Chapter 356: Shadow Contract_1

"University is pretty good too, besides Xie Qingyi, that Yun Kai, he's also a university graduate... Right... Looking at you, it seems you're quite interested in the Alliance Conference?"

Upon mentioning the World Pokemon Alliance Conference, Fang Yuan's change in expression was caught by Jiang Li, who smiled and asked.

"There probably isn't a Trainer who isn't interested..." Fang Yuan said.

The national competition among universities in Hua Nation might not attract everyone's attention, only a portion of the Trainer community pays attention to it.

The King's competition may gain more interest, but with it being an annual event, unless there are special explosive news, people's level of engagement is often limited to the results.

But the World Pokemon Alliance Conference is different.

While it might be an exaggeration to say the whole nation is watching, the World Pokemon Alliance Conference, held every four years and facing Trainers from abroad to bring glory to the country, undoubtedly generates far more discussion and enthusiasm than the King's competition or the national contest.

Moreover, at that time, it's not just one country paying attention; the entire world's eyes are on it. You could say this is the highest temple of Pokemon battles.

Fang Yuan, too, aspired to it.

"It's good that you have the drive, you're still young, there's hope," Jiang Li encouraged.

Having said that, he sighed inwardly. The next World Pokemon Alliance Conference would probably be the last one he could participate in.

In the following one, he would be over the age limit and unable to compete.

Besides him, Yun Kai of the Dragon Type, Xu Haoran of the Fighting Type, and Su Shu of the Superpower Type would all exceed the age limit as well.

Only Xie Qingyi, the youngest, still had a chance to participate in the one after next.

But aside from Xie Qingyi, Jiang Li had little confidence in whether the new generation of the Four Heavenly Kings could shoulder the responsibility and fight for Hua Nation's prestige at the World Pokemon Alliance Conference.

Although he appeared easy-going on the surface, deep down Jiang Li was a proud person; he hoped that the national team would continue to go into battle under his leadership.

Jiang Li looked at Fang Yuan; in the next conference, Fang Yuan would be twenty years old, and if he had the chance to become a Professional Trainer, he might be able to participate in the selection.

By the age of twenty-four, if he could forge his path and become a young Master Level Trainer, he would indeed be qualified to compete in the World Pokemon Alliance Conference.

But by then, most members of the national team would likely be new faces, and Jiang Li would only be able to sit in front of the TV, cheering for the new generation.

"Getting old really fast," Jiang Li commented.

If only he could live for a few hundred years like Ghost-type Pokemon.

"What..." Fang Yuan was astonished.

After hearing Jiang Li's encouragement, Fang Yuan immediately fell into daydreaming about the next World Pokemon Alliance Conference... Could he make it in time?

Becoming a Professional Trainer by the junior year of college and possessing Master or near-Master level strength...

Extremely difficult.

His current self, let alone becoming a Professional Trainer, hadn't even captured a full team of six Pokemon.

But... it wasn't entirely hopeless... for example, introducing Mega Evolution ahead of time.

However, stepping back, even if he barely managed to get qualified and joined the national team, he would probably just be there to make up the numbers, essentially a substitute.

The real main forces would still be the five individuals—the Four Heavenly Kings and the Champion.

Fang Yuan sighed, saying, "Ah, this high-caliber competition is too unfriendly for someone who likes to daydream like me."

But what did he mean by "getting old really fast"?

"It's nothing," Jiang Li shook his head and said, "It's good to have faith."

"Maybe in a few years, it'll be you guys taking over our positions..."

"I remember your Mo Da has an experiential facility called the Haunted House, right??" Jiang Li suddenly said.

"Yes... there is such a facility." Fang Yuan had experienced it himself when he was in his senior year at Magic University's Haunted House.

Back then, his Eevee had successfully sneaked inside with the Little Magnetic Monster.

But after entering university, Fang Yuan rarely visited.

Places like that didn't provide very noticeable training effects for his Pokemon, nowhere near as useful as the Sun Room or the Gravity Training Ground.

"Hmm, here's a suggestion for you, you can go to your Ghost House's Teacher Zhou Youyou..."

"That one?" Fang Yuan was familiar with this teacher; she was in charge of the Ghost House.

"Yes, I'll talk to her in advance. You take your Gengar, and learn a particular skill from her. If you want to become a professional trainer, or even participate in the World Sprite Alliance Conference, this skill is a must-learn," Jiang Li smiled.

"What skill?"

Jiang Li said, "A small group of us Ghost Type Trainers have a special name for this skill; we call it the Shadow Contract."

"However, only the Gengar species can learn this skill. Gengar can hide in shadows to protect the trainer, but even hidden in the shadows of objects, becoming invisible, it's still easily found, with many limitations. This skill, however, is about removing those limitations and enhancing the cultivation of Gengar's ability to become shadowy. Once learned, the safety of the trainer can be greatly guaranteed."

"Shadow Contract, as the name implies... it's a contract that connects you and your Pokémon through the shadow," Jiang Li revealed a mysterious smile.

Seeing his smile, Fang Yuan got goosebumps, feeling that this must be a very tricky skill.

Damn it... Wouldn't this lead to being possessed by a ghost?!

Fang Yuan remembered that Gengar had the ability to enter human bodies and take control, which was quite eerie.

It was also shown in the animation...

Fang Yuan certainly did not want to be ousted from his own body by a gluttonous spirit; then he as a trainer would exist in name only.

Actually, that was secondary; if the glutton abused his body by indulging in gluttony, Fang Yuan felt... his own frame probably couldn't take it.

Wrong, it definitely couldn't take it.

"To learn or not to learn?"


Thinking carefully... Fang Yuan felt it shouldn't be so dramatic, better to learn it first and then see.


Soon, Mo Da's current adventure training was about to end.

The Spirit World was sealed again, and Tianming Mountain returned to normal.

For the students who came to Muhai Mountain Range for training... this experience was particularly thrilling.

Fang Yuan also found it exhilarating.

During the last two days, he benefited from the boons of the Spirit World again.

After absorbing the Spirit Realm's radio waves, Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's Gravity Technique improved slightly.

And after evolving, Glutton, with the experience of traversing the Spirit World, finally mastered the Swap Field move.

At Lake Island on Champion Mountain, with Emuritto's help, Self-detonating Magnetic Monster and Sun Eevee successively mastered space class moves.

Back then, since Glutton didn't accumulate enough experience, it couldn't learn the move immediately.

But now, more than two months later, mastering it today wasn't too late.

As for Eevee... there wasn't much to gain, but Fang Yuan didn't mind since he hadn't been serious about training, approaching the adventure like a tourist.

Getting so many unexpected rewards was a total surprise.

Even without any gains, Eevee itself wouldn't mind because it was already strong.

But after this training, the Fierce Fire Monkey became increasingly uncomfortable.

It also didn't get anything... and took several beatings!!

If combat experience counted as a gain, then it could be considered as one, the Fierce Fire Monkey could only comfort itself that way.

Before leaving, Fang Yuan looked at the Fierce Fire Monkey and said, "These past few days... you've gained a lot."

Fierce Fire Monkey: ?

Fang Yuan activated his superpower, Emotion Synchrony, and sensed that at this moment, the Fierce Fire Monkey's anger was pure, natural, and perfectly integrated into its body...

It seems... special flame, Rage, is within reach.