glutton.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan's expression grew serious.

Sun Eevee and Self-detonating Magnetic Monster launched another attack, trying to stop Chandelure, but at that moment, Night Spirit and Dream Demon suddenly made their move to intervene.

Moreover, many Ghost-type Pokemon began to appear around them, all seemingly regarding this Chandelure with reverence.

"Is that..." Old Wang, a Professional Trainer who had entered with Fang Yuan, caught sight of Lin Sen and the others behind them, his expression stunned, then grew even more solemn.

Besides the three Pokemon beside him, he quickly slapped his waist, and three more Pokemon emerged from their Poké Balls.

"Fang Yuan! I'll help you."

"You all go save Ghostss!" Teacher Wang glanced at Fang Yuan's serious face and immediately gave orders to his Pokemon.

Teacher Wang is a Trainer specialized in Dark Type, and among his six Pokemon, four are Dark Type. Marshtomp was quick to repel Night Spirit, and his Drapion blocked the attacking Dream Demon for the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster.

As for the other four Pokemon, including Big Wolf Hound, they worked together to clear the surrounding Ghosts and gradually moved towards Lin Sen and the others, intending to rescue them first!!

Fierce Fire Monkey looked around silently, noticed that it was being ignored, and then joined in the fight against the encroaching Ghost-type Pokemon.

Fang Yuan was now very worried about the Glutton. This Chandelure could withstand the combined attacks of Sun Eevee and Self-detonating Magnetic Monster and still manage to devour the Glutton, its strength must be terribly formidable.

If they didn't rescue the Glutton in time, it might truly be devoured by the foe's special Ghost Fire that burns both life and soul!

However, at this moment, Fang Yuan, who had never experienced such a situation, didn't know how to rescue the Glutton. Chandelure had now turned into a massive purple fire, covering both itself and the Glutton, completely obscuring their figures in the flames!!!


In this situation, Fang Yuan could only command Sun Eevee and Self-detonating Magnetic Monster to blow away the flames with Confusion, attempting to drive away Chandelure.

But at that brief moment, hardly spanning two breaths, before Fang Yuan and the others could make a move, the Glutton began to resist on its own!

Facing the devouring might of the Chandelure, it naturally wasn't going to sit idly by awaiting its doom.

Although it felt that the Chandelure's Ghost Fire was stronger than its own flames and that its strength was greater, the Glutton wasn't willing to admit defeat so easily.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~~

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~~

The massive purple Ghost Fire, fanned by the eerie winds of the Spirit World, emitted terrifying sounds.

The might of this Chandelure's purple Ghost Fire far exceeded that of Eevee's Fire Awakening infused with Solar Energy and among all the flames Fang Yuan had seen with his own eyes, he felt that only Luo Kuo's flames might surpass this sinister purple Ghost Fire.

As for flames other than those from Luo Kuo...

Within the purple Ghost Fire, a cluster of pitch-black flames began to burn slowly, emerging from within the purple hue. The color of the flames was even deeper, and although it was just a tiny flicker now, as frail as a candle flame amidst the massive waves of purple Ghost Fire, as if it would be extinguished at any moment, Fang Yuan's expression eased when he saw this flame.

The Glutton...

Mirror Attribute!

Black Ghost Fire!

Scorched by the purple flames, the Glutton's body and soul were both assailed, and in its agony, it activated its Mirror Attribute Moves, transforming into the attribute it felt was most suitable for itself up to this point!

Ghost + Fire.

At the same time, the Glutton's eyes widened as it released all of the life energy from the twelve Gold Energy Blocks stored within its body, igniting them in a burst as if venting!

The minuscule cluster of pitch-black flames, fueled by massive amounts of life energy, was able to burn incessantly, unable to be extinguished.

Even though the Chandelure's purple Ghost Fire was stronger, it was still powerless against the black Ghost Fire and could not snuff it out.

"Can it work..." Fang Yuan felt a pang of anxiety.

Cloaked in Ghostfire Armor, the Glutton finally cut off the Chandelure's flames, and then, it struck back.

In an instant, the black flames burst out fiercely, contending with the purple flames on the basis of their immortal nature.

Faced with the even more sinister, powerful, mysterious, and terrifying Ghost Fire, the Chandelure was abruptly startled.

In the blink of an eye, the black and purple Ghost Fires intertwined, and the Glutton, like an unyielding child, unleashed all of its strength, clamping down on the Chandelure.

The contest of Ghost Fires...

Seeing the purple Ghost Fire and black Ghost Fire completely intertwined, Fang Yuan activated Psychic Emotion Sync at this moment, attempting to assess the situation through an emotional level.

Within the swirl of amethyst and ebony flames, Eevee and the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster became even more indistinguishable from the battling Glutton and Chandelure.

The two Ghost-type and Fire-attributed Pokemon openly confronted each other with their prideful abilities.

The total life energy from the twelve Gold Energy Blocks was the maximum the Glutton could store, and the black Ghost Fire ignited and unleashed from this life energy could last a very long time.

In the end, would the Glutton's black Ghost Fire triumph over the Chandelure... or could the Chandelure overcome the black Ghost Fire and devour the Ghostss...